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All 19 posts   Subject: MDMA deaths rise   Please login to post   Down

08-02-00 02:14
No 35623
      MDMA deaths rise     

I have seen yet another media frensy about the "party drug that kills"
They spotlight the drug, tell you its all the Isralies, and then tell you about the honor rollllllllllllll student who went to one rave in her life and died from one pill.  This is how every news story will go, its almost predictable

Whats the deal though, ive seen friends do 4 an nite with no water..(the new water, its cheaper then water these days, look in your groccer's freezer)  and are still "with it" .  How can these people just drop over like flies?... Is it just like the random person the dies from the flue shot each year. Count it as freaky protiens and strange brain reactions?  I mean some people die if they smell peanut oil..(welllll)

my point is, how many of the people reading this have a turben on and your mother tounge is fo's spot killing america's brillent children who decide willingly to take your clover shaped powder. And stop making hits for "pennies a peice"..and give us back the HOLY LAND .

seriously folks-----------
(Hive Bee)
08-02-00 07:08
No 35687
      Re: MDMA deaths rise     

Certain people have very adverse reactions with MDxx(MDMA, MDEA, MDA, MDE, ect..) due to underlying cardiovascular problems; others lack a particular enzyme associated with the  liver. Also, as you mentioned dehydration, overheating and other enviromental hazards.

The news media barely gives a fuck about reporting the truth. They believe what the government and the WOD tells them. And have adapted an ignorance.
Anything associated with drugs, partying, ravers, ect... can now be classified as  "Club drug" victims.
Sometimes the media seeks facts. One such story you may have recently heard about was the Orlando Sentinal uncovering the Florida government forging "Club drug" deaths as determined through autopsy. They had classified toodlers, cancer victims, and elder people who had never touched illegal drugs as "victims".

There is alot of drugs being passed off as MDxx. Recently there has been a spat of PMA related deaths. From either the combination of PMA + MDxx or very high dosages of PMA. This had been going on in Australia and Asia for years. But has become more prevalent in the US. High amounts of DXM being passed off as ecstasy. And pills including different adulterants.
People doing too much K, mixing GHB with alcohol. I could go on and on.....


"Vote Libertarian"
(Hive Bee)
08-02-00 08:08
No 35700
      Re: MDMA deaths rise     

Did they happen to mention how many people die each year from taking aspirin, penicillin etc ?
 No, I didn't think so.
(Hive Bee)
08-02-00 15:37
No 35792
      Re: MDMA deaths rise     

"my point is, how many of the people reading this have a turben on and your mother tounge is fo's spot killing america's brillent children who decide willingly to take your clover shaped powder. And stop making hits for "pennies a peice"..and give us back the HOLY LAND ."

What the fuck is this about. I'm sure there aren't many who wear turbans here, but there aren't many who are stupid enough to not know how to spell it.

Oh, and it's arabic, asshole. Aramaic is the script.

How ironic it is, that you speak out about the propaganda against drugs, yet fill your same post with propaganda-fueled bigotry.

I may not be middle-eastern, but I can't STAND seeing such ignorance, especially on such a color-blind medium as the net.
08-03-00 03:06
No 36024
      Re: MDMA deaths rise     

People die every day.  They know the risks. 

Lets compare all of the confirmed deaths from X over all the 300 million hits taken in the last 20 years, and compare them to the drunk driving deaths for the same age group.

I think though, you are mis-reading his statement anyway.  It's a turbot(the fish) on their head.  And they are from Aramathea.  "Brillent" is a new word that combines brilliant and excellet.

Marijuana was made illegal in the US in the thirties, cuz it wouldn't be taxed, and posed a threat to powerful interests in alcohol, and tobacco.  Same thing with X.  No patent protection = $$$ for big pharma for other drugs.
(Hive Bee)
08-03-00 19:50
No 36280
      Re: MDMA deaths rise     

another point to consider is that what is sold as MDMA may not be that at all. Antibody remembers doing a hit of something called X. He went blind for several hours! No @##@%^%$##@ way in the world THAT wuz X. So god knows what it actually killed em.

Are the above based on autopsy reports finding MDMA or are they findings of  MDMA + god knows what, or is it speculatiuon based what friends of the deceased say they took.

An unqualified statement like "MDMA causes another Death" means less than nothing. What substanciation did the reporter offer up?

Jimi loves ya!
08-04-00 01:25
No 36368
      Re: MDMA deaths rise     


woooooohhh partner time to saddle up the horse by the pool and have a drink to settle those nerves

its was a joke.... i thought a pretty funny one too ( for those that dont have a sence of humor and aren't aware of the current events, the dea and all the big poops think that most of the MDMA coming into this country is from Israeli mafia groups. So i im jesting to say that there are israli's on this server making posts wearing turbins( how ever its spelled)  and just cause i cant spell like a bee or take the time, does not mean im all of and sudden ignorant. There as been alot of smart people on this server who have made mistakes in their posts from time to time, it happens.  Where not all infalable like yourself.

