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All 20 posts   Subject: Heavy elements in illicit Methamphetamine   Please login to post   Down

(Chief Bee)
04-17-02 20:23
No 298270
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      Heavy elements in illicit Methamphetamine     

Trace Elemental Analysis of Illicit Methamphetamines Using Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy [J Health Sci 45, pp 166-171 (1999) in Japanese]

Total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (TXRF) was applied to trace elemental analysis of 50 kinds of seized methamphetamines, a half of which had been classified to be pure and the remainder to be impure. As trace elements, Br, Hg, I, Ca, Fe, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu and Zn were detected. Among them, Br was detected in all samples and its content was distributed between 0.4 ng and 71 ng per 1 mg of methamphetamine HCl and Hg was detected in 8 samples and its content was distributed between 0.8 ng and 9 ng per 1 mg of methamphetamine HCl. Iodine was detected in 8 samples, among which 6 samples also contained Hg. Hg and I were presumed to be derived from synthetic reagents. Iron and other heavy metals would be derived from impurities in synthetic solvents or metal containers through synthetic or smuggling processes. Elements detected in seized methamphetamines are applicable as tracing markers for the ascertainment of clandestine synthetic techniques or places to make illicit methamphetamine salts.
(Chief Bee)
04-18-02 00:23
No 298351
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      Heavy Methals     

Red devil lye is far from being USP grade, to mention one thing. And if they per any chance are using the birch, ther could come quite a lot of assorted metals from the gas tubes and buckets they are carrying around the anhydrous ammonia in.
(Hive Bee)
04-18-02 00:43
No 298367

So, all of the nasties are in the low parts per million range.  Any hope of getting them into the low parts per billion?  Or are the solvents & reagents we're likely to be using never going to be that good?

Any reason to worry about the observed levels of Hg, Cr, & Ni?  The rest I'm ignoring, presumably my tap water exposes me to higher levels of those...

Edit: Just re-read it, they don't state levels for Cr & Ni, just that they were detectable...

To Bee, or not to Bee...  ;-)
(Chief Bee)
04-18-02 00:47
No 298374
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      Hg Meth     

If I has an ingestion of mercury due to poorly purified gear that I felt was too much for my well-being, I would first and foremost worry about that excessive meth consuption and not the Hg.
(Hive Bee)
04-18-02 00:56
No 298382

Most of the effects of heavy metals, especially Hg are cumulative.  The body has a very hard time time getting rid of them and they can cause neuron damage beyond belief.  Do a google search on mercury and autism and Prof. Boyd Haley at the University of lexington at Kentucky.  He is a pioneer in the research of heavy metal poisonings.  Rhodium makes a good point about the containers.  I did extensive research on the effects of Hg on the CNS and the results were frightening to say the least.  All bees who have had children diagnosed with either Autism, ADD, ADHD, or other developmental delay should look closely at vaccines and the levels of mercury they were exposed too.  If anyone wants to discuss some possible remedies for heavy metal exposure, just pm me as I have flown all over the US talking with the experts on the best ways to rid the body of these nasties.  It is amazing to see a child diagnosed as Autistic become increasingly normal when they undergo chelation.  Also the Univ. at Calgary has a great slide show.  It show that the effects of Hg on a neuron as beeing almost identical to that of a neuron of a person diagnosed with alzheimers.  Heres a question to ponder, Who gets the flu shot every year?  BTW, what is Thimerasol composed of? KM

Special Prayers to our fallen bees and their families :( KM
(Hive Addict)
04-18-02 01:07
No 298388
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      umm, is it Mercury KM?     

Yes, and it is also the preservative commonly used in sterile preserved saline, much cheaper than sterile packaged saline for your contact lenses. Yuk, and Beeware.

Aluminum and Alzheimers have some connections too don't they?

Does anyone here know how hard it is for salts of these things to get through the blood brain barrier? Panda is legitimately curious?

The difference between theory and practice is practice...
(Hive Bee)
04-18-02 01:23
No 298406
User Picture 

is there such a filter that u could filter out those metals in?

