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03-11-01 09:28
No 177849
User Picture 
      FIRST READ for MEMBERS new and old!     

Two links you should put at the top of your Favourites list, and use EXTENSIVELY :
INFOMINE, INFOMINE Table of Contents for 'C' (Use all the other letters of the alfabet also EXTENSIVELY !) A WEALTH of scientific info.
Free Online searching of millions of articles in thousands of online journals.

These two links will give you the necessairy background to counter widespread bullshit, too many times spread in these forums also, regrettably so.

The following is a compilation of all the newbee stuff that's been stuck now for a while at the top of the newbee forum plus a couple additions by Mystic.

Welcome, Newbees!!! Here are a few tips, which will help your experience here at the Hive, as well as save a lot of us some grief and typing.  Most, if not all, of the information you are looking for IS here, but don't expect it to all be custom formatted and written all on one page , just for you. You're going to have to do some searching and reading. Comprende??  Alrighty then, here we go!

1.) Soooo, you're looking for that nice easy reference to whip up some mind spinning stuff, eh ??? Well, I hate to have to bee the one to tell ya, but it doesn't exist! And if it does, whom ever has it, ain't sharing it!

2.) If you are not prepared to dedicate a lot of time, money, and
patience, pick a different hobby ! Depending upon your back ground of knowledge/learning ability, it is generally going to take you 2 months to a year to reach your goal. And years to master it.

3.)SAFETY First!!!
No dream is worth your eye sight or your life!!
For any of you who may have missed that, I'll repeat that, No dream is worth your eye sight or your life !! No one here wants to read about you in the papers. You should always bee prepared for the unexpected.  Things can happen very quickly. Only a fool is not prepared with some basic safety items, such as water, a bucket of sand,
eye protection, a damp towel, and/or respirator and chem suit.  And, oh yea, don't siphon with your mouth!

4.) Search, Search, Search. There is a very useful, under used, tool, here at the Hive, it’s called the ”Search Engine”, sometimes referred to as the, “fucking Search Engine” Some good advise; USE IT ! By using the search engine you will afford yourself a lot less flaming, and save the rest of us from having to sift through all of the idiotic and redundant, posts.

Type in a word [f.e. MDMA], or more words [f.e. MDMA (dose or dosis)], and check: "All Forums", 50 posts on a page, and hit "Search".
To save your search result pages, use your browsers File/SaveAs function, give it an easy to remember name and change "WebPage,complete" to "WebPage,HTML only". This will save in a second, in contrast to the "complete" option, which can take forever sometimes.

5.) If you have little or no chem background, start with the basics. I, Mystic, recommend “Cat”. No, it’s not the same as meth, but all of the items needed are easy to acquire. Opinions vary, but if “Cat” is well made, I personally think it’s not too bad.

6.) Step by step. Again, learn to walk before you try to run. Making “Cat” will teach you the basics. Many of the processes are similar i.e, extracting, gassing etc. You will read that, R/P /I , NH3/Li, and so on,are ”easy.” There is a translation here, those who are saying this,...mean, that it’s easy for them. I, Mystic, believe now that “Cat”, R/P /I, Nh3/Li, are all easy. But if you would have asked me while I was learning , my answer I can assure you would have been much different.

7.) Where can I get some R/P ?? Don’t even ask, unless you are prepared to have your silly ass flamed to eternity !!  Refer to number 4.

8.) For some questions there is no “right” answer i.e., There are lots of ways to get from the country to the city, It does not matter which roads you take, as long as you get there. Your best bet (when there is an option), is to take the sure route, even though it may appear to bee longer. It’s o.k. to wind around the backroads, as long as you get where you are going. With experience, you will learn faster, and more efficient routes. In time, you may even discover some of your own “short cuts”,and (if you chose), share them with others.

9.) Keep an open mind. Remember, here at the Hive, there are bees from all around the world. Many things vary, such as products and laws. Just because “any”- Bee says that ,”Dr. X”- brand pills work well with such and such a method, doesn’t necessarily mean that it will work for you, because the ingredients may bee different in your country!

