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All 38 posts   Subject: DjVu Files (better than PDF)   Please login to post   Down

03-12-04 11:57
No 494604
User Picture 
      DjVu Files (better than PDF)
(Rated as: excellent)

This is the latest addition to our FAQ: What are .djvu files and how can I view them?

DjVu is an open file format for scanned documents similar to PDF (including a text layer). But in contrast to the PDF format DjVu content downloads faster, displays and renders faster, looks nicer on a screen, and consumes less client resources. A typical full-color, letter-size or A4-size page at 300 dpi takes only 50 KB!

In order to view DjVu documents under Windows you have to download and install the free DjVu Browser Plugin ( from LizardTech Inc. Unix users have to use the browser plugin from the free and open source DjVuLibre package (

Please follow these links for more information:

DjVu Zone FAQ ( A site devoted to the DjVu user community.
LizardTech ( Free Windows browser plugin and commercial DjVu suite for Windows.
DjVuLibre ( Free and open source package for Unix including plugins, decoders, encoders, and utilites.
Any2DjVu ( Free online conversion tool. Convert your scanned, PDF, or PostScript document into DjVu online through a web-interface.
(Hive Addict)
03-12-04 12:39
No 494615

if this is a call for using .djvu instead of .pdf i very much
support it. not only is the compression better, but the whole
format is less encumbered with that silly DRM crap.

filter(lambda W : W not in 'ILLITERATE','BULLSHIT')
03-12-04 14:58
No 494636
User Picture 
      Yes, use DjVu!     

Yes, you can read it as encouragment to use the DjVu format and to install the plugin. This format has been in use at the Hive since a while now. Technically it is definitely better than PDF for scanned text pages. PDF is still better suited for completely digital documents and it has the advantage of a wide distribution of PDF viewers and of being a more general container format.

I really hope that DjVu becomes more widely accepted and chances seem to be better than in the past since LizardTech got a new management (you can read the whole story on the DjVu Zone Main page

(Here is a non-OCR'ed document from the Hive to get an impression: )
(Chief Bee)
03-12-04 15:54
No 494648
User Picture 
      Just remember to use high resolution!     

Just remember to scan in a higher resolution than you would do if working with PDF. 400 DPI (or more) is a must if the DjVu documents are going to be OCR-able afterwards, and if you want to be able to read any fine print. As DjVu is a 'lossy' format, you need the extra safety margin when using it.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Addict)
03-13-04 08:44
No 494812
      compression / OCR     

djvu supports different types of compressions, lossy and lossless.
of course with lossless/higher resolution you lose the main advantage,
in consequence the right thing would be to do the OCR before the
compression (as it is supposed to be). unfortunately i have no OCR
program and the tiffs my scanner program produces are hundreds of MB. tongue

filter(lambda W : W not in 'ILLITERATE','BULLSHIT')
(Hive Addict)
03-13-04 10:48
No 494827
User Picture 

unfortunately i have no OCR program and the tiffs my scanner program produces are hundreds of MB

I think you're just a computer n00b wink.

When scanning text (or text with simple graphics, like reaction diagrams) I only use 2 colour mode (white/black).

Advanced clitoris massage specialist. 32 years of experience. PM me for a "sample".
(Hive Addict)
03-13-04 11:23
No 494831
      tried that     

i tried that and the results looked very bad...

filter(lambda W : W not in 'ILLITERATE','BULLSHIT')
(Hive Addict)
03-13-04 11:30
No 494832
User Picture 

Even when scanning at 300 or 600 dpi?

Advanced clitoris massage specialist. 32 years of experience. PM me for a "sample".
(Chief Bee)
03-13-04 13:31
No 494842
User Picture 
      My technique     

I usually scan in 300 DPI, with 256 color greyscale (to limit the file size), but perform all manipulations with the images (adjusting contrast, skewing, cropping and resizing) in RGB mode in photoshop (or else the quality degrades), then I save as 8-color GIF and convert to PDF.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Addict)
03-13-04 23:16
No 494908
      1 bit/pixel     

the problem with b/w scans is that, due to the bad quality of my
xeroxed pages, parts of the scan are either totally white or totally

filter(lambda W : W not in 'ILLITERATE','BULLSHIT')
(Chief Bee)
03-14-04 18:57
No 495094
User Picture 
      B/W only suitable for recently printed originals     

I have the same problem if I try to scan in B/W, therefore I don't. It is only suitable for recently printed originals, not older books or xeroxes.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Addict)
03-15-04 06:56
No 495204
User Picture 

Sorry, I did not recall my scanning procedure correctly crazy... What I normally do is to scan the page in RGB mode in a sufficiently high resolution. Then, I convert the ultra high filesize scan to black/white only. For most chemistry texts, this has proven its value. I must admit there sometimes are problems using this method, most notably when scanning Italian and German (post-)wartime low quality paper.

