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All 8 posts   Subject: Variances in State Illicit Drug Policy   Please login to post   Down

02-23-02 19:24
No 272571
      Variances in State Illicit Drug Policy     

Report Finds State Drug Laws Vary Widely


A newly released report shows that state drug laws differ significantly from state to state, and do not always follow federal drug policy.

Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the report provides a first-ever look at illegal drug laws in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. The report details policies regarding marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, ecstasy, and other club drugs, and documents the diversity of penalties between states.

The report shows that states have generally followed a system established under the 1970 Federal Controlled Substances Act for scheduling drugs like marijuana, cocaine and methamphetamine. But there is considerably less conformity in state scheduling of drugs like ecstasy and ketamine, another popular club drug. To date, 11 state legislatures had not scheduled ecstasy, and the majority of states have not scheduled ketamine.

The report also shows that drug offenders are subject to different penalties depending on the state in which they are prosecuted, the substance, and the offense. For example, a first-time offender may be subject to anywhere from one year to life imprisonment and $5,000 to $1 million in fines for the sale of one ecstasy pill.

The report also found that as of January 1, 2000, 24 states and the District of Columbia have enacted legislation that permits the use of marijuana for medical purposes, despite the federal government's position against it.

"States have a history of drug-policy experimentation that has, at times, differed from federal policy," said Dr. Duane McBride, director of the Institute for the Prevention of Addiction at Andrews University and principal investigator of the report. "This report highlights that this tradition continues today."

The "Illicit Drug Policies: Selected Laws from the 50 States" report, which was authored by the ImpacTeen Illicit Drug Team, a collaborative research group with investigators from Andrews University, the MayaTech Corporation, and RAND, is available online: Illicit Drug Policies: Selected Laws from the 50 States ( - The first comprehensive report on illicit drug laws in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Hard copies of the report can be obtained by writing to Dr. Duane McBride, Director, Institute for Prevention of Addictions, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI 49104-0211.


Illicit Drug Policies: Selected Laws from the 50 States is the first comprehensive guide to illicit drug laws in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. It documents where disparities in drug laws exist by presenting state-by-state reviews of drug scheduling, sale and possession penalties, and medical marijuana provisions. It also features overview comparisons of federal and state controlled substance schedules, and fines and imprisonment penalties for the sale and possession of selected drugs.

The report offers policymakers, researchers, journalists and others data that will expand understanding of the consequences and outcomes of criminal justice efforts to control drug use. It was prepared by the ImpacTeen Illicit Drug Team with the support of The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. ImpacTeen is a policy research partnership established to reduce youth substance use.

Download chartbook in PDF (

Request Copy ( 

All the U.S. bees should definitely read/download/bookmark this one.


We learn only when it is too late, that the marvel is the passing moment.--Mitterand
(Distinctive Doe)
02-25-02 21:27
No 273410
      Re: Variances in State Illicit Drug Policy     

For dense Bee's

This report is very sterile as "drug policies" don't seem to accurately reflect the true situation in many places.  This depends on attitude and prescedent.  Is it a "throw the book at em" state or more lax.  This attitude will have a huge impact on the real sentences imposed.

Stay Informed (
06-08-02 18:27
No 318904
      SWIM's been in a couple of courtrooms for a ...     

SWIM's been in a couple of courtrooms for a couple of minor reasons, and his experience is that if you get a judge that didn't get any honey the night before, you may just bee ducking as that book is hurtling toward your head.  Also, first impressions mean the world.  That judge is forming an opinion of you, so look respectfull, get respected, etc.

When you cheat, you are only cheating yourself
(Hive Bee)
06-27-02 19:49
No 326181
      Appointed judges tend to reflect regional hewes, ...     

Appointed judges tend to reflect regional hewes, but the authority over peoples lives is a responsibility that must be held accountable, and too often agendas and tendencys of men, who after all are only human, dramatically effect the lives of people, and people connected to those people, and so on.

now my son will be considered guilty of drug use untill he can provide urine that prooves otherwise if he wishes to participate in competative athletics in high school.

oppinions and interpritations change with the wind over time, back and fourth, the important thing is that we realize and protect certain unalienable rights, despite the prevailing tides of the day.

things change slowly, the evolution of social behavior is a microcosim of physical evolution, adaptions and relapses, extinctions and successes, and only 100 years ago we openly commited atrocitys that would be unthinkable today... change will come and is coming, we must be patient and resolved, tolerant even as others are not.

the system is the people, america, like all other lands has been down, and divided, and conquered, and will be again, but the people, like all people, will reinvent, adapt, and be stronger for it... and people will inevetably gravitate toward truth, for that is the only real form of long term self preservation, however no mans dignity nor freedom should be trampled in the trial and error.

... one nation, free to believe as we will, indivisable, with liberty and justice for all.
(Hive Bee)
09-09-02 18:46
No 354651
      don't forget     

Even though a state has no intent to charge a person for medical pot use, IF there is a situation that involves the P.D. and any kind of report is made then regardless of the disposition, the FEDS will undoubtedly become aware of the details and the "state legal" pot smoker will now face harsh FEDERAL charges, and the state, though sympathetic and possibly even verbal, can't do shit to stop the feds. So the fact that a state says it's not a crime doesn't mean SHIT to the feds, who'll move in and start fucking asap!mad

In case you were wondering, I sure as fuck don't know. Yet.
(Bear With Me)
12-24-02 02:52
No 392253

Here's a good link for federal, state, and international laws:


Fuck you, you bisexual midget fucking dwarf!!!
02-26-03 00:16
No 411645
      That report is also available at the RAND Drug     

That report is also available at the RAND Drug Policy site.  It's a cool place to visit.  I ordered a free copy of that report several months back. 

The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedients.  (Edmund Burke)
07-27-03 18:55
No 450202

Does the amount that one gets busted with automatically dictate whether the charge becomes federal or stays a state or county charge?

i am only here as long as i'm here, then i'm gone.....

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