10.) I almost forgot. You know the easy method with the gun blueing, E, Ammonia ?............................ NO,NO,and NO!! Ahhhh, Newbee, did you read #1 ?? Yes, you say!! Bullshit!! If you had you wouldn't bee reading this. Now go back and start reading at #1. But this time, when you get to #3, try and remember #1 and #2 also!! Good, good!! I think you're starting to get it ! Come along, we have much more to cover!

O.K. So you’ve done your research, you’ve thoroughly searched with the search engine, and you still haven’t found the answer to your question. So you’re ready to post your first question, eh ? The following are some basic tips for posting.

1.) Don’t cross post. i.e, don’t post the same thing in more than one forum.

2.) Don’t post sources!! It’s o.k to say, “You can get such and such, at “wal-mart“ or “Safeway”, but don’t post shit like, “I get my R/P at Joe-ill- Eagles co. at 1234 Chemical Dr. U.S.A. , /www. ill- Eagle

3.) Forums; As you may have noticed all of the forums here at the Hive have names. Ahemm, ..There is a reason for this,(Duhh). Post in the correct forum, read the forum descriptions!

4.) DON’T TYPE IN ALL CAPS ! It will not get you any more noticed. In fact, it is generally considered irritating shouting, and will piss bees off.

5.) Stay on the topic. If there is a discussion going on, your off topic interjections are not wanted, and only serve to use up valuable resources.

6.) If you expect an answer, make your question specific. Give the details, Example post # 1; I was doing an extraction, using 200 /60mg, tablets added to 250 ml. denatured alcohol, filtered liquid into Pyrex dish, and was evaporating in gas oven. Why did my kitchen blow up? The answer to this is obvious. Why? Because I gave the details. Example # 2; I did an extraction with 2 bottles of tablets. How come my yield is so low?

7.) Bee Patient. Don’t post a question at 3:00 A.M and expect a whole bunch of answers. All reasonable questions will get answered.

8.) Again, Stay on the topic. If you want to B/S or have lots of time on your hands to waste try the Couch.

9.) Bee courteous. I personally apply the “Golden Rule”,policy. For those of you who may not know it “The Golden Rule”= Treat others the way you wish to bee treated by them. Soooo.. If you’re the kind of person who likes to insult others and post ignorant space wasting posts. I can’t speak for others, but as far as I’m concerned, go somewhere else, because you’re not wanted here !! There are too many others that legitimately desire to read or write information/ideas, who do not appreciate it beeing cluttered up with crap. Again there is a place for such things on the Couch!

10.) Bee cautious; The Hive is no different than anywhere else on the net. Not all of the “information/advise” is good. With a little time and reading it will become evident to you, which members know what they are talking about and which don’t.

I hope that these tips will help your experience here at the hive as well as improve and preserve it for “Hive Bees”.

Sniff, ……………sniff….Hey,..whats that funny burning smell ?? Oh, sorry, I forgot …………..I’m in the Newbee forum!

Just kidding!

Tips from other Hive members:

1.  The best tip I can offer Newbees- take time to do it RIGHT. Clean your reagents as well as you possibly can (if they are lab grade, they don't need it of course). If you don't you will definately regret it- a failed synthesis after HOURS of work is not something you want to experience.

2.   I would also suggest that people learn how to form a subject line - there's nothing more annoying than looking at all those stupid "A stupid question" subject lines. I mean, I'm damn lazy, but how hard is it to type "A stupid question about (insert something here)"?

3. READ, READ, READ. Did I mention READ?  SURE. This IS the Newbee forum. But that does NOT mean one has carte blanche to ask every single question that may come to their mind without at least exerting a minimal amount of personal effort beforehand (vis-a-vis reading and using our lovely *Lili-enhanced* search engine, as previously mentioned).

So really...if you'd please. It would mean ALOT to me (not that you care about that ).

