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All 26 posts   Subject: Pure Thujone   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
03-22-04 05:15
No 496555
      Pure Thujone     

Does anyone here have any experience with pure (or near pure) thujone?  How coudl one purify a Wormwood extract after an ethanol/ether extraction?  Are any of Wormwoods effects attributed to alkaloids other than Thujone?
(Hive Addict)
03-22-04 05:42
No 496562
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      Absinthe pharmacology and toxicology
(Rated as: excellent)


Absinthe pharmacology and toxicology

Journal of Applied Biomedicine 1: 199–205, 2003
ISSN 1214-0287

Pharmacology and toxicology of absinthe
Jiøí Patoèkaa and Bohumil Plucarb a Department of Toxicology, Military Medical Academy, Hradec Králové and Faculty of Health and Social Studies, University of South Bohemia, Èeské Budìjovice, Czech Republic b Lundbeck CRS, s.r.o. Praha. Czech Republic

(Hive Addict)
03-22-04 05:45
No 496565
      What, you WANT to end up in convulsions and...     

What, you WANT to end up in convulsions and vomiting until you asphyxiate?  There are plenty of "recipes" for making absinthe on the net.

100% Canadian Bullshit
(Hive Bee)
03-22-04 17:16
No 496660

I was looking for a method of obtaining the Thujone high without the alcohol.  Alcohol leaves an odor everybody recognizes on you, makes you a stumbling fool whose slurring his words, can make you vomit and lose consciousness, and last for quite awhile.  I was thinking there might be a way to extract Thujone and place it upon a bowl of smokeable materiel.
(Hive Bee)
03-22-04 17:34
No 496665
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(Rated as: good read)

I was looking for a method of obtaining the Thujone high without the alcohol.

A simple steam distillation of wormwood or Thuja plicata leaves should do and you will also get rid from the bitter compounds in wormwood. But you will have to dissolve the terpenes either in alcohol or milk in order to ingest them.

I was thinking there might be a way to extract Thujone and place it upon a bowl of smokeable materiel.

This is even easier. Just put the wormwood leaves in the bowl and the extraction will happen by itself while you smoketongue.

Anyway, it is the isothujone that you want:

(-)-3-Isothujone, a small nonnitrogenous molecule with antinociceptive activity in mice.
Kenner C. Rice and Raymond S. Wilson
J. Med. Chem. 19[/i] (1976) 1054-1057.

Abstract:(-)-3-Isothujone and (+)-3-thujone were examined for antinociceptive activity using the hot-plate and Nilsen tests. In the hot-plate test (-)-3-isothujone (ED50 = 6.5 mg/kg) was found to be codeine-like and equipotent with (-)-tetrahydrocannabinol while the racemic material was essentially half as potent as the levorotatory isomer. (+)-3-Thujone was inactive in both antinociceptive tests as were several structural analogues of the 3-thujones. As with the THC's less antinociceptive activity was observed in the Nilsen test than in the hot-plate assay. Acute toxicities for the 3-thujones were determined and vastly improved synthetic procedures have been developed for two long-known but difficultly accessible 3-thujanols.

“The real drug-problem is that we need more and better drugs.” – J. Ott
(Hive Addict)
03-22-04 17:52
No 496670
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      thujone and sage     

Instead of extracting artemisia leaves, you should better buy the essential oil. If for some reason this is not obtainable where you live, look into oil of sage (common Salvia officinalis). The latter often contains even higher amounts of thujone compared to Artemisia absinthium, up to 50% of the essential oil:

The Eclectic Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics.
by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., 1922.

Antimicrobial activity of essential oil of sage from Serbia.
D. and Lj. Miladinoviæ
Facta Universitatis Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology Vol. 2, No 2 (2000), pp. 97 - 100

The water-destilled essential oil of sage (Salvia officinalis L.) grown in Serbia was analyzed by GC/MS. The major constituents of oil were alpha-thujone (24,88%), camphor(16,03%) and 1,8-cineole (9,79%). The essential oil (2% and 1% in ethylene glycol) from the sage leaves was found to be active against Bacillus subtilis S, Staphylococcus aureus 6538, Escerichia coli 95, Salmonella enteritidis and Aspergillus niger.

Full-text PDF:

"It is the declared policy of the US Government to create a Drug-Free America by 1995."
03-22-04 21:22
No 496688

Swim had a bottle of absinthe that was rated a very high thujone content (yes, it said that on the bottle). She mixed some of it with water, emulsion (I guess?) occurred -- when it turns all cloudy white.

Left in the fridge for a while, crystals formed at the bottom of the bottle following the cloudy white state.

Knowing the toxicity of thujone, swim did not have the mindset to do anything with those crystals, but offers this as an observation.
(Hive Bee)
03-22-04 23:10
No 496704
      Steam Distillation     

When you say to buy the essential oils I assume you me the product of a steam distillation of wormwood, is this correct?  And your saying this would be more effective than a methanol -> HCl -> activated charcoal extraction?
(Hive Bee)
03-22-04 23:14
No 496706
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      question for rezzed     

absinthe is usually around 70% ethanol right? the rest is mostly water, so why would it turn cloudy when in contact with more water? swmi has used water to dilute his down to ease the burning on swims stomach and never had any kind of emulsion form.just curious.

wanted: witty with details
03-23-04 00:33
No 496730
      The Absinthe Louche     

Okay, so it's not technically emulsion. It's a process called louche by the layman, and colloidal suspension by the scientist.