Time is never wasted when you're wasted all the time
(Hive Bee)
04-18-02 01:58
No 298422
      pardon my ignorance, but     

where is mercury coming from in an rp/I2 , or a birch meth synth?

is the mercury in the solvents?
the solvent containors?

or is it simply everywhere, including meth?

in the lye?
the acid?

i'm mystified by these findings.
(Distinctive Doe)
04-18-02 02:24
No 298440

The mercury is SURELY coming from meth made via Al/Hg

No doubt about that, IMHO.
I think some of the "motorcycle enthusiasts" commonly use that route.

Those who give up essential liberties for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety
(Chief Bee)
04-18-02 02:42
No 298454
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I saw a forensic report of MDMA once, where they has sampled the drug on several dozen occasions in europe, and the Hg was always in the ppb - perhaps MDMA chemists are less sloppy than their meth counterparts?
(Change my Title Back!)
04-18-02 02:50
No 298459
      MA Vs. MDMA     

perhaps MDMA chemists are less sloppy than their meth counterparts?

Oh, most definitely IMHO. No doubt about it.


Vivent Longtemps La Ruche!
(Hive Addict)
04-18-02 03:25
No 298473
      MDMA manufacture     

I have the sneaking suspicion that most chemists who cook more than 500g per week do not use Al/Hg amalgams...
(Change my Title Back!)
04-18-02 03:33
No 298475

Are you implying suspicion of using catalytic hydrogenations? If so, I would definitely never argue that.


Vivent Longtemps La Ruche!
(Stoni's sexual toy)
04-18-02 07:10
No 298547
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      The Hg comes from the NaOH.     

The Hg comes from the NaOH.

Bees, just because it is detectable doesn't mean it is dangerous. Todays analytic procedures can detect incredible small amounts of everything everywhere.

I'm not fat just horizontally disproportionate.
(Hive Bee)
04-18-02 14:13
No 298659
      Al and alzheimers     

Yes, Panda.  There is a connection with Al also.  It was common practice to intentionally introduce Al into the vaccine composition to make it have a bigger immune response.  The Al knocks the piss out of the immune system so the vaccine will have a greater immunizing effect, while sometimes having permanent ill effects on the CNS.  To my knowledge, which is a little foggy, they readily cross the blood/brain barrier without any problems.frownKM

Special Prayers to our fallen bees and their families :( KM
(Hive Addict)
04-18-02 22:35
No 298839

What, they didn't test for 3M Scotch Guard?? I hear tell that it's everywhere,.........literally.

Sometimes,.... I wake up grumpymad.....Other times, I just let her sleep.smilelaugh
(Chief Bee)
04-19-02 00:48
No 298881
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      Al too?     

Is there aluminum in vaccines? I know there are quite a few vaccines that contains mercury though:
(Hive Bee)
04-19-02 00:52
No 298882
      Yes indeed!     

I'll see what I can pull out of my archives on the research. When I was in Atlanta at a CDC meeting to study the effects of Hg in vaccines there was talk and some literature regarding the use of Al for exactly what I said above.  I'll see if I can't post some references. KM

Special Prayers to our fallen bees and their families :( KM
(Hive Bee)
04-19-02 01:14
No 298887
      Hg and Al     

These are just a few links.  There is a great paper put out by several researchers, entitled.  "Autism: A unique form of mercury poisoning".  If you could read this it would make your skin crawl.frown If anyone needs information about a child that has an unexplained develpmental delay or autism or whatever, just pm me as I can put you in touch with the experts from around the United States and have even met the famous Andrew Wakefield from over in Rhodium Land.  It is a tragedy when the big drug companies knew the risk and continued to harm our children in the name of medicine.madKM

Special Prayers to our fallen bees and their families :( KM
(Chief Bee)
09-20-04 19:39
No 532360
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      Methamphetamine Heavy Metal Contaminants
(Rated as: good read)

Heavy Metal and Organic Contaminants Associated With Illicit Methamphetamine Production
Brent T. Burton, NIDA Research Monograph, No. 115, pp. 47-59 (1991)

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders

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