4.    There are many more search engines out there than just the Hive’s.  If you don’t find it here, look everywhere else you can think of before posting your question.
One of the best LaBTop found up till now is :

Everything you ever wanted to know about Red Phosphorus & Iodine

Here's a little present for you newbees. A lotsa' information can bee gleened from the following. All YOU HAVE TO READ IT.

Monograph number: 5034
Title: Iodine
CAS Registry number:
Literature references: I; at. wt 126.9045; at. no. 53; valences 1 to 7 (usually monovalent); elemental state: I2. A halogen. Abundance in igneous rocks: 3x10-5% by wt; in seawater 5x10-8% by wt. Natural isotope: 127 (100%); isotopes range in mass number from 117 to 139; radioactive tracer elements: 124, 125, 128, 131, 132. Discovered in 1811 by Courtois. Classed among the rarer elements. Extracted from Chilean nitrate-bearing earth (caliche) and from seaweed. Prepn of ultra-pure iodine for research purposes according to the equation 2KI + CuSO4.5H2O -> CuI + K2SO4 + 1/2 I2 + 5H2O: Schmeisser in Handbook of Preparative Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 1, G. Brauer, Ed. (Academic Press, New York, 2nd ed., 1963) p 275. Reviews: MTP Int. Rev. Sci.: Inorg. Chem., Ser. One, Vol. 3, V. Gutmann, Ed. (Butterworths, London, 1972); Downs, Adams, "Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine and Astatine" in Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry vol. 2, J. C. Bailar, Jr. et al., Eds. (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1973) p 1107-1594; C. J. Mazac in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology vol. 13 (Wiley-Interscience, New York, 3rd ed., 1981) pp 649-677.
Properties: Bluish-black scales or plates; diatomic; metallic luster; characteristic odor; sharp, acrid taste; violet corrosive vapor. mp 113.60 deg. bp 185.24 deg. d (solid, 25 deg) 4.93. Vapor pressure (solid): 0.030 mm (0 deg); 0.305 mm (25 deg); 2.154 mm (50 deg); 26.78 mm (90 deg). Heat capacity at constant pressure (25 deg) 13.011 cal/mole/ degC: Shirley, Giauque, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 81, 4778 (1959). Total soly in water (25 deg) 0.0013 moles/l with negligible formation of HOI (6.4x10-6 moles/l); freely sol in aq solns of HI or iodides. Soly in organic solvents (g I2/100 g soln, 25 deg): benzene 14.09; CS2 16.47; ethanol 21.43; ethyl ether 25.20; cyclohexane 2.719; CCl4 (35 deg) 2.603: Hildebrand, Jenks, J. Am. Chem Soc. 42, 2180 (1920); Hildebrand et al., ibid. 72, 1017 (1950); sol in chloroform, glacial acetic acid, glycerol oils. Solutions of iodine in aq solns of inorganic iodides are brown or deep brown, depending on the concentration of the iodine. Solvents contg nitrogen atoms, such as pyridine, amines, or quinoline dissolve iodine to form brown solns. Chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, carbon disulfide, and especially phosphorus trichloride give violet solns. The violet color is also given by fluorinated amines. The soly in water is also increased by alkali bromides, but decreased by sulfates and nitrates. Less reactive than bromine; E deg (aq) 1/2 I2/I- 0.535 V dissociation energy (25 deg): 36.115 kcal. For reactions, complexes, and formation of monatomic iodine: see Chlorine. Iodine stains may be removed with sodium thiosulfate soln or ammoniated alc. Incompat: alkaloids, starch, tannins.
Melting point: 113.60
Boiling point: 185.24
Density: 4.93
Caution: Potential symptoms of overexposure are irritation of eyes and nose; lacrimation; headache; tight chest; skin burns, rash; cutaneous hypersensitivity. See NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (DHHS/NIOSH 90-117, 1990) p 128. Ingestion of large quantities causes abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea due to the highly corrosive action of iodine on the GI tract. See Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, R. E. Gosselin et al., Eds. (Williams Wilkins, Baltimore, 5th ed., 1984) Sect. III, pp 213-214.