I make peace not war brother

unlike those isralies that ha. ok never mind

"the drug war will not be over until the people want to stop doing drugs"
08-04-00 01:30
No 36372
      Re: MDMA deaths rise     

and hell while im at it...

im not a bigot, racest, etc.

but how many of us have laughed at a polish jokes or cowboys and preists in a bar.

hell i think a polish person invented the electron mircoscope.
08-04-00 04:18
No 36420
      Re: MDMA deaths rise     

Let all in this discussion remember why drugs are illegal.  It is not the danger they pose physically.  Other drug use, etc. was mentioned, but let us not forget the use of, oh, cars.  You may have noticed they aren't safe at all.  We all know at least one person who has died or been seriously injured from the use of a motor vehicle.  Cars have not become illegal.  Why?  They (like alcohol and tobacco mentioned by Acme) are big business that is controlled by those who also control the dominant power system (currently the democratic political system).  The men in the power positions logically wish to stay there.  They mantain laws that make this possible.  It's a monopoly on the citizenry and their freedom (at least if they're successful).  They maintain industry which allows them to hold power while making illegal those industries which they do not or cannot control for whatever reason. 

Which leads to this discussion.  They don't control X.  It is not significantly harmful especially when compared to many pharmasudicals that have more benign uses and more severe side effects (lest we forget phenphen or however you spell it).   However, it does not lend itself to commercial uses that can be popularly controlled.

Ok, enough ranting.  Just keep in mind that drugs are not just fun, they're a social obligation.  Keep the doors opening...

"Virtue is vice, and vice is virtue."
--Marquis de Sade
08-04-00 18:57
No 36642
      Re: MDMA deaths rise     

in addition to that, why is tobacco and alcohol still accepted...well tolerated in this country when everybody knows they are deadly poisions. For example, you will never see a doctor prescribe to a patient for any medicinal reason nicotine or alcohol. Like, Mr. Wilson I reccomend that you take two of these, smoke two packs of cigs and call me in the morning... It aint happening

I feel in one token of point that things like acid, tea, X, whatever, have the potential to change and alter your persona to see that even though america is great country she is loaded with double standard and you begin to drop out of the "system".  America fought WW 2 to preserve capitalism and to crush communsim off that map becuase it posed a threat to the insitution. She's not going to let acid even try to touch the order of the "system"

ok im done now..
(Hive Bee)
08-06-00 01:57
No 37230
      Re: MDMA deaths rise     

Well, I had to clap after I read that one....

[b] just say sure... wink
08-06-00 18:52
No 37323
      Re: MDMA deaths rise     

Yes, I obviously agree with the alkie backie thing.  The capitalism crushing communism is purely aces too.  It's always the victors who write the history and make themselves squeaky fucking clean.  They're not.  The victors just happened to be dirty enough bastards to beat out the other guys.  War isn't pretty and the winners always cheat.  Go america!!!!!!!  Hey, Dilaudid (and everyone else) listen to some Godspeed You Black Emporer.  They make beautiful anti-american politcs music.  Good quote from a song.

We're caught inside the belly of the machine and its bleeding to death.

"Virtue is vice, and vice is virtue."
--Marquis de Sade
(Hive Bee)
08-06-00 19:45
No 37347
      Semitic languages     

I just read this near the top of the post:

>"my point is, how many of the people reading this have a >turben on and your mother tounge is fo's spot >killing america's brillent children who decide willingly >to take your clover shaped powder. And stop making hits >for "pennies a peice"..and give us back the HOLY LAND ."

>What the fuck is this about. I'm sure there aren't many >who wear turbans here, but there aren't many who are >stupid enough to not know how to spell it.

>Oh, and it's arabic, asshole. Aramaic is the script.

>How ironic it is, that you speak out about the propaganda >against drugs, yet fill your same post with propaganda->fueled bigotry.

>I may not be middle-eastern, but I can't STAND seeing such >ignorance, especially on such a color-blind medium as the >net.

I would like to correct the racist dilaudid and the well-meaning Brasco:  Israelis don't wear turbans - Hindis wear turbans, Moslems (who aren't usually Israelis) wear kefiyehs.  Aramaic is a dead language which is not spoken any more.  It is not written Arabic either - written Arabic is called Classical Arabic.  Aramaic was a semitic language that was written in a variety of alphabets.  It had Hebraic, "Chaldean", Arabic and regional dialects.  Sorry to interrupt a discussion on drugs, but I cannot stand allowing people to be ignorant of other cultures.

