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All 4 posts   Subject: Re: Propiophenone OTC Route   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
06-10-04 00:29
No 512508
      Re: Propiophenone OTC Route     

from dry distillation of calcium benzoate + calcium propionate, made from CaOH and benzoic acid and propionic acid

Swim was only able to find one mention of this, and no experimental data. It is very appealing (benzoic and propionic acid are ready to go, CaOH is just there, and yields don't need to be high for swim). So how would the experimental for this go, just go by the needed molar amounts, or does something need to be in excess? What about solvent choice (if any)? and for dry distillation, what kind of temps are needed (swim can only go to 200C)?

For step to alpha-bromopropiophenone, can propiophenone be brominated in-situ via bromine salt in good yield?
(Hive Bee)
06-11-04 13:50
No 512788
      Take a look at Journal of organic chemistry...     

Take a look at Journal of organic chemistry 28: 879
They react the iron salts of benzoic acid and propanoic acid to get propiophenone in 72% yield when you use 4:1 molar ratio. Perhaps even more OTC than using calcium?
06-11-04 15:12
No 512795
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this would bee of interest to those currently using lead to produce P2P from phenylacetic acid and acetic acid...

"...Now that's as close as a chemical, a drug, can get to being a good woman"
11-07-04 01:37
No 540095
      Propiophenone from iron salts
(Rated as: good read)

The articles on synthesizing ketones from iron salts; particularly propiophenone, JOC 27 854-7 (1962) and 28 879-81 (1963):


Chemistry is our Covalent Bond

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