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All 22 posts   Subject: Hash adulterants in Europe   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
04-05-03 04:36
No 424014
      Hash adulterants in Europe     

Does anyone have reliable justified information on what kind of adulterants are used to cut hashish marketed in Europe? I am not looking for hearsay because there is considerable amount of folklore regarding hash cut with benzodiazepines etc around. Most welcome are references on forensic science articles and other scientific investigations on the subject. A quick googling gave no good hits, only claims with no information on sources. I'll have to check out a few more sources before giving up though.
04-05-03 10:09
No 424049
User Picture 
      AFAIK there simply are no hash adulterants,...     

AFAIK there simply are no hash adulterants, especially not pharmacologically active ones. The genuine 'adulterant' in bad hash is a bit more dust and dirt. Some low-level freaks may try to cut it with henna or similar 'neutral' green powders, but I guess that's extremely uncommon. There's simply not a good reason to do that.
(martha stewart's little bitch)
04-05-03 12:58
No 424070
User Picture 

There was an interview in Norway, where some independent
newspaper talked to those responsible for drug-analysis after
drug-raids and such. They claimed to never have found any
hash laced with any drug, too bad it's in Norwegian though.
Sorry mate.

Hate is cheap, but love is
(Hive Bee)
04-05-03 13:26
No 424073
      In the Netherlands, they is certainly no need...     

In the Netherlands, they is certainly no need for adultered hash, the stuff they sell in the coffee-shops (for about 7 euro / gram) is just fine tongue.  Hash is a bit more expensive than weed, probably because they have to process it.
(Hive Bee)
04-05-03 13:50
No 424075

Yes, that is exactly what my thoughts are - but time after time you end up in conversations on the subject and that is why I'm wondering if anyone has researched this topic in a scientific way.
(Goat Cult Leader)
04-05-03 15:19
No 424083

isn't hashish held together with a binder of some sort?
not an adulterant, exactly, but an additive for physical reasons?

camel poop?

american's don't see much hash
(Hive Bee)
04-05-03 15:28
No 424084
      Well, the resin from the bud glands should be...     

Well, the resin from the bud glands should be enough to bind the plant matter together.
(Hive Bee)
04-05-03 15:31
No 424085
      if its hand rubbed hash     

if its hand rubed hash from the mid east you will get some dead skin and dirt. some time motor oil is also used on there hands to keep the stuff from sticking. but none of this is realy put there as adulterants. most just popr quality controal.
(Hive Bee)
04-05-03 21:29
No 424156
      A moroccan bloke who worked with me some time...     

A moroccan bloke who worked with me some time ago told me that in Ketama, the biggest production place in Morocco, when they make hash they make also a lot of lower quality product, Kiff they call it, and it's a problem for them getting rid of it. So what benefit could the big dealers get adulterating their goods with other substances? At least they mix the hash paste with kiff.
I have a doubt: hash oil is supposed to be the product of steam distillation of cannabis paste: if so what the hell they do with the solid left after the process?
(Hive Bee)
04-05-03 21:56
No 424160
      Zibarium: possible answer to your doubt     

Zib, resin is sticky by its own nature. THC and company is contained in the resin of cannabis plants. In India they bend bunches of cannabis plants tied together when they are alive in the soil. In this way the suffering plants elaborate more resin, so the hashish obtained has a higher content of THC and the like. In this way they make famous hashish like Mazar-i-Sharif* or Chitral or Pokhara: it's like comparing beer to whiskey.
* yes, Mazar-i-Sharif, exactly that place of last years battle against the fucking Talebans. Chitral, instead, is in north Pakistan, Pohkara in Nepal. All mountain places, with continental weather, cold winters, dry hot summers, pronounced daily thermal excursion.
(Hive Bee)
04-05-03 22:25
No 424165
      Re: I'm wondering if anyone has researched...     

I'm wondering if anyone has researched this topic in a scientific way.


The legally grown stuff is in Porton Down funnily enough....where we used to make chemical and bio weaponssmile

(Hive Bee)
04-06-03 09:04
No 424285

Hightimes did. They published some analysis (which tests I dont remember) about 2 years back. I know I could dig up my old copy. Cant remember, but who ever said dust and dirt hit the nail on the head, as well powdered used coffee grain. Cant remember any others. No other good stuff was ever found in it, just junk to beef up weight. And not on a gram or 2 sale, this has supposedly been done at the 5+ kilo productions.
04-07-03 04:44
      I'm not bullshitting neither
(Rated as: insignificant)
(Hive Bee)
07-25-04 00:55
No 521447
User Picture 
      common adulterants     

A common cut used in morocco (main producing country for european market) is indeed "Khif" - it is simply the residue after shaking off the resin from the dried plants, i.e. powdered herb along with a little resin (hash).

But unfortunately there are also a lot of smaller producers cutting their dope with plain, good ol' maroquine SAND/EARTH (try to dissolve hash with "dry" appearance in abs. ethanol and you know what I'm talking about... mad)

And for the "folklore": in my area there are rumours about hash being treated with some kind of "softener" chemical, and I have the slight suspicion that the softener could well be 1,4-butanediol.(?)

Why? Hm, let's see: it freezes below 20°C and gets liquid/viscous above that temp., and then softens *many* compounds (PE bottles for example), and upon heating evaporates below 200°C, releasing lots of (narcotic) 1,4-butanediol vapor...