Derivative: Tamed Iodine, see Iodophor

USE: Manuf iodine compds, germicides, antiseptics. To reduce friction of hard surfaces, including stainless steel and glass. Catalyst in the alkylation and condensation of aromatic amines; in sulfations and sulfonations. Artificial isotopes of iodine are used in biological, biochemical and chemical structure research. Important reagent in analytical chemistry.
THERAP CAT: Antihyperthyroid; Anti-infective (topical).
THERAP CAT (VET): Internally for goiter, hypothyroidism, in iodine deficiency. Topically as antiseptic, disinfectant, counterirritant and to promote absorption.*

Monograph number: 7503
Title: Phosphorus
CAS Registry number: [7723-14-0]
Literature references: P; at. wt 30.97376; at. no. 15; valences 3, 5. One naturally occurring isotope: 31P; artificial, radioactive isotopes: 28-30; 32-34. Abundance in earth's crust: about 0.12%. Does not occur free in nature; found in the form of phosphates in the minerals chlorapatite [3Ca2(PO4)2.CaCl2], fluorapatite [3Ca(PO4)2.CaF2], vivianite, wavellite and "phosphate rock" or phosphorite; occurs in small quantities in granite rocks; occurs in all fertile soil; an essential constituent of protoplasm, nervous tissue and bones. Discovered in 1669 by Brandt. Prepn: Ullmann, Enzyklopdie der Technischen Chemie 8, 362 (1931); DeWitt, Skolnik, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 68, 2305 (1946); Skolnik et al., ibid. 2310. Lab prepn and purification: Klement in Handbook of Preparative Inorganic Chemistry vol. 1, G. Brauer, Ed. (Academic Press, New York, 2nd ed., 1963) pp 518- 525. Reviews: J. R. Van Waser, Phosphorus and Its Compounds, 2 vols. (Interscience, New York, 1958, 1961) 2046 pp; Corbridge, "The Structural Chemistry of Phosphorus Compounds" in Topics in Phosphorus Chemistry, Vol. 3, E. J. Griffith, M. Grayson, Eds. (Interscience, New York, 1966) pp 57-394; Toy, "Phosphorus" in Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 2, J. C. Bailar, Jr. et al., Eds. (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1973) pp 389-545; J. R. Van Wazer in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology vol. 17 (Wiley-Interscience, New York, 3rd ed., 1982) pp 473-490.
Properties: Phosphorus exists in three main allotropic forms: white, black, and red. The same liquid is obtained on melting. Caution: Avoid contact with KClO3, KMnO4, peroxides and other oxidizing agents; explosions may result on contact or friction. Phosphorus atoms exist as symmetrical, tetrahedral P4 molecules in the liquid phase and in the vapor phase below 800 deg; molecules dissociate to P2 above 800 deg.
Caution: Ingestion of even small amounts of white phosphorus may produce severe G.I. irritation, bloody diarrhea, liver damage, skin eruptions, oliguria, circulatory collapse, coma, convulsions, death. The approx fatal dose is 50 to 100 mg. External contact may cause severe burns. Chronic poisoning (from ingestion or inhalation) is characterized by boney necrosis, especially of the mandible, spontaneous fractures, anemia, weight loss. Red phosphorus is relatively nontoxic unless it contains the white form as an impurity: Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, M. N. Gleason et al., Eds. (Williams Wilkins, Baltimore, 1969) Section III, pp 192-195.

