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All 13 posts   Subject: Sales of Unique Stimulant Skyrocketing   Please login to post   Down

07-11-04 00:25
No 518625
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      Sales of Unique Stimulant Skyrocketing     

Sales of Unique Stimulant Skyrocketing


A growing number of people are using Provigil, a drug that boosts the central nervous system without the addiction and euphoria of amphetamines, the New York Times reported June 29.

The drug, which has been around since 1998, allows people to stay awake for hours or even days. Cephalon makes modafinil, which is marketed under the brand name Provigil. It has become attractive to millions of people because there are very few side effects, the worst being a mild headache or slight nausea.

But experts are concerned that modafinil is becoming a pick-me-up for college students, long-haul truckers, computer programmers, and others who need to push their bodies to stay awake in a culture of 24-hour stores and graveyard shifts.

"This drug enables us to be that much more workaholic and that much more obsessed with accomplishments and productivity, and I think our society is already extreme along those lines," said Dr. Martha Farah, director of the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Pennsylvania. "The natural checks on that tendency, like needing to go to bed, are being rolled back by modafinil."

Health experts said people taking Provigil might go undiagnosed for underlying diseases, such as diabetes or sleep apnea, that cause fatigue. Doctors warn that reducing sleep by even one hour a night could cause long-term neurological and cardiovascular effects.

"It's almost fortuitous that at the same time that this drug has come out, we have increasing mounds of data showing that sleep is a restorative, protective health process," said Dr. Neil Kavey, director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center. "It affects performance, blood pressure, heart rate, insulin, various hormone secretions. No matter what medications come out that make sleep seem like a waste of time, we know that the sleep-deprived state is a bad one to be in."

In 1998, modafinil was first marketed in the United States as a treatment for narcolepsy, a severe sleep disorder. Earlier this year, the Food and Drug Administration expanded its uses to include obstructive sleep apnea and sleeping problems caused by shift work.

However, data from Cephalon shows that 90 percent of all prescriptions for Provigil are "off-label" uses, including fatigue, depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and sleepiness caused by other prescription medications.

"The off-label use of this drug is staggering," said Dr. Eric Heiligenstein, a psychiatrist at the University of Wisconsin who studies drug misuse by teenagers. "This is a very clean drug that affects all the things that help people with their cognitive functioning. The main barrier to more widespread use is that it's expensive, which will change as more insurance companies start to cover it."

Worldwide sales of Provigil continue to grow. In 2003, sales totaled $290 million, up from $207 million in 2002. This year, worldwide sales are expected to reach $409 million.

"It is amazing that this drug has become so widely used without any real understanding of the basic science behind it," said Dr. Jerome Siegel, chief of neurobiology research at the Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System.

The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws. – Tacitus
(Minister of Propaganda)
07-11-04 00:37
No 518627
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      experts on what     

But experts are concerned that modafinil is becoming a pick-me-up for college students, long-haul truckers, computer programmers, and others who need to push their bodies to stay awake in a culture of 24-hour stores and graveyard shifts.

I don't understand why "experts" are concerning themselves with this. Do they want to start legislating the amount of sleep we get now based on what is considered to be normal? True, I wouldn't want a truckdriver who has been up 5 straight days hauling a tanker of rocket fuel behind me, but most truck drivers don't do that. They get paid for distance, not speed, and I have it on good authority that truck drivers make frequent stops to rest and fuck hookers.

Milk rots your brain.
(Hive Addict)
07-11-04 01:42
No 518637
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      how long ?     

Can anyone confirm that you can stay up for days with provigil ? I keep on seeing it claimed in the media and don't quite trust those statements.

07-11-04 02:36
No 518647
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I take Modafinil daily 200mg bid, if I need to stay up late in order to finish a project I can take 200mg every four hours, the longest I have remained alert on modafinil is ~48 hours. Keep in mind that the times I have remained awake for  long periods on Modafinil were under times of tight deadlines and ivolving the completion of projects.  I would have had to remain awake regardless, it is just beneficial to use a drug that can keep you focused without the negative counter-productive attributes of amphetamines (at least for me)  So to answer your question loosely, No I highly doubt anyone could take modafinil recreationally and remain up for days like some do on methamphetamine. 

I find it very hard to believe that this is turning into a drug of abuse, as the media would like to portray it.  There is no rush, no high, no peak, no euphoria, etc.  It just helps you stay focused on what you are doing at the present time.  I believe Rhodi shares my views also if I remember correctly wink

I have never had a problem falling asleep after completion of the project at hand.  I would also note that I have had no problem falling asleep directly after dosing.  Something I could not do on amphetamines.