Translated to hash being treated with 1,4-BDO frown this would mean: It becomes *very* viscous/soft when heated with bare hands, but hard when cooled, appearance is very "resinous", and it gives a little extra buzz (if any)...crazy

(But this is only my two cents about hash and chemicals)

And, not to forget: opiates! mad

Greetz A

Pleased to meet you hope you get my name.
But whats puzzlin you is the nature of my game!
(Hive Bee)
07-26-04 21:53
No 521855
User Picture 
      Other adulterants     

There was an article in "Red Eye" a couple of years ago where they had talked to some Morrocans involved in producing hash, where they referred to the "bog standard" soap bar as containing Nescafe and solid milk products (app. Nescafe is the best inst. coffee for this), and sold it as "hashish business" (a ref to the grade I think). Later on in the same issue they tried to produce the same type of material using the recepies they had been given, and found it possible to produce something that looked like soap bar using Nescafe and beeswax.
Other than that, I did once come across some black that had been adulterated with Blu-Tack (on burning, the smell was hideous), and once came across a fingernail in some soap bar I had heated and crumbled.
Now I only use soap bar as a last resort (I use cannabis to deal with phantom limb pain - as well as socially), and extract the cannabinoids with isopropanol to produce a low grade oil.For fuck's sake, smoking someones fingernail is an experience I can definitly do without

That is right, the Mascara Snake: Fast and bulbous
(Hive Addict)
07-27-04 02:30
No 521907
User Picture 
      "For fuck's sake, smoking someones ...     

"For fuck's sake, smoking someones fingernail is an experience I can definitly do without"

It worked for Jethro Tull apparently (intro to Dharma for One).

"and extract the cannabinoids with isopropanol to produce a low grade oil"

There are some excellent references on the use of butane to produce a very high quality oil here on the hive, if you'd care to dig them up.  If you've got a lot of cheap weed to smoke you'd rather not, then give it a try.

100% Canadian Bullshit
(Hive Bee)
08-02-04 20:16
No 523260
      morroco hash is not very cut     

SWIM thinks morrocan hash is, WHEN it is cut(not as cut as people tell), is cut with "henne"(hair colour), pollen(of any tree) or benzos(BIG dealers n govS).
little producers use banana, oil, shit...

SWIM knows morroco Hash quality (THC PERCENTAGE, packaging n color) is increasing from years to years, like that, hash smokers become more and more "addicted".
(Hive Addict)
08-03-04 03:33
No 523317
User Picture 

.......and I always thought Moroccan hash came from Morocco?

The more wealth he produces, the poorer the worker becomes - Karl Marx

(Wonderful Personality)
08-03-04 10:50
No 523363
      Hash cut in the producer countries is cut with     

Hash cut in the producer countries is cut with the residual plant material what else. Hash cut later like the infamous "Euro-Hash" or "Euro-Plates" is cut with every shit avail, but sure no benzos or opium for thats to expensive. The quality of the Euro-Hash cycles always from tolerable down to unsmokeable over some years. As soon the bottom line is reached - say it is not to sale anymore it gets better for some time followed by the downcycle again.
This cutting is done in the Netherlands itself as main importer, on ships ashore  but also in Berlin or other big cities before resell on X-kilo levels.

The business in Europe is based on greed and thats the driving force behind everything. Lots of the hash-business is done by kurdish ppl. who are heavily taxed by the PKK (similar to the heroin business) and sometimes by the dutch police. But those dont cut AFAIK, thats done one level above - controlled by the dutch.

so near, so far......
08-03-04 11:19
No 523365
      not everywhere...     

in my neck of the woods the hash doesn't come via the netherlands and the quality
stays the same over the years (neither exceptionally good nor bad).

He always lied while on the earth and now he's lying in it
(Hive Bee)
08-03-04 13:02
No 523373
      i agree with hypo on that one!     

Unlike coke, NL grown hydro and the moderate amounts of hashish imported  by consumers or small timers the
majority of the hash imports get smuggled to the central european countries via the Balkan Route.
The North African dope which includes the low quality stuff
responsible for the bad reputation of hash nowadays,
but also high potent brands like "egg moroccan" or "blond" hash are reaching their destination through Italy or Spain.
While the marihuana quality increased over the last 10years
the hash quality remained in SWIMs opinion nearly the same, although the variations in quality are bigger.

Benzos as adulterants are BS but opium refined hash is sometimes available and every consumer with a basic drug knowledge could distinguish the morph effects from a plain THC high.

However, cause of the high opium prices at the moment it gets more and more unlikely that vintage 03 and 04
hash with opium addition will hit the market.

Beside that SWIM heared anecdotal reports of hash with a H supplement and he saw plates with visible white traces
marketed as coke hash.
Although coke seems to be at least from a economical point of view a unlikely adulterant the bioassay done by some human labrats proved that it really contains some cocaine.
The fact that it was most likely a cocaine salt is a explanation for the mild symphatomimetic effects reported.

Maybe if the current changes on manufacturer level seen in the Far East countries like Burma or Thailand will reach  the hash producing countries with Europe as main market new hash brands with PCP or opioide additives will one day revolutinize the market. But until that the lack of local sources and knowledge in the countries of origin  makes it unlikely that active adulterants will occur in a nameable amount of street hashish samples and the rumours about one or another cutting will be most likely just urban drug myths.

Hive bee por vida!
(Wonderful Personality)
08-04-04 11:48
No 523605
      Yes, the dutch always like to play down their...     

Yes, the dutch always like to play down their role in the biz........

Understandable of course.


so near, so far......

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