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the hive
Discussing the Chemistry of Mind-Altering Compounds
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The Hive is a discussion board with several moderated forums covering the whole area of the chemistry of mind-altering compounds - psychoactive substances like MDMA or ecstasy, but also mescaline, 2C-B, DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, psilocin, psilocybin, LSD, or methamphetamine.

Many of these substances are subjected to strong legal restrictions in most countries. It is in your own responsibility to check your local laws and to apply for the proper permissions.

Most if not all of the information discussed here can be found in public libraries, patent registers, or free internet sources. The Hive merely provides it as a compact collector's database.

You may find information as well as misinformation about hazardous, poisonous, or explosive chemicals and methods. All information is given only for those who have the theoretical background, the practical experience, the proper equipment, and a valid permission. Any accidents or legal problems are not the responsibility of this site.

Most forums are open to unregistered visitors. However, for posting you have to register a username by clicking the 'Register' link at the top of the pages. All you have to do is to fill in your nickname and a valid email address to which your password will be sent.

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Before posting a question you should use the Hive 'Search' engine or search the sites given at the bottom of each page and on the 'search page' - most questions have been asked before. Beginners in the field of chemistry are suggested to start posting in the Newbee Forum.

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