It is true that the percentage of off label usage far outweighs the narrow scope of indications that it is approved for.  I think with time this drug will have a much wider scope of indications.  Especially in the area of ADHD and even depression.  It would be in Cephalon's best interest to keep researching this drug for other indications, something I am sure is in progress.

The posts below may be of interest concerning modafinil and sleep deprivation studies.

I will try to dig up some more recent research, as I have not been keeping up with modafinil studies as of late...




Post 447512 (methyl_ethyl: "Modafinil studies on sleep deprivation.", General Discourse)

Post 447516 (methyl_ethyl: "Another interesting study", General Discourse)

     Unipolar Mania, It's good for life... laugh
07-13-04 01:22
No 519024
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      Modafinil:Cognitive Enhancement/Motor Excitability
(Rated as: excellent)

Cognitive enhancing effects of modafinil in healthy volunteers
Danielle C. Turner, Trevor W. Robbins, Luke Clark, Adam R. Aron, Jonathan Dowson, Barbara J. Sahakian
Psychopharmacology (2003) 165:260–269


Rationale:  Modafinil, a novel wake-promoting agent, has been shown to have a similar clinical profile to that of conventional stimulants such as methylphenidate.  We were therefore interested in assessing whether modafinil, with its unique pharmacological mode of action, might offer similar potential as a cognitive enhancer, without the side effects commonly experienced with amphetamine-like drugs.

Objectives: The main aim of this study was to evaluate the cognitive enhancing potential of this novel agent using a comprehensive battery of neuropsychological tests.

Methods: Sixty healthy young adult male volunteers received either a single oral dose of placebo, or 100 mg or 200 mg modafinil prior to performing a variety of tasks designed to test memory and attention. A randomised double-blind, betweensubjects design was used.

Results: Modafinil significantly enhanced performance on tests of digit span, visual pattern recognition memory, spatial planning and stopsignal reaction time. These performance improvements were complemented by a slowing in latency on three tests: delayed matching to sample, a decision-making task and the spatial planning task. Subjects reported feeling more alert, attentive and energetic on drug. The effects were not clearly dose dependent, except for those seen with the stop-signal paradigm. In contrast to previous findings with methylphenidate, there were no significant effects of drug on spatial memory span, spatial working memory, rapid visual information processing or attentional set-shifting. Additionally, no effects on paired
associates learning were identified.

Conclusions: These data indicate that modafinil selectively improves neuropsychological task performance. This improvement may be attributable to an enhanced ability to inhibit pre-potent responses. This effect appears to reduce impulsive responding, suggesting that modafinil may be of benefit in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Motor excitability and motor behaviour after modafinil ingestion – a double-blind placebo-controlled cross-over trial
J. Liepert, J. Allstadt-Schmitz, and C. Weiller
J Neural Transm (2004) 111: 703–711

Summary: Modafinil is a novel vigilance-enhancing agent. We were interested if modafinil would also enhance motor excitability and improve motor performance and attention in healthy subjects. Ten volunteers received either a single oral dose of placebo or 200 mg modafinil. A randomized double-blind crossover design was used.  Transcranial magnetic stimulation was employed to test intracortical inhibition, intracortical facilitation, the cortical silent period and to obtain stimulus-response curves. In addition, M responses and F waves were recorded. Reaction time tasks, the nine-hole-peg test and the d2 attention test were also applied. These studies were performed prior to and 3 and 24 hours after drug ingestion. Modafinil did not change excitatory or inhibitory properties in the motor cortex. It did not alter corticospinal excitability and alpha motoneuronal excitability.  In the modafinil group and in the placebo group, performance of the nine-hole-peg test and the d2 test improved to a similar extend over time. Thus, this study does not demonstrate significant differences between a single dose of modafinil and placebo in healthy subjects.