Derivative: White phosphorus
Properties: Colorless or white, transparent, cryst solid; waxy appearance; darkens on exposure to light. Sometimes called yellow phosphorus; color due to impurities. Two allotropic modifications: .alpha.-form exists at room temp; cubic crystals containing P4 molecules; d 1.83. .beta.-Form prepd by conversion of .alpha.-form at -79.6 deg; hexagonal crystals; d 1.88. mp 44.1 deg (vapor press. 0.181 mm); bp 280 deg. Volatile; sublimes in vacuo at ordinary temp when exposed to light. When exposed to air in the dark, emits a greenish light and gives off white fumes. Solubilities in water: one part/300,000 parts water; in abs alc: one g/400 ml; in abs ether: one g/102 ml; in CHCl3: one g/40 ml; in benzene: one g/35 ml; in CS2: one g/0.8 ml. Soly in oils: one gram phosphorus dissolves in 80 ml olive oil, 60 ml oil of turpentine, =100 ml almond oil. Ignites at about 30 deg in moist air; the ignition temp is higher when the air is dry.  Caution: handle with forceps. Keep under water. The fumes and the element itself are poisonous. Combines directly with the halogens to form tri- or pentahalides; combines with sulfur to form sulfides. Reacts with several metals to form phosphides. Yields orthophosphoric acid when treated with nitric acid. Reacts with alkali hydroxides with formation of phosphine and sodium hypophosphite. Incompat. Sulfur, iodine, oil of turpentine, potassium chlorate.
Melting point: 44.1
Boiling point: 280
Density: 1.83; 1.88

Derivative: Black Phosphorus
Properties: Polymorphic. Orthorhombic crystalline form: stable in air; resembles graphite in texture; produced from the white modification under high pressures: Bridgman, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 36, 1344 (1914); Jacobs, J. Chem. Phys. 5, 945 (1937); Krebs, Inorg. Syn. 7, 60 (1963). d 2.691. Does not catch fire spontaneously. Insol in organic solvents. Amorphous form prepd at lower pressures: Jacobs, loc. cit. At higher pressure the orthorhombic form undergoes reversible transition to a rhombohedral structure, d 3.56, and a cubic structure, d 3.83: Jamieson, Science 139, 1291 (1963).
Density: 2.691; 3.56; 3.83

Derivative: Red phosphorus
Properties: Red to violet powder. The properties of red phosphorus are intermediate between those of the white and black forms. Sublimes at 416 deg, triple point 589.5 deg under 43.1 atm. d 2.34. Insol in organic solvents. Sol in phosphorus tribromide. Less active than the white form; reacts only at high temp. Yields the white modification when distilled at 290 deg. Catches fire when heated in air to about 260 deg and burns with formation of the pentoxide. Burns when heated in an atmosphere of chlorine.
Density: 2.34

USE: White phosphorus: manuf rat poisons; for smoke screens, gas analysis. Red phosphorus: pyrotechnics; manuf safety matches; in organic synthesis; manuf phosphoric acid, phosphine, phosphoric anhydride, phosphorus pentachloride, phosphorus trichloride; manuf fertilizers, pesticides, incendiary shells, smoke bombs, tracer bullets.*

*SOURCE: Merck Index, Edition 12.1

Newbee Links;  After you’ve read everything above, start reading everything in these links, and stop asking dumb questions about  RedPhosphorous (R/P) and Iodium (I2). smile

Useful Chemistry Links for Newbees


Bonding in Organic Compounds
-Electronic Structure
-Bonding in Methane
-Bonding in Ethene
-Bonding in Benzene - the Kekulé Structure
-Bonding in Benzene - A Modern Orbital View
-Bonding in Carbonyl Compounds

Organic chemistry conventions
-How to Draw Organic Molecules
-An Introduction to Naming Organic Molecules
-More Organic Names
-Naming Aromatic Compounds
-Use of Curly Arrows

Isomerism in organic compounds
-Structural Isomerism
-Geometric Isomerism
-Optical Isomerism

Organic Acids & Bases
-Organic Acids
-Organic Bases

Here’s a couple sites that aren’t as comprehensive but still contain some valuable knowledge.
Online courses and tutorials
General Chemistry
Another Newbee Guide

LT/ :If you really want to Cook, or experiment scientifically and follow good advise, study thoroughly the following links, it was quite a lot of work and time to complete them, so take your time reading them and follow as many links inside of them as you can, you will find a wealth of information for newbees, difficult to find elsewhere. LT/

Post 26263 (LaBTop: "DETAILED METHODS for NON-CHEMISTS Edit: IT'sDONE!", Newbee Forum)
These are some of the methods posted here in the near past, there are numerous more to find in both this and the old boards archives, which are compiled together now in one big database.

