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All 44 posts   Subject: source for strike's dateline nbc interview   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
07-27-03 21:36
No 450239
      source for strike's dateline nbc interview     

the subject has been brought up many times in the past, but i have not been able to find any links that are still functional.  anyone know of any that i have overlooked or would anyone be willing to upload?
(Chief Bee)
07-27-03 21:38
No 450240
User Picture 
      I can arrange an upload if you provide ...     

I can arrange an upload if you provide webspace for others to download it for a few weeks...
(Hive Bee)
07-28-03 05:30
No 450309
      i am not able to unless we break it up into 10     

i am not able to unless we break it up into 10 MB chunks i dont think...  its several hundred right?
anyone else have any space to lend?
(Hive Addict)
07-28-03 07:38
No 450335
      i hate myself for saying this:     

09-05-03 18:07
No 457351
      I also have been looking for it, but ...     

I also have been looking for it, but unfortutely can't find a source.
Does anyone know if it's on Kazaa (or other p-p software)?
(Hive Bee)
09-05-03 21:30
No 457372
User Picture 

Does anyone know if it's on Kazaa (or other p-p software)?

No, it isn't. (not on e-Mule either)

A Dream Within A Dream (
(Hive Bee)
09-06-03 04:42
No 457419
      P2P (no not THAT kind)     

I've also tried gnutella and DC with relative frequency and no luck.. I'd like to see the vid sometime...

(Chief Bee)
09-12-03 05:22
No 458548
User Picture 
      Dateline - "The X-Files" - Free Download     

Dateline - "The X-Files" ( Caution! The file is ~450 MB!
(martha stewart's little bitch)
09-12-03 06:35
No 458562
User Picture 
      as always     

use a anonymous proxy

Tant pis!
(Hive Addict)
09-12-03 13:06
No 458651
      The file seems to be 450 MB in size...     

The file seems to be 450 MB in size...

For those about to synth,we salute you
(Chief Bee)
09-12-03 16:16
No 458674
User Picture 
      Oops, typo...     

Oops, typo... I've now added the missing "4".
(Hive Bee)
09-12-03 16:54
No 458681

That's amazing.....

Those fuckers, nbc

I like how they use AOL....

Thank's Rhodi..
09-13-03 01:38
No 458775
      Aargh - link down     

Could it be possible tht this link is dead already ?  I always get 'socket error 10060 - connection refused'...
Dang... I would have loved to watch that interview...
(Hive Bee)
09-13-03 03:17
No 458788
      "a connection with the server could not...     

"a connection with the server could not be established"

damn...22h's too late...
(Hive Bee)
09-13-03 06:17
No 458822

Does no one have any pride? One of the things the DEA agent said was, the only reason a person would make x or another drug is money. Don't people have pride in the fact that they were able to create something for themself? No reason to make money of off it. If you want to give it away fine but don't sell it.

What the hell Hive were these people on? Back in '98/'99 when I first visited Strike post and replied rarely.

And I swear what retard from here met with them to sell them equipment and allowed them to video tape it?

He isn't around anymore so please don't ban or erase this post. That video changes the whole perception of Strike. If there's only one thing I know when dealing with law enforcement, it's to deny everything. No matter what you did either deny or refuse to answer any question. Why did Strike admit to things and why the hell did he agree to that interview in the first place? Well, other than money.

I just want to say I truly appreciate the current Mods/Admins and can't believe this site has survived.

"Good enough to get themselves indicted by a grand jury. They were that good." Hah, they weren't enterprising or ambitious. No they were horrible x makers that were destroying the world.

Did Dateline get Strike indicted or did the DEA have investigations on their own?

Well either  way, Rhodium, Osmium, Stonium .. everyone else that is here and that helped I want to say I truly apprecieate it. Without all of you the internet and the world would be a far lesser place.

~~Fuck the Birch~~
(Hive Bee)
09-13-03 10:07
No 458848
User Picture 

Could only download 100 Mb then it was down frown

A Dream Within A Dream (
09-17-03 01:56
No 459493
      Could somebody     

Could someone (with nothing to lose were they to be investigated) who was able to download the file while it was there host it on the eMule network for a few days while some others bees grabbed it, such that it would get a wider distribution and in the future would always be available there?
09-17-03 02:53
No 459506
      :-( could someone share this on emule please ?     

frown could someone share this on emule please ?
(Hive Bee)
09-17-03 02:58
No 459507
      such that it would get a wider distribution...     

such that it would get a wider distribution and in the future would always be available there?

I'm not so sure that's a great idea, I think peer-to-peer networks are a bit TOO wide a distribution to bee good, and a security risk in many cases at that...

Though if someone had the means to host this somewhere quasi-permenantly..

(Hive Bee)
09-17-03 03:03
No 459509
      have it     

Well I've got the file but don't really want to kazaa or emule it. If someone else has a way I could send anonymously to group it I'd be happy to.

~~Fuck the Birch~~
09-17-03 03:16
No 459510
      well the only way i can think of is making a...     

well the only way i can think of is making a rar archive (password protected) and either upping to a public ftp or a private one if someone is willing to share their bandwidth or using something like streamload (although i dont know if that would work)
i could share it with a couple ppl (upload) but my upload rate sucks (30kb/s) ...
(Hive Bee)
09-17-03 04:16
No 459519
User Picture 

09-17-03 04:40
No 459522
      hmm good find now the question how does it...     

hmm good find now the question how does it work lol ...
my guess is someone sends you their public key and then it lets you connect and download / upload the files you want
correct me if im wrong ...
(Hive Bee)
09-17-03 06:32
No 459541
      just downloaded it     

that one site is back up...