Rainbows & Butterflies Forever :)
08-07-00 01:58
No 37484
      Re: MDMA deaths rise     

What i really like is when people DON'T KNOW WTF THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT.  dilaudid, how about next time you say something, it could be true.  fuckin goon.  For your information, nicotine is commenly perscribed as an anti-inflammatory.
Also, but not on such a harsh note WWII capitalism crushing communism.  If you are referring to the fact  that the nazi party had the world socialist in there somewhere, you are solely mistaken.  That whole socialist thing, a front.  and if it isn't that, what are you talking about.

Rhodium for P.M.!
08-08-00 01:23
No 37952
      Re: MDMA deaths rise     

hey everyone lets all be serious and die

thank you  Jubrail  for edifing me on the cultures ... I was aware that Aramaic was semetic and  dead thats why I accociated it with the jews in the first place, but the turbin thing was a generalization of a point( which i not dare do again lest bees get in a tizzy,,,hey if im making posts concerning chemisty knowledge and procedure i would and do take means to post as acurate as information with referneces as possible, but when your talking politics come on people)

the whole reason i posted this thread was to say..that since the hive is the world's internet community for amphetamine "discussion", that there is Israli mafia agents working in the hive man. Its a stupid fucking point alright, i dont even care either way, they can give us help in bulk freaking production.


nicotine me there dude but what is "commenly"  all about. my point is, that they also give you doses of Barium before CAT scans. Radation isnt good for you either.  Neither is nicotine.  Try not to confuse general health with medical necessity.
08-14-04 01:13
No 525343
      Two More Articles on the History of Ecstasy
(Rated as: excellent)

These two articles should bee of interest to many bees wink

Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 33(3) pp 213-221 (2001)

An Exploration of the History and Controversies Surrounding MDMA and MDA
Alana R. Pentney, B.Sc.

In existence for nearly a century, 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, "Ecstasy") have gained quite a reputation. Perceived by some as dangerous neurotoxins, and by others as potential psychotherapeutics, these compounds have become a center of controversy among academics and law enforcement officials, and in the process have gained extensive media exposure. The classification of these drugs as illicit, controlled substances in the United States has not prevented their use, and MDMA, or Ecstasy, is currently one of the most popular substances used recreationally in North America. The scheduling of MDMA and MDA has, however, led to the distribution of contaminated, or falsely represented, Ecstasy tablets, and prevented responsible research into the detrimental and therapeutic effects of these drugs. A look at the history of these compounds suggests that they have the potential to be used safely as psychotherapeutic tools, and that the legal status of MDMA and MDA may be worth reconsidering.

Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 34(2) pp 137-142 (2002)

Ecstasy: America's New "Reefer Madness"
Marsha Rosenbaum, Ph.D.*

MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) was first used as a legal adjunct to psychotherapy in the 1970s. By the early 1980s, "Ecstasy" had become a tiny part of the recreational American drug scene, and was ultimately criminalized in 1986. For a decade use continued, but remained quiet. By the end of the 1990s, increased supply, demand, seizures of pills, arrests of distributors associated with organized crime, adverse reactions, and government reports of problematic brain changes created an Ecstasy media frenzy. The government's reaction led to a public education campaign and proposals for exponential penalties for production, distribution and use of MDMA. This article looks at the history, epidemiology, and politics of Ecstasy, the media's response, and the ways in which media and government reaction will compromise harm reduction and safety.


Chemistry is our Covalent Bond
(Hive Bee)
08-14-04 18:53
No 525418

applesbliss, can you please link me to the source of your conspiracy claims?
08-16-04 20:30
No 525792
User Picture 
      Old thread re-opened     

xbnmx, this thread dates back to 2000 so little change applesbliss will read this (unless this bee has registered with a new name).

A little poison now and then: that makes for agreeable dreams.
(Chief Bee)
09-02-04 07:55
No 529074
User Picture 
      Sources of information about MDMA among users
(Rated as: good read)

Sources of information about MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine):
perceived accuracy, importance, and implications for prevention among young adult users.

Falck RS, Carlson RG, Wang J, Siegal HA, Drug Alcohol Depend.  74(1), 45-54 (2004)

The goal of this cross-sectional study was to assess the perceived accuracy and the importance of various sources of information about MDMA/ecstasy among young adult users. A respondent driven sampling plan was used to recruit a community sample of recent ecstasy users (n = 304), aged 18-30, in Ohio, who responded to structured interviews. Friends, drug abuse treatment programs, and physicians were perceived to be the most accurate sources of information about ecstasy by 45.7, 37.2, and 30.3% of the sample, respectively. Friends were considered the most important source of information about ecstasy (40.2%), followed by web sites like DanceSafe (16.2%), and MTV/VH1 television specials (6.9%). About half the sample used the Internet to obtain information about ecstasy, with younger and more educated participants significantly more likely to do so. Educated users were also significantly more likely to consider the Internet to be an important source of information. Web sites like DanceSafe were visited by four times as many users as government-sponsored web sites. Findings support the development of peer-oriented, network strategies to reach ecstasy users with prevention messages. Efforts to make prevention web sites more attractive should be considered.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders

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