Post 174276 (LaBTop: "DETAILED METHODS for NON-CHEMISTS The Sequel !", Newbee Forum)
The newest thread on new and old incoming recent methods published on this board, to ease the searching for those new to this medium. It is constantly worked on, so that's why this one is still sticky on top of the forum.
For most older and not so recent methods go to :

Post 27296 (LaBTop: "CHEMICAL ENGINEERING LINKS updates:22/07", Newbee Forum)
Topic : CHEMICAL ENGINEERING LINKS updates:22/07/2000 (LaBTop)
For those who are really determinded and don't have boundaries.

Post 26266 (LaBTop: "CHEMISTRY  "LINKS"  COMPILATION update 07aug.", Newbee Forum)
Topic : CHEMISTRY "LINKS" COMPILATION update 07aug2000. (LaBTop)
De facto, combined with the above, all answers on most questions in the chemistry forums.

Post 36590 (LaBTop: "Patent and chemistry research", Newbee Forum)
Topic : PATENT and CHEMISTRY research. (LaBTop)
For hardcore cooking chemists, who like to sample lots of info and references to avoid spilling precious precursors and chemicals on wrong methods. Look also in the top link under "P" !

Post 26322 (LaBTop: "NEW IDEAS, from ALL !", Newbee Forum)
Topic : NEW IDEAS, from ALL ! (LaBTop)
Give us your ideas to improve our service to you, we don't
need to do all the work for YOU, ain't it so?

Post 123481 (LaBTop: "Free computer programs, free firewall:", Newbee Forum)
Topic : FREE computer programs, FREE firewall (LaBTop)
Full of handy computer related stuff, especially your safety
and security when browsing the Net online.
See also Post 172953 (LaBTop: "Re: Fastest Hive acces !", General Discourse)

Post 70052 (SQUIDIPPY: "A Few More Tips For Newbees !!", Newbee Forum)
A Few More Tips For Newbees !! (SQUIDIPPY)

Post 75211 (Stonium: "Your Iodine/Phosphorus Everything", Stimulants)
Topic : Your Iodine/Phosphorus Everything (Stonium)

Post 53596 (Stonium: "Useful Chemistry Links for Newbees", Newbee Forum)
Useful Chemistry Links for Newbees (Stonium)

Post 69931 (Stonium: "All Newbees PLEASE Read BEFORE Posting", Newbee Forum)
All Newbees PLEASE Read Before Posting (Stonium)

I, Mystic, have also taken the liberty to include a few other useful links that have helped me a lot.

