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All 2 posts   Subject: mdp-2-nitropropene -> mdp-2-propanone   Please login to post   Down

06-14-04 15:46
No 513327
      mdp-2-nitropropene -> mdp-2-propanone     

.. trying to reduce mdp2np to the ketone a la shulgin and/or as stated in this document:

said document states a 20% drop in yield if reduced powder is not used, however, i can't obtained it reduced, except by freight, since apparently it is quite combustible.

are there any other options here?  can regular iron powder be reduced w/o special equipment?

any input appreciated.
(Hive Bee)
06-23-04 12:33
No 514970

Hi! Perhaps you should try to reduce your MDP2NP with SnCl2 in acetone/ethylacetate to the oxime and hydrolyze to the ketone in same flask, followed by a simple steam distillation of the MDP2P. It is VERY easy and gives good yields and a very pure product if done carefully. There are many threads about it...

(just a suggestion)

Greetz A

"..ein Trank von unterschiedlicher Farbe, in ihm ist Heilung für die Menschen."

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