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All 3 posts   Subject: Terminal residual substance of pleasant sensation   Please login to post   Down

(Chief Bee)
05-22-04 06:54
No 508735
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      Terminal residual substance of pleasant sensation     

[New development of hair examination! The searching of hair for the terminal residual substance of pleasant sensation]
Nippon Hoigaku Zasshi 55(3), 310-20 (2001)   [Article in Japanese]
Kashimura S.
Department of Forensic Medicine, Fukuoka University School of Medicine.

Medline (PMID=11905040)

Formerly, hair had been analyzed mainly in the field of individual identification. Otherwise, it is known that many substances are accumulated in hair such as metals like arsenic, mercury, alkaloids like caffeine, theophylline, drugs like opiate, stimulants, other drugs and poisons. So, by qualitative and quantitative analysis of such deposits in hair. It is possible to presume one's life manner during recent several months. This is the new development of hair analysis and it is expected that it may be wide of application. The main theme of this paper is hedonics. Nobody dislike hedonic sensation. So, it can be said everybody being living always coveting hedonic sensation. There are many hedonic sensers all over the body, and hedonic sensation transmitted by A10 nerve, so A10 nerve is called the hedonic nerve. Neurotransmitter of this A10 nerve is Dopamine. Dopamine is the endogenous hedonic material. Exogeneous hedonic one is stimulant like Methamphetamine. In this paper, relation between Dopamine, Methamphetamine and Tyramine, thought to be the terminal product from two formers is examined in the aspect of hair analysis. Catecholamines including Dopamine are made of Tyrosine. They have a Benzene-ring. Compounds with a Benzene-ring made of Tyrosine are relatively rare, but all of them have very strong action. Tyramine is made of Tyrosine, too. So the structure of Tyramine is essentially resemble to Dopamine, and the skeletal structure of Methamphetamine is identical to Dopamine, so the action is identical, too. Normally, excessive release of Dopamine in brain is controlled by the negative feedback of GABA system. But extrinsic stimulus as Methamphetamine put balance of the homeostasis between Dopamine system and GABA system in to disorder, and long term administration of Methamphetamine makes long remaining degeneration of synapse of Dopamine nerve. So, abnormal state of excess releasing of Dopamine happens easily. And the morbid state named stimulant psychosis occur. The volume of Tyramine in hair changes correlatively with the volume of released Dopamine in brain. Therefore it is suggested that quantitative analysis of Tyramine in hair enable to estimate the changes of Dopamine released in brain.

Please remind me to never hire the guy who translated this abstract... wink

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Bee)
05-24-04 01:21
No 509143
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      That translator     

I wouldn't use that translator if I had to cite the paper as a reference, but I think viewing it as a sort of poetry gives it a naive charm (also means programs like Monkey have an additional entertainment value).
I do wonder if the same thing happens in translating English into Japanese. My other half is almost fluent in Hebrew, and some of the translations she's done of Israeli research papers sometimes make for the odd chuckle!

That is right, the Mascara Snake: Fast and bulbous
(Chief Bee)
10-04-04 12:54
No 534381
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      There is No Room for Humor in Science!     

There is No Room for Humor in Science!
Candice B(ee) Kissinger, Peter T(ermite) Kissinger & Rod (and Reel)Yoder
Current Separations 20(2), 45-49 (2002)


The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders

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