EDIT  Not that anyone cares but I noticed a typo in my first post in this thread, it states that I take 200mg modafinil bid (two times daily).  This is incorrect I only take 200mg qd (once a day).  Sorry, I had to correct that for my own conscience.  I can't stand errors like that. crazy

     Unipolar Mania, It's good for life... laugh
(Hive Bee)
07-17-04 07:19
No 519856
      i think the only reason for the bad hype of...     

i think the only reason for the bad hype of this drug is that it's so damn good and can't be abused.   i used adrafinil (it's primary metabolite is modafinil) for a few months and the effects were absolutely fucking amazing.    it was like being on a little bit of d-meth all day every.   pure clean stimulation.   adrafinil is cheap, but requires regular blood testing,   which is i why i quit as i didn't get a baseline test.   mondafinil is for most people prohibitively expensive, in my opinion a ripoff.   i talked to my doc the other day about getting me an another NARI.   this class of drugs is one that i could see myself taking very long term,    the positive impacts are just too much for me to ignore
07-21-04 05:04
No 520538
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      Modafinil:Stimulants (compare, contrast, evaluate)
(Rated as: excellent)

Distinctive effects of modafinil and d-amphetamine on the homeostatic and circadian modulation of the human waking EEG
Florian Chapotot,  Ross Pigeau, Frederic Canini, Lionel Bourdon, Alain Buguet.
Psychopharmacology (2003) 166:127–138

Abstract Rationale: Modafinil is a wake-promoting agent that affects hypothalamic structures involved in the homeostatic and circadian regulation of vigilance. Administered during sleep deprivation, it reduces the need for prolonged recovery sleep and decreases the rebound in EEG slow-wave activity. These diachronic effects suggest an action of modafinil on a homeostatic sleep regulatory process.

Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine whether modafinil, in comparison to the d-amphetamine reference psychostimulant and to placebo, interferes with the vigilance regulatory processes reflected in the EEG during waking. Methods: Thirtythree healthy subjects were investigated during 60 h of sustained wakefulness in a double-blind placebo-controlled parallel-design study. A 4-min maintenance-ofwakefulness test administered hourly allowed the concomitant assessment of alertness and waking EEG activity. The effects of equipotent psychostimulant dosages (modafinil 300 mg and d-amphetamine 20 mg) were evaluated at the beginning of the first sleep deprivation night, at the end of the second sleep deprivation night and in the afternoon preceding the first recovery night.

Results: One hour following ingestion, both psychostimulants increased alertness during 10–12 h,  independently of the time of administration. At the level of the waking EEG, d-amphetamine attenuated the natural circadian rhythm of the different frequency bands and suppressed the sleep deprivation-related increase in low frequency (0.5–7 Hz) powers. In contrast, modafinil, which exhibited a transient amphetamine-like effect, had slight effect on circadian rhythms. Its selective action was characterized by maintenance of the a1 (8.5–11.5 Hz) EEG power, which under placebo exhibited a homeostatic decrease paralleling that of alertness with a circadian trough at night.

Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that the alertness-promoting effects of modafinil and damphetamine involve distinct EEG activities and do not reside on the same vigilance regulatory processes. While d-amphetamine inhibits the expression of a sleep-related process, probably through a direct cortical activation masking EEG circadian rhythms, modafinil, through a synchronic effect, preferentially disrupts the homeostatic down-regulation of a waking drive.

Keywords Alertness, Circadian rhythm, Homeostasis.

Initiating treatment with modafinil for control of excessive daytime sleepiness in patients switching from methylphenidate: an open-label safety study assessing three strategies
Michael J. Thorpy, Jonathan R. L. Schwartz, Ruzica Kovacevic-Ristanovic, Roza Hayduk
Psychopharmacology (2003) 167:380–385

Abstract:  Modafinil is a first-line wakepromoting medication and a useful therapeutic alternative to psychostimulant medications for excessive daytime sleepiness.

Objective: This 5-week, randomized, openlabel study evaluated three strategies for switching patients from methylphenidate, a commonly used psychostimulant, to modafinil.

Methods: Patients (n=40) with excessive daytime sleepiness related to narcolepsy, who had received previous treatment with methylphenidate, were switched from methylphenidate to modafinil (200 mg/day followed by 400 mg/day) without a washout period between treatments, with a 2-day washout period between treatments, or by using a taper-down/titrate-up protocol. Adverse events were recorded throughout the study, and Epworth Sleepiness Scale scores were determined at the end of the study.

Results: The majority of patients (95%) were successfully switched to modafinil. At the study end point, mean Epworth Sleepiness Scale scores were <12 for each treatment group. All three switching strategies were well tolerated, with adverse events mild or moderate in nature. Adverse events most frequently reported during modafinil treatment were among those seen previously in large-scale, placebocontrolled studies. There were no meaningful differences among the treatment groups in the frequency or severity of adverse events or in their relationship to modafinil treatment. Only one patient discontinued modafinil treatment because of a treatment-related adverse event (i.e.
moderate headache); another patient discontinued due to insufficient efficacy.

