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All 19 posts   Subject: books and text (warez)   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Addict)
06-27-04 06:43
No 515728
      books and text (warez) the main focus of those ebooks and texts is computer science, but for those of you not interested in that, if you look throught you will find a few interesting gems. There are probably about 300-400 ebooks on there.

(Hive Addict)
06-28-04 03:34
No 515936
      assorted goodies

beez goto this page, tell me if all of it is in sweeden, you will get zips files ,i cant down load zip files from this library terminal here so i cant tell if the are in english or not but look at these goodies!!

GET ALL THESE PLEASE!! some one any one!!! laugh

Excerpt from the book "Better Sex Through Chemistry". The chapter about GHB.
Secrets of Methamphetamine Manufacture" by Uncle Fester (3rd ed.)
Purification of amphetamine
Hallucinogens" by J Ott, J Bigwood & J E Axton
Uncle Fester: Home Workshop Explosives
Uncle Fester's book "Practical LSD Manufacture
Psychedelic Chemistry, by Michael Valentine Smith.
The book Smart Drugs & Nutrients by the CERI staff.

07-07-04 15:28
      I can get tens of 1000s of ebooks off a ...
(Rated as: insignificant)
07-16-04 13:03
      got the nook sJemma_jameson
(Rated as: insignificant, use PM)
(Hive Bee)
07-21-04 02:21
No 520517
      Anyone know where I can get Zubrick's ...     

Anyone know where I can get Zubrick's Survival Guide?

Society exists by chemical affinity, and not otherwise.
(Chief Bee)
07-24-04 13:07
No 521324
User Picture 
      The Organic Chemistry Lab Survival Manual     

The Organic Chemistry Lab Survival Manual: A Student Guide to Techniques (
by James W. Zubrick

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Martyr)
08-01-04 02:30
No 523010
User Picture 
      Ehemmm! Chief??     

Forgive my insullence by saying this, but who the hell wants to buy these books if they can be had for free?

I 4 one wont pay for ebooks or books at all. Especially ones which have the kind of content that these ones do. Thats asking for attention in the USA today.

No offense.
(Chief Bee)
08-01-04 03:36
No 523018
User Picture 
      support great authors     

I own both the fourth and sixth edition of Zubrick's book. I really want to support great authors like him. If you are paranoid about standard chemistry books, you can always buy them used...

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Minister of Propaganda)
08-01-04 04:23
No 523022
User Picture 
      Buying used books doesn't support the author.     

Buying used books doesn't support the author. They don't get royalties from used book sales.

Milk rots your brain.
(Chief Bee)
08-01-04 05:23
No 523037
User Picture 
      I usually never buy any second-hand ebooks     

Buying used books doesn't support the author.

Not directly, but having books around tends to advertise them among friends, increasing global sales by a miniscule amount. Owning a used book instead of a pirate PDF will drastically decrease the risk of copies of it being traded among friends.

Yes I know these arguments contradict each other.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Martyr)
08-01-04 11:31
No 523075
User Picture 
      Re: If you are paranoid about standard ...     

If you are paranoid about standard chemistry books, you can always buy them used...

Wouldnt that be a perfect way of avoiding attention. Browsing every tweeker's estate sales for secondhand books on how to manufacture precursors ,ect.
Where were you from again chief? Never really bothered to set that one to my permanent memory (as if I had one).
I know it's not the US (I think).

But second-stab chemistry how-to's are rarely found around california. Thats a complete bullshit statement!.Ones with the titles your supporting arent gonna be easy to find. Much props for the cause and all, but if you really wanna support these it by buying their work and zipping it to a .pdf file along with why it was worth the $79+ you caughed up on it. 

I myself have bought one suspicious book. One. Festers 5th.
Low and behold some tweeker fuck kyped it from the room of a friend of mine who poisoned himself with methyl bromide gas in a tiny little apartment room shortly after loaning it to him.
I know it was the tweeker fuck because all of a sudden everyone is sayin' "{blank} has the recipes for every way to make meth ever written!"
Oh yeah, Fester is a pioneer in authoring what others held as top secret info, but every possible way is not in that book I payed $39 damn dollars for.

