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All 40 posts   Subject: Rotten Teeth from amphetamine and Meth   Please login to post   Down

03-24-04 02:18
      Rotten Teeth from amphetamine and Meth
(Rated as: misinforming)
(Hive Bee)
03-24-04 02:53
No 496953
      continous use...     

of any drugs will lead to rotten teeth unless precautions are taken. From my observation heroin additcs are the ones where this factor is noted faster...ive knew one guy which tried the fukin heroin...i warned him...he send me to hell...2 month later he was parking cars for money (60 dol a day...) and the teeth simple disapeared.
Another drug which was very abused among us in the 80's, Clorobenzorex (dinitel), lead to rotten teeth too.
I dont know about the meth as we dont have meth addicts here.

i wonder what is a meth addict...for me addition means phisical pain...need of the drug more than food...need to steal coz phisical pain is serious...i doubt meth lead to that but this is another story...

sincerely speaking maybe the fukin "cuts" used on these drugs acelarate the convinced of that too.

anyway i dont get the mouth that dry...cannabis in the form of good haxixe or high THC content weed does it. when its good I almost sufocate from the dry mouth but meth doesnt seem a me at least...Im starting to thinking that maybe and from what ive read here, the main cut used on meth is magnesium sulphate...maybe that is drying the mouth of those guys...
(Hive Bee)
03-24-04 02:55
No 496955
User Picture 
      injecting meth leads to rotten teeth????     

never heard that, definately not how you imagine i would think. your post seems to suggest that some reflux action of stomach material causes the teeth to dacay more rapidly by reacting with the bodys hcl or cl ions. the human stomach has a constant supply of mucous to protect it the body does a good job at keeping that nasty stuff (hcl) away from unprotected flesh. damage is more likely to come from other acids for example orange juice has a pretty low ph value and causes a great deal of damage to the teeth, according to my dentist. i remember testing the ph of one brand and it was around 2 which i found alarming.

i know that rubbing cocaine onto the gums can cause problems maybe meth can act the came way by direct rubbing i doubt that it acts directly on the teeth from nasal of iv injection, and who likes the taste of meth in the mouth. if i were you i would search for an alternative cause of my dental erosion.

please correct me if i am wrong

wanted: witty with details
(Hive Bee)
03-24-04 03:14
No 496966
User Picture 
      The meth itself is not the problem, even when...     

The meth itself is not the problem, even when you burp, Small amounts Of HCL come up.  The problem is dry mouth. I have read side effect warnings and a lot that have dry mouth suggest rotten teeth.  Meth is a base, with HCL connected, so the meth is not doing it, it is the HCL no matter how you look at it...I think
(Hive Bee)
03-24-04 03:22
No 496969
User Picture 
      i doubt that the hcl from the meth is doing it     

apply occams razor here: 1> the meth is dissociating and/or the hcl in your stomach is being expelled into the mouth in its gaseous form leading to rotten teeth versus 2> some other part of your diet is doing it.

IF it is the hcl from the stomach then you would need to be doing a large molar ammount of meth to add signifigantly to the bodys hcl so as to damage the teeth that way. obviously any acid will react happily with your teeth i just dont think it is hcl in this case, more likely citric acid or even phorphoric acid from soft drinks.

wanted: witty with details
(Hive Addict)
03-24-04 03:26
No 496972
      Teeth and HCL gas?     

Swim notices the day after producing or beeing in a room where HCL gas is produced, his teeth hurt more then normal.

Its as if he can feel the HCL eroding the enamel. Maybee there is some truth to this. crazy

(Hive Bee)
03-24-04 03:30
No 496976
User Picture 
      i know hcl can attack enamel but     

the meth can hardly be blamed look at the ammount of meth you would need in direct contact with teeth in its dissociated form to react with the enamel though. it is far more likely that some other factors are more previlant s all.

oh and scotty dog use a fume hood man, i remember breathing in hcl vapours once when an idiot in the lab heated the conc acid outside a fume hood and the blisters in my nose and mouth were of more concern than tooth decay.

wanted: witty with details
(Hive Bee)
03-24-04 04:49
No 496984
User Picture 
      I don't think I am getting my point across,...     

