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All 3 posts   Subject: DMSO autoxidation   Please login to post   Down

06-30-04 11:38
No 516535
      DMSO autoxidation     

Have anyone already tried the autoxidation of anethole with dmso?
The procedure papers give exellent yeld (77%) of ketone in only 8
hours at 120 grad.
I have 25 grams pure anethole at home and 100 ml dmso but I canĀ“t find  the ratio in this papers  and I speak not japans.Any good idea?
(Chief Bee)
06-30-04 12:04
No 516540
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The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
06-30-04 17:21
No 516566

Sorry I tought it was a well known document.
this is the paper in japan

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