(rate this post insignificant)
I would!
(Chief Bee)
08-01-04 17:12
No 523097
User Picture 
      You should only support authors you admire     

Wouldnt that be a perfect way of avoiding attention. Browsing every tweeker's estate sales for secondhand books on how to manufacture precursors ,ect.

Now I don't follow you... Zubrick's Lab Technique manual is a lot more likely to be found in second-hand book stores on university campuses than at private garage sales. It is required reading on several organic chemistry courses worldwide.

I find it highly unlikely that anyone would find that book suspicious, as it is all about lab technique - not a single synthesis is described in it - only how to perform reactions, purifications and other stuff in general.

Ones with the titles your supporting arent gonna be easy to find. Much props for the cause and all, but if you really wanna support these authors... [...] I myself have bought one suspicious book. One. Festers 5th.

Now you almost make it look like if I actively encourage people to support Fester & his likes... I don't. Remember that I said "great authors" above, not "any author whatsoever".

The only author I've mentioned in this thread is J.W. Zubrick (something you seemingly have failed to notice, considering your argumentation), but other "great authors" whose work I'd never pirate include A.T. Shulgin and J. Ott.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Bee)
08-01-04 19:39
No 523111
      whats wrong with mail order?     

usps media rate shipping is cheap.

there are few used books not available. you can even get chem journals.

then you can scan them and upload to somewhere, so others can have the ebooks of your interest. btw, thanks Rhadon, Mephisto, and all the others scanning the great chemistry works.
(Hive Martyr)
08-04-04 06:35
No 523572
User Picture 
      Then again, here in CA,USA, putting a lab...     

Then again, here in CA,USA, putting a lab manual and the likes of me together anywhere is risky and will surely draw some attention. Chemistry period, is frowned upon here. Dont blame'em. When bust after bust turns up super labs fully stocked and readily producing 90 lbs per cook, its understandable why they feel this way.

And I never knew how you felt about fester. Interesting, very interesting.tongue
(Stoni's sexual toy)
08-04-04 12:48
No 523614
User Picture 
      > Chemistry period, is frowned upon here.     

> Chemistry period, is frowned upon here. Dont blame'em.

I wonder how the US will try to remain on top when chemistry education is discouraged?
By faith based science and teaching more creationism?

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Hive Bee)
08-09-04 20:10
No 524466
      Anyone know where I can get Fester's 5th or...     

Anyone know where I can get Fester's 5th or 6th? I see that his 3rd is on eMule and someone just put the 5th on there, but it currently has 0% completed sources so God only knows how long that's going to take before someone can d/l it from there.

Crank is part of this complete breakfast.
(Hive Martyr)
08-11-04 06:32
No 524763
User Picture 
      there isnt a whole bunch of must-have info in...     

there isnt a whole bunch of must-have info in his 5th that isnt in his 3rd.(go figure that!)

Maybe some pfed x-traction shtuffesis, but das about all.
maybe fester can elaborate on what new info is in those newer editions. Maybe he could give a shit.
All I know is he str8 up devoted a chapter to NOT posting on forums over the internet. Especially ones like the hive, yet from time 2 time I see him posting here.
Maybe he's getting hard up for new material. Maybe not!
Maybe he just thought a security over the web chapter was a must for those who plan on actually buying his book, then cooking dope and to top it off, posting every detail for all too see.

Maybe he cares about his readers. Maybe he dont!
Enough said about that. Maybe not!
(Hive Bee)
08-11-04 23:21
No 524903
      SWINM wanted to read his bezaldehyde brewing...     

SWINM wanted to read his bezaldehyde brewing procedure again.

Crank is part of this complete breakfast.
(Hive Martyr)
08-11-04 23:48
No 524906
User Picture 
      try the chiefs website     

All I've found is the 3rd edition online. If I do run across it I'll get it too you pronto tonto!

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