I don't think I am getting my point across, but one more time.
It is not the amount of HCL that may come up from your stomach, or soda drinks that are important, but the fact that your mouth is so damm dry that the HCL is not in solution, or at least in high concentration. It is all amount molarity. Gallon of soution, and a teaspoon of soution can have the same molarity.  Molarity is directly and correlated with pH.
(Hive Addict)
03-24-04 05:22
No 496989
User Picture 

The Rotting has everything to do with nutrition and nothing to do with hydrochloric acid. Meth also has a tendency to dehydrate but if a decent amount of water is drank with it this is manageable.

Meth heads with rotten teeth aren't eating properly. Period.

The teeth thing is linked to a depletion of calcium. Once your body has no source for it it begins preying on the body for it and the first place it goes to get it is your teeth.

The body will let you know when it's eyeing those teeth as a source of calcium too because you'll begin to feel a dull pain where the teeth connect to the jaw. That's your body telling you "hey buddy if you don't get some extra calcium in here quick I'm gonna suck it straight outa for those teeth".

And it ain't kidding. Heed it's warnings or you too will experience massive tooth decay.

If you aren't lactose intolerant and use a lot of meth you can take care of the teeth thing and the dehydration in one fell swoop by making a habit of fequently drinking lots of milk which also replaces many other things that meth can swiftly suck from your system.

Item description: combination hotdog warmer/sugar bowl
(Hive Bee)
03-24-04 06:19
No 496995
User Picture 
      Pain in the teeth is probably not the best way     

Pain in the teeth is probably not the best way to tell if you are lacking calcium.  The pain is likley to be the result of grinding your jaw while on meth. As for the dry mouth, some people experience more then others, Hence the name "possible side effects".  I do know that rotten teeth is directly or can be directly correlated to teeth decay.  I do not know if that is the result of HCL.  Because HCL and Calcium form Calcium Chloride, which is very brittle or easily  crushed.  The dry mouth is for sure related to bad teeth, I just don't know the pathway
(Hive Addict)
03-24-04 06:40
No 496996
User Picture 
      Rotting Teeth is Tooth Decay     

The type of pain I mentioned has nothing to do with tooth grinding.

Even though the awards season has recently passed I think this whole thread is bordering on recieving an honoray "duh" award. Particularly since I felt the need to post anything which was deadly serious but used the title I (quite appropriately) chose for this post.

fight for your limitations and they're yours to keep
(Hive Addict)
03-24-04 07:03
No 496998
      yucky teeth syndrome     

I've always thought that the yucky teeth (mostly found in the cracks between teeth) is due to the meth HCl either seeping from the nasal cavity down to the mouth and settling between the teeth, or in the case of smoking, the smoke getting dissolve in the moisture in the mouth and settling between the teeth.

After a good 4 days of smoking/snorting, I've flossed my teeth and then gotten high again from the shit that comes out from between the teeth.  It sucks when you're trying to come down!

Just make sure to floss after using meth.  I've never gotten yucky teeth syndrome, and I assumed it was because I flossed every time after using meth.
(Hive Bee)
03-24-04 08:04
No 497005
      basic higiene procedures     

wash the teeth. even the tabaco smoking ruins teeth...

mouth higiene and as "chemo" said MILK!
milk is important even without meth usage. drinking milk is thinking not only in present but also in the future.
calcium is important to the plz drink at least a glass of milk everyday...independently of meth or no.
03-24-04 09:53
No 497010
      The cause of tooth decay in meth users     

Tooth decay is caused by the action of bacterial secretions. Bacteria are ever present in large numbers in the oral cavity but their detrimental effects can be contolled to some extent by good oral hygiene, i.e. brushing and flossing especially after consuming sweets. It also helps to have good genes. Some people are more susceptible to tooth decay than others. So, how does doing meth or other types of sympathomimetic drugs seem to enhance tooth decay?  Normal saliva secretion tends to be bacteriostatic -- prevents the overgrowth of the bacteria which cause tooth decay. Amphetamines cause the amount of saliva produced normally to be diminished. Taking amphetamines on a regular basis can cause a drastic reduction in the daily amount of saliva secreted and decay causing bacteria then multiply to higher levels than usual. Additionally, there is less saliva to dilute out and rinse away these bacterial secretions which allows them to work away on the teeth unimpeded. Couple all of this with a tendency to neglect oral hygiene when under the influence of amphetamines and it becomes understandable why amphetamine users may have problems with their teeth. Dry mouth can be associated with other conditions and an increase in tooth decay is found in these as well.