Advanced clitoris massage specialist. 32 years of experience. PM me for a "sample".
(Hive Bee)
03-17-04 06:24
No 495648

I agree. Scan at 300dpi in greyscale mode and then switch to RGB and adjust in photoshop (levels, transform, etc). Then use the save for web feature to save as a PNG file adjusting the number of bits per pixel to get a nice looking image (the realtime preview of save for web is very nice). Then to make a PDF, I insert page into word as an image and click the pdf button.
Is there some way to just compose documents from GIF/PNG straight into Acrobat?
(Chief Bee)
03-17-04 14:36
No 495718
User Picture 
      Adobe Acrobat     

Yes, if you use the commercial software Adobe Acrobat, as opposed to Acrobat Reader, there are several ways of making a PDF file directly. Use the help file.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Bee)
03-18-04 03:55
No 495852

I am using 'Adobe Acrobat 6 Professional' but the way that I create PDF files from scans involves scanning, retouching in photoshop, then pasting into word then exporting to PDF. Is this method any better or worse than other methods of creating a PDF file?
(Chief Bee)
03-18-04 07:01
No 495876
User Picture 
      File > Create PDF > From Multiple Files     

Check the menu: File > Create PDF > From Multiple Files...

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Bee)
04-05-04 23:17
No 499244
      "DjVu Files (better than PDF)"     

DjVu looks good but, apart from the any2djvu web site, there aren't any Windows tools for making .Djvu files.

I used to scan at 300 dpi but nowadays I'll scan a scientific article at 600 dpi - even when making PDFs - unless OCRing it directly. The tiny writing used in some journals needs 600dpi. That scan can be saved to a .pdf at 300 dpi (or better) with 90% JPEG (I haven't tried the PNG setting much). The .pdf is submitted to the any2djvu site which I expect will reduce the file size to only 20% of the pdf source. Very impressive and DjVu doesn't take an age to load the viewer either, unlike the Acrobat viewer. The only problem with 600 dpi is my scanner takes twice as long to scan it.

I use line art setting for scanning nearly everything.

To the guy without OCRware: I use Finereader 7.0, downloaded from the ABBYY web-site. The crack is available on the net.
(Chief Bee)
04-06-04 02:50
No 499271
User Picture 
      Make your own DjVu docs: DejaVu Solo 3.1     

DjVu looks good but, apart from the any2djvu web site, there aren't any Windows tools for making .Djvu files.

Yes, there is. You can find a link to the program DejaVu Solo 3.1 in Post 218955 (Antoncho: "All DejaVu programs may now bee downloaded", Tryptamine Chemistry)

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Wonderful Personality)
04-06-04 21:57
No 499409
      There is a program called DJVUerPro 1.7 from...     

There is a program called DJVUerPro 1.7 from Feith Software which can do batch and sweep conversion - but it cannot create joined documents, only single pages.
No problem!
Use DJVUerPro for batchconverting tiff/jpg/bmp to djvu and DJVU Solo to join the pages to one document. smile
The joined (small) document can be OCR on the net at the any2djvu page.

Thats not perfect but it looks like the situation will get much better soon as LIZARDTECH has gotten a new management.

DJVUerPro is crackware. blush

Shareholder of Paranoid Fucks inc.
(Hive Addict)
04-06-04 22:06
No 499411
      oh my...     

the problems of people who can't write a 5 line shell script. wink

filter(lambda W : W not in 'ILLITERATE','BULLSHIT')
04-07-04 08:48
      How do you come to believe that I havent done...
(Rated as: offending)
04-07-04 09:16
(Rated as: off-topic)
(Hive Bee)
05-02-04 00:09
No 504259
User Picture 
      djvu vs ps?     

I personally was less than impressed with the performance of the djvu viewer in windows, every time i scroll the image it disappears and redraws, it takes fully more htan a second to change the view. I'm sick to death of the bugs in acrobat viewer, it fucks badly with mozilla and firefox. I downloaded ghostscript and gsview, and sadly, it's not as nice interface wise, but it's way faster, and it can do postscript and pdf.

I wish that there was a program that analysed black and white drawings and text and generated outlines rather than the pixelation. this would be more readily processed into text as well.

Not to complain about the use of djvu though, i've not run it under linux but i'm willing to bet that it's dreamy compared with acrobat, even on this old 500mhz celeron 128mb 100mhz fsb, certainly xpdf renders way faster than acrobat on the same hardware

thou knowest
07-13-04 23:12
No 519235
      DjVu for Windows (Commercial Edition)     

Is any bee  interested in "LizardTech Djvu Document Express Pro v4.0.1.235" ?
SIZE: 31,150,491 bytes
STATUS: Full Cracked

Can you provide some ftp space for this software ?
(Hive Bee)
07-17-04 07:11
No 519852
      elfspice, to solve you acrobat reader problems     

elfspice,   to solve you acrobat reader problems you shouldn't use the browser addon, instead use the standalone program which has always been completely flawless for me
07-21-04 12:22
No 520594
      DjVu for Windows.....     

eDonkey/eMule network has it !!!!!