Conclusions: Switching from methylphenidate to modafinil was well tolerated with or without a washout period or when the methylphenidate dose is gradually tapered during initiation of modafinil therapy. Daytime wakefulness was maintained in patients who have switched from methylphenidate to modafinil. These data suggest that patients with narcolepsy may be switched from methylphenidate to modafinil with few complications and inconveniences.

Keywords: Modafinil, Psychostimulants, Methylphenidate, Switching, Excessive daytime sleepiness, Wakefulness, Sleep deprivation, Psychostimulant, Waking EEG.

Maintaining alertness and performance during sleep deprivation: modafinil versus caffeine
Nancy Jo Wesensten, Gregory Belenky, Mary A. Kautz, David R. Thorne, Rebecca M. Reichardt, Thomas J. Balkin
Psychopharmacology (2002) 159:238–247

Abstract: The performance and alertness effects of modafinil were evaluated to determine whether modafinil should replace caffeine for restoring performance and alertness during total sleep deprivation in otherwise healthy adults.

Objectives: Study objectives were to determine (a) the relative efficacy of three doses of modafinil versus an active control dose of caffeine 600 mg; (b) whether modafinil effects are dose-dependent; and (c) the extent to which both agents maintain performance and alertness during the circadian trough.

Methods: Fifty healthy young adults remained awake for 54.5 h (from 6:30 a.m. day 1 to 1:00 p.m. on day 3) and
performance and alertness tests were administered bihourly from 8:00 a.m. day 1 until 10:00 p.m. day 2. At 11:55 p.m. on day 2 (after 41.5 h awake), subjects received double blind administration of one of five drug doses: placebo; modafinil 100, 200, or 400 mg; or caffeine 600 mg (n=10 per group), followed by hourly testing from midnight through 12:00 p.m. on day 3.

Results: Performance and alertness were significantly improved by modafinil 200 and 400 mg relative to placebo, and effects were comparable to those obtained with caffeine 600 mg. Although a trend toward better performance at higher modafinil doses suggested a dosedependent effect, differences between modafinil doses were not significant. Performance enhancing effects were especially salient during the circadian nadir (6:00 a.m. through 10:00 a.m.). Few instances of adverse subjective side effects (nausea, heart pounding) were reported.

Conclusions: Like caffeine, modafinil maintained
performance and alertness during the early morning hours, when the combined effects of sleep loss and the circadian trough of performance and alertness trough were manifest. Thus, equivalent performance- and alertness- enhancing effects were obtained with drugs possessing different mechanisms of action. However, modafinil does not appear to offer advantages over caffeine (which is more readily available and less expensive) for improving performance and alertness during sleep loss in otherwise normal, healthy adults.

Keywords: Cognitive performance, Sleep deprivation, Modafinil, Caffeine, Reaction time.

Wake-promoting agents with different mechanisms of action: comparison of effects of modafinil and amphetamine on food intake and cardiovascular activity
Angela P. Makris, Craig R. Rush, Robert C. Frederich, Thomas H. Kelly
Appetite 42 (2004) 185–195

Abstract: Despite efforts to achieve a desirable weight, two-thirds of the population has an elevated body weight. Medications are useful in supporting weight loss, but produce adverse effects. This study compared the effects of amphetamine and modafinil on food intake and cardiovascular activity in healthy men and women. Participants ðn ¼ 11Ю completed 11 sessions. In random order, participants received placebo on five separate sessions and single oral doses of modafinil (1.75, 3.5, or 7.0 mg/kg) and amphetamine (0.035, 0.07, 0.14 mg/kg). Free time between hourly performance testing intervals gave participants the opportunity to eat. Like amphetamine, modafinil reduced the amount of food consumed and decreased energy intake, without altering the proportion of macronutrients consumed. Although both medications significantly increase heart rate and blood pressure at higher doses, the dose of modafinil that was efficacious in decreasing food intake did not significantly increase heart rate. Modafinil may be well suited for the treatment of obesity, although further studies with repeated dosing in overweight populations are warranted. Modafinil may have less adverse health consequences than some anorectic agents
and greater treatment efficacy.

Keywords: Appetite, Food intake, Eating, Cardiovascular, Modafinil, Amphetamine, Stimulants.



