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All 17 posts   Subject: dr. Shulgin in Playboy magazine (not nude)   Please login to post   Thread doesn't expire   Down

(Hive Addict)
02-27-04 18:11
No 491458
User Picture 
      dr. Shulgin in Playboy magazine (not nude)     

The March 2004 issue of Playboy Magazine features an extensive article about the life and work of Dr. Alexander Shulgin.

"The Agony and Ecstasy of Alexander Shulgin

This secretive chemistry wizard and former professor is the most important countercultural figure you've never heard of. He brought ecstasy to America, and a government raid hasn't stopped him from inventing -- and ingesting -- hundreds of other serotonin-enhancing drugs. Now he finally goes public about his rabid inner circle, his love-hate relationship with the DEA and how the future of human evolution will come about through psychedelic drugs. By Mark Boal"
Is there someone with an online subscription ?
(Hive Addict)
02-28-04 00:17
No 491546

but ill get that issue and scan/post it great find!!

signed -nous
02-28-04 02:59
No 491569
User Picture 
      HEy now,     

HEy now,

I just know that chemo has an online subscription!winktongue

The bus came by,and I got on.Thats when it all began. -GD
(Hive Addict)
02-28-04 03:52
No 491581
      ow yeah     

some one told me chemo likes to take the centerfold stables out with his teethcool

signed -nous
(Hive Bee)
02-28-04 11:58
No 491606
      US playboy only?     

SWIM wonders if European playboy magazines will cover this topic too?
(Hive Addict)
02-28-04 15:10
No 491613
User Picture 
      CONTEST TIME!     

first bee to post "The Article" gets a night with aztec....or weedar(if your on one of those pussy-free diets)


LYFizBUTaDREAM...and then you wake up dead!
(Hive Bee)
02-29-04 01:01
No 491696
      The Agony & Ecstasy of
(Rated as: excellent)

Alexander Shulgin.

02-29-04 01:39
No 491703

I like this color picture here:

03-23-04 10:38
      a month old random thought.
(Rated as: shut the fuck up beeman)
09-11-04 18:33
      it I doesn't add up.
(Rated as: insignificant)
(Hive Addict)
09-12-04 05:42
No 530974
User Picture 
      Thanks for the article!     

Thanks for the article. I couldn't find that issue anywhere locally (Sold Out) I remember PMing a few bees to see if they had a copy and nobody was able to come through. Its as if most procrastinated for a couple of months and that was as long as it took to sell out.

It took forever for the article to load in this thread but well worth the wait. Much appreciated! smile

(Hive Bee)
09-12-04 11:25
No 531000
      Bout half way through.     

Bout half way through.

 -The chemist became a convert after his first mescaline trip, on 400 milligrams, a massive dose. Emotional doors that had been locked his entire adult life swung open, and he felt showered with passion "I saw a world that presented itself in several guises," he wrote. "It had a marvel of color that for me was without precedent... I could see the intimate structure of a bee putting something in its sack on its hind leg to take to its hive, yet I was complety at peace with the bee's closeness to my face... I had found my learning path"

Your an individual just like everyone else
10-03-04 21:13
      Nina eh?
(Rated as: insignificant)
10-03-04 21:21
(Rated as: UTF PM Function)
10-04-04 07:35
      Re: The chemist became a convert after his...
(Rated as: misinforming)
(Hive Addict)
10-04-04 18:43
No 534407
User Picture 
      online transcript of the Shulgin Interview     

I found this and thought it would be easier to read and/or save to your hardrive:

Cui peccare licet peccat minus - One who is allowed to sin, sins less. (Ovid)
(Hive Bee)
10-04-04 22:55
No 534444
      Excellent article. Anyone know where I can d/l     

Excellent article. Anyone know where I can d/l audio/video files of Dr. Shulgin speaking? He was in my home town not too long ago giving a lecture, but I wasn't able to go. frown

Crank is part of this complete breakfast.

All 17 posts   End of thread   Top
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