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All 6 posts   Subject: The Albert Hofmann Collection   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
07-17-03 00:26
No 447878
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      The Albert Hofmann Collection
(Rated as: excellent)

Superb work made by our friends of Erowid and MAPS:


We are pleased to announce the online launch of the Albert Hofmann Collection, a database of more than four thousand published papers on LSD and psilocybin. As reported in the Summer 2002 Bulletin, MAPS has been collaborating with Erowid to create an online, searchable database of the papers Dr. Hofmann donated to the Albert Hofman Foundation in 1996. These papers were collected by the staff of the Sandoz Pharmaceutical Company during Dr. HofmannÕs residence there, and comprise a comprehensive bibliography of LSD and psilocybin research from the mid-1940s to the mid-1970s.

The late Bob Wallace was the primary funder of this project, and thanks to his generosity and the hard work of the Erowid-led team, the database represents a significant contribution to the body of available psychedelic research. These papers have been converted into searchable PDFs, allowing users to find and download the complete articles. While these papers all exist in various libraries around the world, they are now accessible to anyone over the Internet. While some references are listed in Medline, the National Library of Medicine database, Medline generally includes only abstracts, and rarely offers the full text of articles. Also, Medline only references articles from 1966 to the present, so many papers in this collection are now referenced in electronic form for the first time.

Erowid is working to fill in the gaps in the database, creating PDFs of documents that were improperly labeled or otherwise misplaced, making these files fully text-searchable, and adding better scanned and more articles. The original documents have been returned to Dr. Hofmann in Switzerland, where they may eventually be placed in a museum. We were honored to inform Dr. Hofmann of the database launch when we sent him birthday greetings and flowers, to celebrate his 97th birthday on January 11, 2003.

The collection is available on the MAPS website as part of the World Wide Web Psychedelic Bibliography, at You can choose to search just the Albert Hofmann Collection or search all the databases included in the bibliography. On the Erowid website, the collection is at <- Chimimanie's voice: CHECK THIS LINK!

This link to erowid should bee sticky wink.


(Active Asperger Archivist)
07-17-03 05:13
No 447937
      You have my vote forExtra Karma!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*     

WOW!  over 4K documents on those two!  this is excellent news.

Act quickly or not at all.
07-20-03 00:53
      thanks for the link
(Rated as: don't post errorneous links w/o description)
08-22-03 18:43
No 455054
User Picture 

I have nothing to add, but I want to thank you for bringing this to our attention!

Yes, you ARE an amazing bee Chimimanie...

Do NOT disturb: Mind at Large
08-04-04 17:00
No 523632
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      Hofmann letter     

Hello bees,

This is Stalin's first post to this interesting place laugh. I have found a nice book in the library, namely Ethnopharmacological Search for Psychoactive Drugs. It contains a lot of interesting information, but also the following letter from Albert Hofmann. It's worth reading, which is why I post, of course.


From Albert HOFMANN, Ph D, Pharm D, H C

January 19, 1967

Mr Chairman, dear Colleagues,

While it is undoubtedly possible, with the aid of psychoactive drugs, to span both time and space, this method overcoming these factors is unfortunately possible only psychically and not physically. Would the latter be possible, you may rest assured that I would now have taken the appropriate dosage of LSD or psilocybin so as to be transported on the flying carpet to San Francisco, for the purpose of participating in the symposium on psychoactive drugs.

I very much regret the fact that, for reasons of company policy, it was impossible for me to actively participate in this Congress. It is nonetheless my desire to convey from here in Basel, to the numerous prominent research workers in the field of psychoactive drugs attending this conference, my best wishes and the expression of the hope that the exchange of ideas will be fruitful.

The investigations of the lysergic acid derivatives, from which LSD resulted, have continued uninterruptedly in a variety of directions in the Sandoz research laboratories.

Thus, for example, it was possible, in pursuing the serotonin antagonistic activity first observed in LSD, to develop new lysergic acid derivatives in which a specific serotonin antagonistic activity is of prime importance. One of these highly active compounds has been introduced into therapy for the interim treatment of migraine.

In a particular field of research closely related to the theme of this congress and initiated by the discovery of LSD, our investigations on psychotomimetic drugs have been pursued. In using the experiences gained with LSD as the foundation, the problem of the so-called Mexican magic mushrooms, which has been studied ethnomycologically by Gordon Wasson and botanically by Roger Heim, was solved from a chemical point of view. The active ingredients, psilocybine and psilocine have been synthesized and made available for psychiatric research. The magic mushrooms in turn led us to a further important Mexican magic drug, namely Ololiuqui. In the Ololiuqui seeds, provided us by Wasson, we found the active ingredients to be lysergic acid derivatives, the main components of which are lysergic acid amide and lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide.

It would have given me great pleasure had I been able, at this symposium, to discuss in detail this most unusual, one can almost say magic circle of research which, starting from lysergic acid amides, namely lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), proceeded via two Mexican magic drugs - the sacred mushroom "Teonanacatl" and the Morning Glory seeds "Ololiuqui" and led back to the lysergic acid amides. I sincerely hope that I shall be able to satisfy this desire at the next symposium on psychoactive drugs in the not too distant future.

In conclusion I should like to express a few general points of view on psychoactive drugs.
These drugs are of especial importance in the following three fields:
(1) In neuro- and brain-chemistry they are useful tools for the investigation of biochemical processes which form the basis of the nervous and psychic functions.
(2) In psychiatry they have proved themselves to be compounds which, upon sensible administration, are becoming ever more important medical aids in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.
(3) From a epistemological point of view we must face the consequences resulting from the fact that it is possible, with the aid of mere traces of a compound, to radically affect the psychic processes and mental functions. This finding may throw new light on the age-old problem of the relationship and interrelationship of body and soul, or more generally, of mind and matter.

To a large extent the non-medical, partially legitimate, partially illegitimate, interest in and use of hallucinogenics or psychedelics is as a result of the possibilities mentioned under 3 above, namely of attaining a profound transformation of the conscious with the aid of these drugs.

It is in fact this very general interest in psychedelics, which has unfortunately, in some cases, led to dangerous misuse, that behooves scientists to continue research in the field of psychoactive compounds in all directions as quickly as possible, so as to elucidate the possibilities of these potent drugs in order that they may be used for the benefit of mankind.

It is my fervent wish that, in this respect also, this congress will be successful.


Albert Hofmann

-+- Сторонница Александра Áîðîäèía -+-
08-09-04 19:57
No 524462
      then of course there's yep...     

then of course there's

don't you folks ever sleep?

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