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All 36 posts   Subject: poohbeariums death   Please login to post   Thread doesn't expire   Down

(Bear With Me)
05-05-04 15:31
No 505041
      poohbeariums death     

HI I was poohbeariums fiancee and i would jsut like to let you know what is going on. on easter sunday night he went into a complete panic attack and left they found him monday morning unresponsive and overdosed on cocaine they took him to the hospital and gave him something to clean it out of his system meanwhile his parents were trying to have him vaporacted the hospital said that they would but as soon as he woke up they released him (he had only been found four hours earlier) they also failed to tell him that he couldnt operate a car with the shit that they gave him at the hospital I dont remember the name of it but its apartently a very strong drug. His mom took him to his truck and he wrecked not 15 minutes later. He swerved off the road overcorrected and hit a chevy suburban going 60 miles an hour (the story was in the lakeland ledger a couple times along with a picture of the vehicle if someone would like to make a link to it.) anyways they rushed him to lakeland memorial and needless to say he didnt make it he died on the operating table.

he really enjoyed this site thanks alot

Fuck you, you little checken-fucking chimpanzee!!!
(Hive Bee)
05-05-04 16:55
No 505074

That is so tragic.  I hope he is at peace now.  I hope you his girlfriend are doing ok.  I remember reading a post about you having broken legs and him asking for advise. I hope you are healing.  Take care and I hope the GOOD memories will replace your sorrow quickly.

(Hive Bee)
05-05-04 17:21
No 505078
      i'm so sorry to hear about your loss.     

i'm so sorry to hear about your loss.

i wish you all the best. 

05-05-04 17:31
No 505080
User Picture 

That´s sad news! Pooh, wherever you are, you´ll not be forgotten....

A little poison now and then: that makes for agreeable dreams.
(Hive Addict)
05-05-04 18:02
No 505084
User Picture 
      bye pooh     

another bee gone needlessly, shame. sorry this happened.

(Heavyweight Chempion(eer))
05-05-04 19:10
No 505091


Severe Aztecoholic and President of Sooty's fanclub - Sooty for President!!
(Hive Bee)
05-05-04 21:03
No 505108

So sorry to hear of your loss. I've never been through a similar situation, so I can't begin to think how you feel, or offer any advice.
(Hive Bee)
05-06-04 00:45
No 505150
User Picture 
      I'm saddened to hear this news :-( My ...     

I'm saddened to hear this news frown

My condolences to you...

Got democracy?
05-06-04 03:40
No 505203
User Picture 
      Oh no!     

Hey all,

 Im sorry for your loss and ours.Its such a shame they didnt restain him for 2 hours like they should have.tongue

The bus came by,and I got on.Thats when it all began. -GD
(Synaptic Self-Mutilator)
05-06-04 04:32
No 505218
      no subject     


i send my condolences to you.
(Hive Addict)
05-06-04 04:46
No 505220
      he loved you     

and you were his wife to be, and would have wanted you to take the nutrient for you leg...

so in times of mourning dont forget to look after your leg and take the shark cartilage,

i hope that any partner you have in the future would look after the in the same conviction as he did

signed -nous
05-06-04 16:26
No 505326
User Picture 
      I'll miss him,     

one of our longterm friends.
Hope he didn't feel the pain, and was unconcious to the last breath he took.
That link to his Couch post telling how afraid he was of cars scares me. LT/

05-06-04 22:05
No 505400
      Sincere condoleance     


I'll go french for that. Mainly because I don't want to say anything innapropriate for such a moment.

Mes plus sincere condoleances a tout ceux pouvant être affecté par ce malheureux événement. Puisse poohbeariums reposer en paix.
05-06-04 22:11
No 505403
User Picture 
      See ya later...     

PB will be certainly be missed around here.

Catch ya on the flip side, PB.


On time is when I get there.
05-06-04 23:04
No 505420
      sad news...     

Pooh was a cool bee. I guess it takes things like this for us all to realize our own mortality.

If there is a heaven,(and god I sure hope there is) then I'm sure that he is up there making it a better place for all.

Rest in peace brother.
(Hive Bee)
05-07-04 00:00
No 505445
      sad news     

RIP to a fellow bee.
(Ayatollah Cumdownium)
05-07-04 00:14
No 505450
User Picture 
      I remember driving while drunk and after using     

I remember driving while drunk and after using some nitrous oxide.  The guy I was with kept saying "pick a lane and stay in it".  I don't remember how I got home without having an accident, but I did it.  I looked at my car the next day and wondered how it got there in one piece.
(Hive Addict)
05-07-04 00:58
No 505473
User Picture 
      Requiescat In Pace     

My condolences for your loss... :-(
(Miss High & Mighty)
05-07-04 07:16
No 505543
User Picture 

Always loved your take on things Pooh,
Shall miss you.