Rhodium’s Website
Contains a WEALTH of information on every synthesis you could possibly think of.
Worlock’s Website
Absolutely the greatest newbie tutorial out there.  Very well written and covers every single nook and cranny of the RP/I reaction. 
Methhead’s Writeup
Similar to worlock’s writeup but includes a very detailed description of the Push/Pull system.  Very nice.
Placebo’s Go to Whoah!
Post 24686 (placebo: "Go to Whoah!", Stimulants)
Another excellent writeup on the RP/I reaction which takes advantage of steam distillation to purify the end product.
Ozbee & ChemMan’s Extractomania; Edited by Placebo
Post 11405 (placebo: "Extractomania", Newbee Forum)
A simplified version of the Cure.  The best way to extract pseudo/ephedrine from OTC cough pills.
Placebo’s Turp Cure
Post 69742 (placebo: "Povidone Pill Cure", Stimulants)
Revolutionary new method of removing Povidone from OTC cough pills.
Mister_Clean’s Complete Birch
Post 57067 (Mister_Clean: "The COMPLETE birch", Stimulants)
Exactly what it says… Absolutely EVERYTHING about the birch reaction.
Mister_Clean’s Writeup on Acid’s and Bases
Post 53123 (Mister_Clean: "Time to learn about acids and bases", Stimulants)
Little writeup explaining acid’s and bases in layman’s terms.
Mister_Clean’s Writeup on Moles
Post 57798 (Mister_Clean: "Time to learn about moles.", Stimulants)
Explains how to calculate moles in a simple manner.
Zen’s Writeup
Post 59475 (Zen: "electro gen 3.0", Stimulants)
Brilliant writeup on electrocatalytic reduction which uses ultrasonic transducers to purify product.  Sounds scary but it’s really pretty easy to understand.
Zen’s Nanoscale Writeup
Post 61958 (Zen: "Magic 8 Ball (electro gen 3.1)", Stimulants)
Cool, portable hydrogenation chamber able to produce an 8-ball at a time! smile
Xplosivekemistry’s Methcathinone Writeup
Very well written Methcathinone synthesis.
PsychoKitty’s HCL writeup
Very safe and cheap method of producing anhydrous HCL gas.
Search engine filled with everything you’d ever want to know about any chemical.
the Zonez
A message board similar to the Hive yet a little less comprehensive.
And probably not so secured. There's no replace for LILI and OCCUPANT!
This place is filled with just about everything illicit!  Be very selective about the information that you use from here because a lot of it is fake or dangerous!

That should keep you busy for a while!!
Hope some of this information will be helpful!  Take care.

-Mystic (Editor) 
-LaBTop (Editor)
11 March 2001

12-24-01 04:39
No 250169
User Picture 
      Re: FIRST READ for MEMBERS new and old!     

Classic pseudoephedrine pill cleanup threads see Post 250101 (diogenes: "Re: cleaning pseudo", Stimulants) in this Newbee forum! LT/

12-24-01 05:20
No 250181
User Picture 
      Re: FIRST READ for MEMBERS new and old!     

Stacks compilation of Hive-info, mainly on Methamphetamine OTC nanoscale write-ups, in MSWord form:

Here is PB4Ever's compilation link on safrole/isosafrole/peracetic/amination/crystallization, 

12-24-01 05:24
No 250182
User Picture 
      Re: FIRST READ for MEMBERS new and old!     

See Post 203747 (obituary: "Alcohol use in extraction", Newbee Forum) for a lot of info on alcohols used in Hive methods. LT/

12-24-01 05:27
No 250183
User Picture 
      Re: FIRST READ for MEMBERS new and old!     

See Post 245638 (Chromic: "How to distill sassafras (complete)", Newbee Forum) for good info on distillation techniques. LT/

12-30-01 04:26
No 251245
User Picture 
      Re: FIRST READ for MEMBERS new and old!     

See Post 251237 (LaBTop: "Re: What happened to Worlock's site?", General Discourse) for access to Worlocks former methamphetamines site, still available this way through
Rhodium is working on a mirror on his site as well, look there also. LT/

04-21-03 13:29
No 428370
User Picture 
      Worlock’s Website new mirror-site :     

""""  is not working already for a long time now, so go to his mirror site here:

""Absolutely the greatest newbie tutorial out there.  Very well written and covers every single nook and cranny of the RP/I reaction.""

This line you can find up there, but with the wrong old link, glad to got the new link from ballsdeep . LT\

09-07-03 16:00
No 457593
User Picture 
      Exeptional priceless info:     

Go to Post 443313 (LaBTop: "Hydrous Boro One Pot !  AT LAST!", Methods Discourse)
and learn of a new procedure by Barium, how to perform a One Pot Boro procedure, but now WITHOUT any stinky, cancerous Methyl Amine GAS, but with it's salt, as a 40% solution in WATER! LT/


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