     Unipolar Mania, It's good for life... laugh
(Chief Bee)
09-04-04 11:52
No 529541
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      Modafinil Effects on (meta-)Cognitive Performance
(Rated as: good read)

Effects of modafinil on cognitive and meta-cognitive performance
Joseph V. Baranski, Ross Pigeau, Peter Dinich, Ira Jacobs
Hum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp, 19(5), 323-332 (2004) (

The stimulant modafinil has proved to be an effective treatment modality for narcolepsy and related sleep disorders and is also being studied for use during sustained military operations to ameliorate the effects of fatigue due to sleep loss. However, a previous study reported that a relatively large, single dose of modafinil (300 mg), administered to already sleep-deprived individuals, caused participants to overestimate their cognitive abilities (i.e. overconfidence). Because the predominant application of modafinil is in otherwise healthy, non-sleep-deprived individuals, the present study investigated the generality of modafinil-induced overconfidence in a group of 18 healthy, non sleep-deprived adults. The design involved a double-blind, placebo controlled, fully within-subjects manipulation of placebo and modafinil (4 mg/kg: approximately 300 mg, on average) over three 50-min cognitive testing sessions (i.e. before drug ingestion, and at 90 and 180 min after drug ingestion). The cognitive task battery included subjective assessments of mood, fatigue, affect, vigor and motivation, and cognitive assessments of serial reaction time, logical reasoning, visual comparison, mental addition and vigilance. In addition, trial-by-trial confidence judgements were obtained for two of the cognitive tasks and more global, task level assessments of performance were obtained for four of the cognitive tasks. Relative to placebo, modafinil improved fatigue levels, motivation, reaction time and vigilance. In terms of self-assessments of cognitive performance, both the placebo and modafinil conditions were well calibrated on trial-by-trial confidence judgements, showing neither marked over- nor under-confidence. Of note, the modafinil condition displayed a non-significant tendency towards overconfidence for task-level assessments of performance. The present findings highlight the need for continued research on the many complex interactions involving fatigue states, occasional versus long-term stimulant use, and subjective assessments of fatigue and cognitive performance.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Addict)
09-04-04 16:55
No 529556
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      As aid to reduce withdrawal effects of amphetamine     

Seems like it might also be useful for someone who was looking to reduce the "burnout" side effects from amphetamine withdrawal.

Anyone ever tried it for this?

A decent related synth thread Post 429898 (Antoncho: "The Making of Modafinil", Novel Discourse)

every year that I now find myself unmarried I claim as a victory
(Hive Bee)
09-04-04 21:30
No 529583

Provigil sucks donkey ass in every way possible.  It is absolutely no stronger than pseudoephedrine, if not weaker.
(Hive Addict)
09-04-04 21:49
No 529586
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      duh, if you are wise enough to try to draw...     

duh, if you are wise enough to try to draw some correlation between the effects of those, you might as well be smoking banadine.

(Wonderful Personality)
09-04-04 22:55
No 529595
      After my experiences is Modafinil not very...     

After my experiences is Modafinil not very useful in questions of (meth)amphetamine withdrawals. It is plain to weak to come up against the deficits one experiences then.
This is of course subjective.

Cattleprodder isnt wrong here. To speak with Geezmeister´s words: "Never underestimate the pseudo-rush" and never underestimate the activity of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine at all.

From a pure personal point of view I would actually compare Modafinil to Banandine and (Pseudo)Ephedrine to Amphetamine.

Nevertheless will Modafinil be scheduled latest next year if not earlier I bet.

The stimulant modafinil has proved to be an effective treatment modality for narcolepsy and related sleep disorders and is also being studied for use during sustained military operations to ameliorate the effects of fatigue due to sleep loss. However, a previous study reported that a relatively large, single dose of modafinil (300 mg), administered to already sleep-deprived individuals, caused participants to overestimate their cognitive abilities (i.e. overconfidence). Because the predominant application of modafinil is in otherwise healthy, non-sleep-deprived individuals,....

Replace "Modafinil" with "Amphetamine" and you get truth. laugh
Science can be fun sometimes.
So called science is funny often.
Actually this all sounds like a joke. smile

so near, so far......
09-08-04 22:20
No 530372
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      Schedule IV     

Nevertheless will Modafinil be scheduled latest next year if not earlier I bet.

Modafinil is a CIV, and has been for some time, 1999 maybe?



     Unipolar Mania, It's good for life... laugh

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