[Upon adding water] ... the [absinthe] then turns into an opaque white as the essential oils precipitate out of the alcoholic solution, forming a colloidal suspension.
In Swim's experience, absinthe ranges from 50% ethanol to around 80% with 65% considered the sweet spot.

If yours isn't turning cloudy you probably could probably use more oils in it.

Does a chemist want to step in and take a guess at how it could go from colloidal suspension to crystals? And what the crystals might be?
(Hive Bee)
03-23-04 00:41
No 496731
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      i was just curious     

the only assay i have done any time i had it was a bio one and the drink was different than normal ethanol intoxication whichh i attribute to the oils, the stuff i got was made in the czech republic and was meant to bee good(think the brand name wall pills or hills or something) oh well i will pay more attention next time i get it

wanted: witty with details
(Stoni's sexual toy)
03-23-04 06:36
No 496797
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      The same happens with ouzo, pernot and all the     

The same happens with ouzo, pernot and all the other anethole containing drinks.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Hive Addict)
03-23-04 08:55
No 496817
      " Alcohol leaves an odor everybody ...     

" Alcohol leaves an odor everybody recognizes on you, makes you a stumbling fool whose slurring his words, can make you vomit and lose consciousness, and last for quite awhile"

And you have the impression that consuming intoxicating dosages of thujone won't?  Poivre toi...


"absinthe is usually around 70% ethanol right? the rest is mostly water, so why would it turn cloudy when in contact with more water?"

As mentioned, precipitated oils.  As the ethanol fraction decreases with addition of water, the non water soluble oils cannot be contained by the remaining proportion of alcohol and precipitate out of solution.

100% Canadian Bullshit
(Hive Addict)
03-23-04 10:38
No 496825

> Poivre toi...

pepper yourself!


filter(lambda W : W not in 'ILLITERATE','BULLSHIT')
(Hive Bee)
03-23-04 15:56
No 496846
User Picture 
      thanks paranoid     

was just wondering because it never happened to me with absinthe i get the picture now though something akin to the colour change of pernod.

wanted: witty with details
(Hive Bee)
03-24-04 03:12
No 496965
      Smoking wormwood     

Smoking wormwood is a nasueating expierence.  An individual who was with SWID at the time seemed to enjoy it, but it just made SWID feel like he had severe car sickness...vertigo extreme. frown  Maybe just sensitive to Thujone.

Drug Chemists are Ta to a good Sm.
(Hive Bee)
03-24-04 17:06
No 497060
      Usable Product     

So the essential oils which would result from a steam distillation could not be soaked onto a plant carrier material for smoking?
(Hive Bee)
03-24-04 20:14
No 497076
User Picture 
      So the essential oils which would result from...     

So the essential oils which would result from a steam distillation could not be soaked onto a plant carrier material for smoking?

Why would you isolate the oil from plant material and then put it back in plant material?crazy

“The real drug-problem is that we need more and better drugs.” – J. Ott
(Hive Addict)
03-25-04 01:18
No 497127
      "pepper yourself!     

"pepper yourself!"

Damn drunken posting.  I meant "pauvre toi".  I REALLY need to take some refresher courses in french.blush

100% Canadian Bullshit
03-25-04 04:40
No 497176
User Picture 
      here comes old flat-top     

groovin' up slowly.

this drug sucks.

it will fuck up your liver while you try to get high on history.
mostly the history of shitty drugs.

btw, for bees that seek shitty drugs from yesteryear, wormwood is just the beeginning!

(there are so few old drugs mostly for good reasons)

but, for real!

a guy like me could turn you on to a lot of shitty drugs.
drugs that make you puke are the holy-spirit expressing its hatred of you and everything you stand for.
(Hive Bee)
03-27-04 08:10
No 497660

The extracted oils would most likely be placed on the material of a different plant,a nd even if it wasn't, the resulting product would be sigfifigantly mor potent.  IE: Lacing a joint with hash oil.
04-16-04 21:24
No 501122
User Picture 
      ah, wormwood     

As I type, a wad of dark wormwood resin sits drying next to the window. 4 oz or so of wormwood (a big baggie) was extracted with 700 ml IPA for a week, then allowed to dry outside for two weeks(!) (it was wet then....)

It's obviously not pure thujone, lots of chlorophyl in there. But there's something, nonetheless.

Everclear and rolling papers have been acquired, bioassay results to follow...eventually.

No statutes were harmed in the making of this post
(Hive Bee)
04-18-04 11:51
No 501460
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      Wormwood oil.     

Essential oil of wormwood is quite dangerous for oral consumption so you should all keep that in mind.
I have no idea what smoking resin would be like, but i imagine it would be very harsh and quite potent.
Imo, artemesia absinthium is best used as a thujone source/flavour in traditional absinthe which is most enjoyable. I have great respect for my herb garden. wink

I'm a diamond that is tired, of all the faces i've aquired.
(Hive Addict)
04-19-04 03:00
No 501545
      Dear lord ning, don't become another Bwiti.     

Dear lord ning, don't become another Bwiti.  If you absolutely MUST go through with this nearly suicidal plan, use a very small amount to begin with, and then perhaps work your way up if necessary.  Bee careful, thujone is nasty shit (and probably not all that fun anyways).

100% Canadian Bullshit
(PVC-Analog Taste-Tester)
04-20-04 04:02
No 501717
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      One Bwiti..     

One Bwiti is enough!tongue Take paranoid's advice, and use caution.

Black guys that bang white chicks are cool <- How's that for a bumper-sticker idea?.
(Hive Addict)
11-06-04 16:28
No 540037
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      Came up when i wasnt looking for it     

in case anyone still careswink

chemically enhanced.

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