Acid reflux from the stomach can cause severe health problems if left untreated, especially damage to the esophagus and even strictures from scarring that  require surgery to correct. For the most part HCl from the stomach does not reflux far enough even in such cases to cause damage to the teeth. There is a situation, however, in which stomach acid causes quite extensive destruction to the teeth. Some people (bulimics) who purge or induce vomiting after eating to prevent weight gain often have extensive damage to their teeth caused by the frequent exposure to stomach acidic contents.

Good oral hygiene and good nutrition are important and even more so when taking drugs that tend to deplete the body of certain essential elements as they are metabolized. When indulging in one's favorite pharmaceutical it is probably prudent to also drink fluids, especially water to counteract dry mouth.  This last part sounds kind of paradoxical doesn't it? Advice on how to maintain one's health while abusing drugs. Not really so far-fetched. What we are trying to do here is minimize the unintended side-effects.
(Hive Addict)
03-24-04 11:55
No 497018
      Erosion of Enamel     

Swim read the same report.Simply put he thought
it said that saliva protects the enamel of the tooth
from decay.
Dry mouth=No saliva=Decay
(Chief Bee)
03-24-04 22:55
No 497102
User Picture 
      Dental health in stimulant users     

(Meth)Amphetamine use leads to both dry mouth as well as the constriction of the blood vessels in the gums, and these effects are the main contributors to gum disease and tooth decay in stimulant users. Poor nutrition, bad oral hygiene and tooth grinding are other factors, but not as pervasive as the first two.

Dry mouth leads to higher levels of bacteria in the mouth, and bacterial colonies always secrete lactic acid. This lactic acid  being in constant contact with the tooth enamel (which consists of mainly calcium hydroxyapatite, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2) leaches out the calcium ions as water-soluble calcium lactate, leading to dissolution of the enamel.

HCl from gastric juices has absolutely nothing to do with this, that is only of significance to dental health in bulimic patients.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Addict)
03-25-04 00:46
No 497117
      Wouldn't it depend where the decaying is beginning     

I mean if the teeth are rotting from the outside in then it might be caused by external substance such as acid but if the rotting is starting on the inside of the tooth then malnutrition or disease is most likely the cause.  I have never examined a meth users rotting teeth so i wouldn't know which direction the rotting is occuring.

I would suggest that if when using meth, if you are not eating properly, buy some "Ensure" at the grocery store.  Its expensive but it works great for those times when you just don't feel like eating or are not eating properly.  And since my teeth are not rotting it may be helping with that as well.

It wasn't Me!
(Hive Bee)
03-25-04 02:17
No 497146
User Picture 
      I took a micro lab, and we where always taught     

I took a micro lab, and we where always taught that bacteria is likely to do well in moist enviroments, also note that most bacteria are pH sensitive.  Lactic acid could kill then, just like yeast do when making alcohol, Die in there own shit.
03-25-04 03:51
No 497169
User Picture 
      this makes little sense     

imho, dentistry, followed by diet, is the leading cause of tooth decay.

if we must suggest that having a dry mouth is related to anything other than not wetting that dry mouth, well...
that could cause some problems.

i've never experienced the dry mouth or teeth grinding stuff, but i sure did experience the pre-flouride toothpaste and the awesome abundance of sugar; coupled with the willingness of dentists to drill holes where inconsequentle spots are; for great profit.

beefore ya'll trip out on this, check out some old hillbillies, or other white trash; pre-meth invasion; and you will see some really fucked up teeth.

as a med student, biz had to procure skulls from india; poor people's get decent teeth!

i wish it wasnt so.  i want meth to bee a bigger culprit.

beecause of how timid it makes people.
while they feel strong.

drugs suck almost as bad as wholesome stuff.

we need to kick both, and soon
(Hive Addict)
03-25-04 06:58
No 497203
      "I took a micro lab, and we where always...     