Take care up there,
(One Man Show)
05-09-04 01:46
No 505894
      The words are just not there...     

The words are just not there...

I'll miss ya PB!

"It's okay, he's just admiring the shape of your skull." Fear & Loathing
05-09-04 05:55
No 505932
      Only true sorrow can be understood...     

by those that have lost thier love for now on this side. I hope the things we have seen by use of chemicals are more than just illusion...

At least we have hope to see our love ones again.

I hope this thot is enough to keep others going like us.

Peace Love and thanks for your kind words before your time was up.

It is the cruel reality that makes me realize how lucky we are and should do the most to love and protect eachother, regardless of ego, ideology or place in life.

Always remember someone has it worse than your self and never regret what you have not.

God bless all of us and more for those that have gone first to make our future better.


Although still friends in need, we endeavor to make up for what we lack in deeds
(Hive Addict)
05-09-04 06:12
No 505934
      Love and Respect     

Blessed Bee Poohbearium!

My baby is almost 2 yrs old now. His first gift was a little stuffed poohbear. It is still his favorite and mine as well.

Forever in our hearts, he will always bee remembered.

05-09-04 07:46
No 505958
      sorry to hear this, may he rest well...     

I' didn't know him,I hope he's off to a better whereever he may be. Dreams live forever, he was a part of it, he
will always be remembered. Rest in peace, our fallen bee friend.
(exotic beauty)
05-10-04 21:05
No 506281
User Picture 
      a memory     

on poohbearium:

once, after reading a particularly harsh response from him to a newbee in a thread, i pm'd him and asked if he could try to be kinder to newbees in the future. i based it on the premise that we wouldn't want to discourage them from learning as the finished bee would comprise the "greater power in the numbers" argument.

i fully expected him to tell me to f--- off. instead, i received a tender reply explaining how he had had a bad week and promising to try to be more understanding of the utter and complete unabashed stupidity exhibited by the average newbee. lol. he was a funny guy. you will be missed.

rest in peace, sir.


Free Speech Free Choice
(PVC-Analog Taste-Tester)
05-12-04 02:57
No 506571
User Picture 
      My condolences to you     

My condolences to you..frown

Love My Country, Fear My Government
(Of Counsel)
05-13-04 19:54
No 506930
      So long, old man     

My experiences with the bear were similar to aztec's. I found him to be a good deal softer and pooh-bearish in pm's than in the forums. I considered him an accomplished clandestine cook whose advice carried great weight, and counted him a friend and accomplice. I am sad he is gone. The world is less colorful place, and a little less playful, without him in it.

mostly harmless
05-14-04 15:23
No 507137
      Hasta la vista, poohbearium     

hope you enjoy the big honey pot in the sky.

(Wonderful Personality)
05-14-04 19:50
No 507181
      Farewell Pooh.....     

Thy words are lacking, my thoughts are with you.

05-30-04 06:13
No 510256

hey...just a stranger talking but......
....are you guys relate to each other or some sort???.   I mean everybody in here....its seems dat everybody know each other...
just a comments...
(Freaky Tweek)
05-30-04 09:37
No 510282
User Picture 
      peace to you PB     

i am very saddened by this tragic news and extend my deepest sympathy to his family and his girlfriend.

Fornication Utilizes Carnal Knowledge
(Hive Bee)
05-31-04 19:55
No 510581
      I didnt know him really, but that story is...     

I didnt know him really, but that story is pretty fucked up. How could they let him leave that fast without telling him not to drive even? That seems like negligence, perhaps of the criminal variety.
05-31-04 20:25
No 510587

Always sad such tragic fate,
those who are here can well relate,
PB was a bee who is gone from the hive,
but the memories are always going
                           to remain alive.
Take a swig in memory,
pass the bottle on,
rest in peace Pooh,
we'll not be long behind.

uh, you know, stuff.
06-02-04 03:42
No 510837
User Picture 
      I'm very sorry.He seemed a good egg. :-(     

I'm very sorry.He seemed a good egg.frown


.em evigrof doG yam neht emirc a si sdrawkcab gnitsop fI
(Fragile ego)
06-02-04 04:33
No 510846
      Sweet Dreams Pooh... One day we'll meet at the     

Sweet Dreams Pooh...
One day we'll meet at the honey pot in the sky.

My sincerest sympathy to you Mrs. Poohbear.
06-04-04 20:02
No 511497
      Very Sad     

I wish the best for you and all the friends and family  of Pooh that have to deal with this sad situation.
09-09-04 18:26
      I wish and pray for yur eternal spirit...
(Rated as: insignificant)

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