If you want divine justice, die.
09-17-03 07:01
No 459552
      cool leeching now ;-)     

cool leeching now wink
(Hive Bee)
09-17-03 07:17
No 459560
User Picture 

09-17-03 07:17
No 459561
User Picture 
      Always use anonymous proxie servers to access...     

Always use anonymous proxie servers to access such sites. They can be used to identify you.
(Hive Bee)
09-17-03 07:25
No 459562
User Picture 
      Weapons Grade Encryption.     

This one key term, ties a lot together.
(Hive Bee)
09-19-03 03:55
No 459859
      this won't play in windows media player or...     

this won't play in windows media player or winamp...any suggestions?

i used TFSE...just answer TFQ!
(Hive Bee)
09-19-03 04:04
No 459860
User Picture 
      .Mov files play in quicktime     

.Mov files play in quicktime

Got democracy?
(Hive Bee)
09-19-03 04:07
No 459861

What size is your exactly? The one that works is 519,564,096 bytes. Also that file is a .mov file indicating it is a Quicktime movie. Just go to and d/l the newest version of the program.

~~Fuck the Birch~~
(Hive Bee)
09-19-03 04:22
No 459863
      damn, you guys respond faster than an ...     

damn, you guys respond faster than an ambulance, lol...thanks, i'm watching it now.

i used TFSE...just answer TFQ!
(Hive Bee)
09-19-03 05:10
No 459875
      holy crap! i don't mean to sound ...     

holy crap!
i don't mean to sound disrespectful, but is that guy (strike) out of his mind?  if dateline comes knocking, you don't answer the door!
i'm getting a little old, and i havn't seen the likes of those kids at arizona university in three or four years; rock stars?  this is probably why such a usefull chemical is so maligned.  i can't barely beleive what i just saw.

i used TFSE...just answer TFQ!
09-19-03 05:23
No 459879
User Picture 
      Failed attempts     

There were some failed attempts to change the format to something that wasn't so insanely huge in file size and to a format that was compatable with normal media players so no one would have to install that fucked up Quicktime spyware program that hoses most Windows systems and refuses to allow you to easily uninstall it, unfortunatly these attempts were met with no success.

The 500Mb original file was almost converted to much smaller (12Mb or smaller if I remember right), mpeg file with no loss of quality, unfortuneatly something went wrong with the audio about 3/4's of the way through it.

I fucking hate Quicktime almost as badly as I hate that fucking Real Player spyware bullshit.

(Stoni's sexual toy)
09-19-03 08:07
No 459919
User Picture 
      Learn from the mistakes made by those ...     

Learn from the mistakes made by those involved, but don't ridicule them.

If it was up to me I wouldn't help to make this video available to everyone, that's kind of similar to people staring at the victims of a traffic accident. I doubt that those on the receiving end like the idea of becoming sort of famous due to their unfortunate fate, in that kind of situation they are in right now you don't want to be constantly reminded of what you did wrong, you just want to leave that shit behind and want to be left alone.

So watch the fucking thing and learn something from it, but keep your comments to the absolute minimum. No need to stir the contents of the septic tank and make old shit come back to the surface again.

I'm not fat just horizontally disproportionate.
09-19-03 08:22
(Rated as: insignificant)
(Hive Bee)
09-19-03 16:40
No 459969

I reencoded this using mencoder to a divx file.  It is 286MB, with the same quality as far as I can tell (just did a quick look).  I do not know if it will play on everyone's computer, but it plays fine on any system with mplayer, and I think it will play fine with the tsunami pack on windows.  If anyone still wants a smaller version and can give me a place to upload it I would be happy to.
(Hive Bee)
09-19-03 23:55
No 460014
      Just a funny Strike related link: ...     

Just a funny Strike related link:
09-20-03 03:16
No 460042
User Picture 
      divx format     

Please play the entire thing through and make sure it works first. We thought we had it reformatted before too, but didn't discover it was actually fucked towards the end untill after up/downloading it all over the place.

(Hive Bee)
09-20-03 05:11
No 460060
      Just watched, it works fine.     

Just watched, it works fine.
(Synaptic Self-Mutilator)
09-21-03 00:28
No 460164

Looks like Strike posted his real name in the news groups! Whoops. I'm surprised how many mistakes it usually takes to get caught--it's often quite a few (or sometimes just one--and some really unfortunate luck).
(Hive Bee)
09-23-03 23:10
No 460631
      didn't seem to care     

i told 'him' about that post while he was still around...and he didn't seem too worried...oh well frown
(Hive Bee)
09-13-04 21:32
No 531177
      I know this is an old post, but can someone...     

I know this is an old post, but can someone upload this to me (or tell me where I can download it) as I have not seen it yet and I would really like to. I would be willing to upload any software (e.g. any version of Datacenter Server, 3DS MAX, Chemistry, custom built Hacking tools etc) that I have to the person that can upload this video to me. I normally get 500KB - 1.5MB down so don't think you'll be uploading for a few days or anything.

Crank is part of this complete breakfast.
09-18-04 12:52
No 531973
      I will run a FTP for a certain amount of time...     

I will run a FTP for a certain amount of time if somebod ywants to send it too me. I will RAR it and put a password on it.

I also have a few other documentrys on things like Columbia, army testing etc.

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