"I took a micro lab, and we where always taught that bacteria is likely to do well in moist enviroments, also note that most bacteria are pH sensitive.  Lactic acid could kill then, just like yeast do when making alcohol, Die in there own shit."

The sensitivity of bacteria to pH depends entirely on the species, with several Thermophilic bacteria being content to grow prolifically in levels that are considered extremely corrosive.

Most lactic acid producing bacteria tend to be tolerant of low pH levels - think yoghourt or sour cream, which have a pH around 4.5 (not too low, but enough to still be damaging).  However they do reach a threshold.  In a unbrushed mouth environment other bacterial species would then break down the lactic acid itself for use as a carbon (food) source, preventing accumulation and moderating the pH.  In this way, occasional brushing may be worse than no brushing at all by disruptance of this microbial population balance.  However regular daily brushing is a far better choice than allowing nature to mdoerate your mouth, as you would likely lose several teeth (and have wretchedly poor breath all the time).

100% Canadian Bullshit
03-25-04 08:14
No 497213
      Like few people posted above - rotting teeth...     

Like few people posted above - rotting teeth from amphetamines are due to diminished saliva in the mouth (not because amphetamines deplete calcium - that's an old myth. actually one study showed that amphs deplete magnesium and not calcium). So if you're using meth, apart from taking care of your teeth (brushing,flossing), you should supplement with vit.B6 (very important) and zinc. Why? Here are the studies:

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) (& zinc) reduces dental caries / decay by 2/3, at some doses.

Here are some studies:

Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2000;(2):CD000179
Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) supplementation in pregnancy.
Mahomed K, Gulmezoglu AM.

BACKGROUND: Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) contributes to the development of the central nervous system and may influence brain development and cognitive function. It may also prevent dental caries and protect the placental vascular bed. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this review was to assess the effects of vitamin B6 supplementation during pregnancy and labour. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group trials register. SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised trials of pyridoxine administration compared to a control group. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Trial quality was assessed and data were extracted by two reviewers. MAIN RESULTS: One trial involving 371 women was included. Pyridoxine supplementation either as oral capsules (odds ratio 0.63, 95% confidence interval 0. 41 to 0.95) or lozenges (odds ratio 0.33, 95% confidence interval 0. 22-0.51) was associated with decreased incidence of dental decay in pregnant women. REVIEWER'S CONCLUSIONS: There is not enough evidence to evaluate pyridoxine supplementation during pregnancy, although the results of one trial suggest that it may have a beneficial effect on dental decay.

PMID: 10796172
____ ___ __ _

Infect Immun 1982 Sep;37(3):1101-11
Pyridine analogs inhibit the glucosyltransferase of Streptococcus mutans.
Thaniyavarn S, Taylor KG, Singh S, Doyle RJ.

Soluble glucan synthesis catalyzed by dextransucrase preparations from Streptococcus mutans 6715 were inhibited by pyridoxal-5-phosphate and several other pyridine analogs, including pyridoxine, pyridoxamine, pyridoxamine-5-phosphate, pyridoxal, and 4-pyridoxic acid. Pyridine and pyridine-4-carboxaldehyde were not effective inhibitors of the enzyme. Kinetic analyses suggested that pyridoxal-5-phosphate is a noncompetitive inhibitor of dextransucrase. The inactivation was dependent on time, pyridoxal-5-phosphate concentration, and hydrogen ion concentration. Apparent Ki values were 4.9 mM at pH 7.0 and 4.2 mM at pH 5.5. Dextransucrase activity could be restored by dialysis to remove the inhibitors. Maximum inhibition was observed after a 120-min incubation of the enzyme with pyridoxal-5-phosphate. The pH optima for inhibition by pyridoxal-5-phosphate were 4 and 7. The sucrose-dependent adherence of S. mutans cells to saliva-coated hydroxylapatite beads was also inhibited by pyridoxal-5-phosphate but only marginally by the other pyridine anatogs. In addition, pyridoxal-5-phosphate markedly reduced the rate of acid production by intact S. mutans cells from sucrose or glucose substrates. Anotherpyridoxal-5-phosphate analog, 2-methyl-5-hydroxypyridine, was also effective in preventing the production of acid by S. mutans from sucrose or glucose. When S. mutans cells were preincubated with pyridoxal-5-phosphate or pyridine analogs, significant reductions in the rate of D-glucose uptake were observed. It is suggested that the inhibition of dextransucrase occurs because of a change iun enzyme conformation which results from the binding of the pyridine derivatives. The results suggest that pyridoxal-5-phosphate or structural analogs may ultimately be useful in reducing the incidence of dental caries.