07-21-04 12:23
No 520595

And this seems OK...too..

(Hive Bee)
07-21-04 19:41
No 520665

i'm sure a lot of people here know, not so sure discussion of warez is encouraged here. even if many here who have acrobat pro 6, photoshop, etc. got them there also. obviously you can find a lot of cool things there and elsewhere. not a secret.

but since you brought it up, i've tried the first file and the hack by whoever still wouldn't let me bypass the cartridge manager.
(Hive Bee)
07-24-04 21:57
No 521409

no one sent any pm's telling me i'm a moron, i figured this out by myself somehow. but then i am a milk user by choice- give up french toast? the cartridge manager is easy to get around, you can make as many djvu's from image files as you want, were you to become a criminal. just not directly from pdfs.

the sucky deal with that file was that the desirable virtual printer (the pdf converter) isn't included. it is a separate file, but then that is also available.
(Hive Bee)
07-27-04 19:31
No 522038
User Picture 
      DJVU problems with highlighting text or images ...     

I have problems using the full features of the DJVU reader. The only way I've been able to use the reader in my IBook has been to designate the Internet Explorer to open the DJVU type of documents, because the Safari browser won't do it. However there are no features to cut text or image available, like the Adobe acrobat 6.0 Professional that I have. I have had some suprises when sometimes firefox (Mozella) opens the files , but again no text or image highlighting available.

I've gone to the DJVU site noted in Lilienthal's first post DjVu Zone FAQ ( A site devoted to the DjVu user community. but have found no answer. Is there a way I can have my IBook to open the documents using the full features of DJVU by some other method? Replies as to switch to PC is not an option  thank

Just hold on to the thread...that keeps us going
(Chief Bee)
07-27-04 20:04
No 522047
User Picture 
      That feature depends on the source, not the format     

However there are no features to cut text or image available, like the Adobe acrobat 6.0 Professional that I have.

Most of the documents created by bees and other hobbyists are only compressed bitmaps of the text and does not contain any OCR'ed text layer. This is true for both PDF and DjVu documents. Publishers with lots of time and resources often create and include such an OCR layer, and these also tend to publish their works in PDF format, while DjVu is mainly used by hobbyists.

This is likely the reason why you are accustomed to be able to cut/paste text from most of your PDF docs and very few of your DjVu docs. Compare PDF and DjVu documents both with and without OCR layers at

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Wonderful Personality)
07-29-04 19:10
No 522519
      Thats the true beauty of using ...     

Thats the true beauty of using

to convert scanned text or pdf´s to the djvu format. This not only compresses those terrible 3-page 2MB pdf´s down to a tenth but also includes OCR - fast and free and quite good.

Highly recommended for bees and even Chief-bees might spend a thought or two on using this well-working and completely free service wink.

Java: You can export pages as bitmaps from the browser plugin - right-click (or what Apple uses for this) and "export as" - these can be processed further in any program of choice. This way at least pictures can get extracted.


so near, so far......
08-03-04 23:16
No 523490
User Picture 
      Some honey for the Djvu Bees     

I agree with Rhodium.. Pdf is superior in quality matters. Personally I like the vector nature of pdf format over the djvu format.
I mean, when you scale up the pdfs the fonts don't get pixeled, as it happens with Djvu. If you have Win OS and want desperately the superior compressing abilities of Djvu format, here it is. Hive-Bees...Grab it!
It'll only be up for a day or two.  Also, I would appreciate a lot if you only downloaded at night Eastern Time.
08-04-04 07:10
No 523579

> Pdf is superior in quality matters.

djvu supports lossless compression too.

> Personally I like the vector nature of pdf format over the djvu format.
> I mean, when you scale up the pdfs the fonts don't get pixeled, as it happens with Djvu.

are you talking about scanned documents?

He always lied while on the earth and now he's lying in it
08-04-04 08:08
No 523591
User Picture 
      Yes and No     

I am talking in general..Not for scanned docs exclusively.
When we say superior we don't mean far superior necessarily.
Djvu has the possibility to become a standard..Who Knows ?
08-04-04 09:08
No 523595
      can't be better     

per definition you can't have better quality than lossless, because
that means not a single bit of information that the scanner generates
is lost. so i don't know what you mean with "better quality".

as for not scanned documents - that's not djvu's purpose. use something else!

He always lied while on the earth and now he's lying in it
(Wonderful Personality)
08-04-04 11:44
No 523604
      Myodyne: Re: I am talking in general..     


I am talking in general..

You dont know what you talk about at all, thats it. HYPO is right.

What I mainly wanted to express is that 3-page 2MB pdf-documents are a pain in the ass and who doesnt know how to use the SILX-compressor and OCR on pdf´s may use the online service of as posted before for he gets high compression and OCR for free there.

Not everybody sits on a highspeed-connection also not nowadays.
Dont be so self-centered.


so near, so far......
08-04-04 14:02
      Organikum: At which point you were offended ?
(Rated as: UTF PM Function)

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