PMID: 6215355
____ ___ __ _

Minerva Stomatol 1981 Jul-Aug;30(4):317-20
[Effects of zinc and vitamin B 6 in experimental caries in rats]
[Article in Italian]
Rapisarda E, Longo A.

The behaviour of caries has been studied in rats kept on a cariogenic diet enriched with zinc and vit. B6. A reduction of 16.7% in caries was observed compared to control animals fed with the cariogenic diet alone. Compared to the controls, the animals treated with Ershoff diet and zinc presented a decrease of 18.76%. The weight increase curves of the three lots of rats appeared similar. The basic role played by pyridoxal phosphate in all metabolism is recalled and the cariostatic action exerted by vit. B6 on the optimal function of two pyridoxal-phosphate-dependent systems transaminase and enzymes engaged on the synthesis of acetyl-CoA, reported. Both reduce the acid complement deriving from bacterial plaque fermentation, transaminase by deviating pyruvic acid from glycolysis to protein metabolism, acetyl-CoA synthesis by triggering Krebs cycle oxidative decarboxylation.

PMID: 6944605
____ ___ __ _

Caries Res 1980;14(1):1-15
Effects of pyridoxine, phytate and invert sugar on plaque composition and
caries activity in the monkey (Macaca fascicularis).
Cole MF, Eastoe JE, Curtis MA, Korts DC, Bowen WH.
PMID: 6765919
(Chief Bee)
03-25-04 14:22
No 497264
User Picture 
      A healthy person has 600 species in their mouth     

I took a micro lab, and we where always taught that bacteria is likely to do well in moist enviroments

Definitely, but I bet that most people would rush to a hospital if their mouth no longer could be considered 'moist'.

Dry mouth does not imply anhydrous, it only implies that the saliva isn't as abundant as usual. There is always enough moisture trapped in the bacterial biofilm on your teeth for its inhabitants to thrive. If even the bacteria growing in your mouth would move out, then you are in really bad shape...

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
03-30-04 10:19
No 498079
      never had cavities until this year im 28     

i never had cavities before and had excellent teeth while growing up ...and so when i started doing meth seven years ago (amongst other drugs but crystal was my drug of choice) and on to four more years of hard core abuse....this year to wit: i have had six cavities filled, TWO endodontal root canal procedures and have slapped myself silly hundreds of times for neglecting my teeth WHILE on drugs. Based on my experience and people i know whove had similar situations is usually the crystal meth smoker (smoking the crystal in a glass tube, or on thin foil with a blue flame and either a straight pipe or a h20 pipe)  who ends up with rotting teeth , more so if the meth is smoked straight (as i prefer to do). Its no joke when i say that you gotta brush EACH and EVERY time AFTER a smoke or a piece of candy . I never thought my perfect teeth would betray me, but i guess i pushed my luck. Usually the first sign of impending decay is a small fissure or when a tooth cracks when u mine did. Having a high threshold for pain and acting like a complete fool, i ignored this and so two of my molars chipped away as months passed by  and i only went to the dentist last year after not having to go to one for about five years? Swiss cheese teeth i tell you but im thankful and grateful that i can still smile now BUT ahhhh....i was soooo stupid& irresponsible!tongue

*blows a kiss*
09-16-04 03:54
No 531563
      Sorry to revise this thread, i just wish to...     

Sorry to revise this thread, i just wish to add a personal experience that has been bothering me lately.

Due to some success of an aquiantence of mine, I spent 4 days smoking shit loads of meth. At the end of this period we ended up examining our mouths in a mirror due to my friend commenting about "chalky" lower teeth. My two front teeth on the bottom had a white circle roughly the diamater of the shabs pipe. This area was whiter then the rest of my teeth and one of my teeth which had been grinded back by a dentist (due to chipping) had a slight "see through" effect.

I cant explain it other then the some hcl gas damaged my teeth. This may be a minor issue compared to all the issues raised in this thread, but i do feel smoking meth contributes to teeth decay after this event.

Do you think regulary rinsing your mouth with a dilute bicarb solution would help neut some of the acid when in these situations? I do tend to avoid soft drinks, etc like the plague at all times aswell....
(Chief Bee)
09-16-04 15:59
No 531623
User Picture 
      Objective observation?     

I wouldn't think anyone who has been up for 4 days is likely to be a very reliable observer, especially not when it comes to different hues on their own teeth (or any other body part for that matter).

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Addict)
09-17-04 01:54
No 531709
User Picture 
      Eat Right and Don't Worry     

The hydrochloride that is bonded to the meth no longer has _any_ corrosive capacity on body tissue.

If the meth was contanimated with excess free HCl nd you were dumb enough to use it as such your lips would be bright orangey pink and would be severly chapped. Your tongue and the fleshy (not bony) areas on the insides of your mouth would also have similar problems.

he's either got a lightbulb up his ass or his colon has a brilliant idea
(Hive Bee)
09-17-04 07:09
No 531744
User Picture 
      And thats the TOOTH     

Your teeth go funky because most people under the influence tend to forget the need for regular oral hygiene (brushing, washing, scraping etc).  Further, healthy saliva (enzymes) rely on regular food and fluid intake; another scarce activity.

Lastly, some heavy meth users have poor general health (except J_J of course).  To a lesser extent, ANY person that neglects the dentist for a long enough period will have oral health problems.
(arrogant bee of the day)
09-17-04 09:36
No 531762
User Picture 
      Although all these reasons may contibute ...     

Although all these reasons may contibute somewhat, most carry no weight if you are injecting. Not that I would suggest injecting to save your teeth as they will still rot.

The reason as Rhodium stated is the {b]fact[/b] that meth is a vaso-constrictor and the vessels in the gums are restricted of bloodflow. Have you never felt the numbness in extremities or mouth?

You know the old saying, healthy gums, healthy teeth. If the gums are not getting a sufficient blood supply, the teeth die, simple!

I'm not fat, I'm just too short for my weight.
(Hive Bee)
09-17-04 17:29
No 531817
User Picture 
      'fraid it is...     

Once the meth HCl vapour hits moisture (in your mouth) you gat a soln of methamphetamine hydrochloride near your teeth.
Thing is mrth HCl does not totally ionize in soln, whereas calcium chloride (calcium from teeth + hydrochloric acid)does. This and the fact that alkali/alkaline earth metals form a more stable compound (the recation gives off more heat than corresponding combination of meth base and hydrogen chloride) shifts the ionization equilibrium towards more meth HCl ionizing, leading to more calcium from teeth being converted to calcium chloride,

That said, the amount produced by vapourizing meth will be very small. Snorting it on the other hand, will dissolve away the calcium from your teeth pretty quickly until you look like Lemmy (Motorhead) ie enough teeth missing to give the "graveyard mouth" look. That horrible taste from the nasal drip is due to the meth finding its way into your mouth, so contact with teeth is inevitable.

PS It won't give you warts or lank hair like Lemmy, just dissolve your teeth away (cue a huge sigh of relief from speedfreaks everywhere!)

That is right, the Mascara Snake: Fast and bulbous
(Stoni's sexual toy)
09-18-04 00:15
No 531868
User Picture 
      That 'nasal drip' is less corrosive to your...     

That 'nasal drip' is less corrosive to your teeth than a glass of coke or other soft drinks.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Hive Bee)
09-18-04 01:10
No 531885
User Picture 

As Os. says, your saliva can buffer a far amount of HCl. Besides, the attack will be short-lived and the tooth enamel heals in an alkaline environment: that is what the mouth has evolved to do (acid after eating, followed by alkaline).

This is BS. Damage is due to lack of blood and saliva and tooth grinding. Solution: chew gum.

Are you, or have you ever been a Liberal? YES / NO
(arrogant bee of the day)
09-18-04 10:33
No 531968
User Picture 
      Everything relevant was stated, it's lack of...     

Everything relevant was stated, it's lack of blood to gums (no matter what method of administration), dying gums means dying teeth. Any use of meth in the short term wlll not make a difference to the teeth overall. Chronic, a.k.a every day use will mean slow tooth decay (death through lack of blood supply). Chewing gum wont do SHIT except accellerate wear same as grinding, and accellaerate the possiblity of stomach ulcers due to excess release of stomach enzymes from the chewing process. End of story.

I'm not fat, I'm just too short for my weight.
(Hive Addict)
09-18-04 13:52
No 531981
      What Placebo has stated is not entirely ...     

What Placebo has stated is not entirely correct. It is a fact that bacteria that cause caries and tooth decay thrive in a more dry mouth. This is the reason why dentist encourage people to brush their teeth before going to sleep, as the mouth usually dries up during the night.

Chewing gum can prevent this. There are also many chewing gums that contain xylitol, which will also kill bacteria, possibly even further preventing tooth decay.

(Hive Addict)
09-19-04 03:30
No 532085
User Picture 

Hmmmmm...Dry Mouth? That must be how all that slobber gets all over the pillow?shockedcrazylaugh

You Laugh at me because I'm different
I laugh at you because you look the same
(Hive Addict)
09-19-04 09:13
No 532119
      I asked my dentist, he verified it.     

I asked my dentist, he verified it. When you sleep you are more prone to caries because the saliva isn't moving aroud as much and breathing through the mouth causes dryness on the surface of the teeth.

(arrogant bee of the day)
09-19-04 10:41
No 532130
User Picture 
      Who's sleeping?     

Who's sleeping?

I'm not fat, I'm just too short for my weight.
09-19-04 11:23
No 532137
User Picture 
      I wonder how many times a tweaker brushes his...     

I wonder how many times a tweaker brushes his teeth when his been tweaking for 3 days straight?
Not alot i guess.

Your an individual just like everyone else.
(Hive Addict)
09-19-04 11:25
No 532138
      Who's sleeping? Why would anybody have to be...     

Who's sleeping?

Why would anybody have to be sleeping?

(Quick-witted Quibbler)
09-19-04 19:48
No 532200
User Picture 
      Aside from brushing after meals and before...     

Aside from brushing after meals and before bed, chewing sugarless gum is probably one of the most effective ways to prevent tooth decay.  As mentioned, it has several benefits:

- the inceased salivation flushes organic matter caught bewteen the teeth
- saliva is full of enzymes that can lyse bacteria (the most well known is lysosyme)
- the physical rubbing of the gum against teeth helps remove organic matter, plaque, and other tooth adhereing substances
- Menthol, often found in many gums, is known to have anti-bacterial properties.

Don't forget to floss and brush your tongue.  The rough and moist surface of the tongue provides an ideal environment for bacteria.

Furthermore, your tonsils in the back of your throat also provide an ideal environment for bacteria.  This build-up produces "tonsiliths", also known as tonsil stones.  Many of you have porbably spit them up from time to time - little soft yellowish chunks that smell terrible when smooshed bewteen your fingers - and with good reason - they are largely bacterial biomass (probably some form of Strep).

Once in a while I push back on the flesh of my tonsils to help remove this build-up, which often contributes substantially to foul breath and likely tooth decay as well.  Be sure to rinse your mouth out well after, using water and mouthwash once in a while.

My ideal vacation - Juxtaposed along the precipice intersecting reality and fantasy (i.e. wanking).
(Hive Bee)
09-19-04 21:20
No 532207
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      Mouthwash is vile stuff     

Burns and stinks. Now and again, I used 1.2% H2O2 that I mixed up. Rinse and gargle for 2 minutes. Gets rid of halitosis and build up of that crud on the back of the tongue.

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