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07-15-04 11:02
No 519548
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      Amphetamine as Diet-Aid     

To achieve weight loss with the aid of amphetamine, could
anyone reccommend "proper" usage and what precautions to

The person who is going to diet is a woman, who already
watches what she eats and how much, but the idea was to use
rather small amounts of amphetamines on a daily basis for
almost a week, after breakfast. Thus beeing able to sleep
at night (with or without the aid of cannabiscool).

I know people that use amphetamine fairly often, for
recreational use, but when it comes to dieting I don't know
what to say, what are the most dangerous pitfalls here?

Any comments on this hypothetical situation is

You'll never get to heaven if you're scared of getting high
07-15-04 16:42
No 519600
      Amphetamine for weight loss     

Amphetamine is a very effective dieting agent; unlike cocaine, in which hunger pangs can still be felt though there is little desire to eat, amphetamine makes the thought of food repulsive. I would recommend that the user titrate hir dosage to find out what works best. And that is an excellent idea to take it in the morning after breakfast :)

A cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the ________ of nothing. - tickle me
(Stoni's sexual toy)
07-15-04 17:10
No 519605
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      > And that is an excellent idea to take it...     

> And that is an excellent idea to take it in the morning after breakfast :)

She most likely will skip breakfast anyway.
Taking it in the morning is also a good way to turn your four week weight loss endeavour into a respectable drug habit. If you only take it in the afternoon the body will have more time to metabolize the amphetamines, and will be sober for at least half of the day. If you start taking it early you will invariably end up being on drugs for the whole day.

Losing weight with amphetamines works at least temporarily, unfortunately. It's still better not to do it, because you will gain twice the weight back when you
quit taking them.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Wonderful Personality)
07-15-04 18:17
No 519614
      Getting addicted to speed for loosing weight...     

Getting addicted to speed for loosing weight is plain stupid. Of course wanting to loose weight and smoking pot is even more stupid. If she would take the addiction for the enhanced sexuality - this would be ok.

But somehow this sounds to me as if somebody who is not Weedar wants to figure out a way how to dissolve reality in large amounts of hash without suffering from the eatingmadness which comes with this habit.
Smoke more hash.
Then you dont mind you get fatter and fatter and fatter....

The problem is that the problem shall not get solved but dissolved wink

or what?

07-15-04 18:19
No 519616
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      double the doctor's orders?     

my personal rule of thumb, when using un-prescribed prescription drugs, is to double the amount intended by the doctor.
one never is enough; though, to err on the safe side, you should start with 1/2 that amount.

but who's got time to titrate doses?

she's probably getting ready for a photo shoot, or something, and will bee able to go back to beeing a lard-ass after the check is signed.

exercise is really the ticket.
amphetamines work beecause they make you work more.
you lose weight beecause your heart-rate has been jacked up.

there's other pills that don't inspire appetite. beeing nauseus will quell your desire to chow down.

amphetamines work well for weight loss (allbeeit, temporarily) beecause they compel the user to get off his/her ass.

send her to my weight-loss/apprentice farming work-shop, weedar. all the hillbillies are still lean and wiry.
the ones that moved into town are all lard-asses.
go figure.

well, we just had a tornado that dropped about 20 trees in my face.
so i gotta go lose some weight.
07-15-04 19:18
No 519628
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Thanks for your input guys.

She most likely will skip breakfast anyway.
Taking it in the morning is also a good way to turn your
four week weight loss endeavour into a respectable drug habit

The plan would be for her to first eat breakfast, and I
assume taking the amphetamine so early in the day will
make her sober enough to sleep at night. What do you think?

I am not sure about this, which is why I ask. I was hoping
this would result in weight loss during the period of use,
and then if exercise and proper eating continues after
the "experiment" the weight lost will not return?

You'll never get to heaven if you're scared of getting high
(Hive Bee)
07-15-04 23:43
No 519670
      Amphetamines work well.     

Well morning is the best time to burn fat because the body has used up all the energy stored in the food, so exercising in the morning sans breakfast is the quickest way to lose weight.

It depends if she wants to heed that advice Osmium explained about abuse potential being higher, when taken like that.

I personally found warnings about the weight coming straight back on complete garbage.
If you've been fat for years (for me it was growing up, from 9-17 or something), all that consumes you for those years is thoughts like "if i could just lose this weight, I wouldn't let it come back".

That's exactly what happened, I didnt put on for years following casual amphetamine usage (once per week only, sometimes less) over a 18 month period.

Amphetamines are the cure for lards, it isn't stomach surgery, like the masses are led to believe by they're Dr's at the patients expense.

It repulses me hearing about success stories of that procedure, they were never told about amphetamines.

Fuck the Right.
(Stoni's sexual toy)
07-16-04 07:30
No 519726
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      > The plan would be for her to first eat...     

> The plan would be for her to first eat breakfast, and I
> assume taking the amphetamine so early in the day will
> make her sober enough to sleep at night. What do you think?

I wouldn't take it too early, unless that person has the willpower to restrict her use. Easy to do during the first two weeks, but then it will be much more difficult to resist the drug. Taking it around noon and skipping lunch should work very well for losing weight, as long as breakfast and dinner will consist of small portions of healthy stuff, like fruits and veggies and lean meat. Sleeping shouldn't be a problem at all when taken around noon, and once she's hooked she will be able to sleep an hour after snorting a line.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(The Archetypical "Good Guy")
07-16-04 07:51
No 519729
      Amphetamines and weigth loss     

I agree that amphetamines are an OK solution for weight loss - if used very responsibly.

The isse with gaining much weight after quitting could be overcome by using the amphetamines as a motivator to get into working out and excercising. Simply using the amphetamines metabolism boosting properties to burn some fat is not a good idea IMO. Although I do have a nice excercise habbit - I occasionally use amphetamines as an extra aid for working out really hard (and loosing those last grams of fat if I know im going to be semi-naked public for longer periods *hawhaw*). I could imagine that a very lazy person could benefit from using amphetamines to boost the desire to get out and do some "body-works". When a good habbit with the working out has been established - the amphetamines could be put on the shelf for some time. It is very important though to keep the dosages low, especially if the person using it is in poor physical shape. Don't want that heart to leap out of the chest.

Good health and happy weekend, regards

Cocaine blows!
07-16-04 08:17
No 519730
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What you wrote was basically the plan.
The "subject" has never used amphetamine beefore, so the
dose will be low, just enough to crank it up one
notch. And the plan was to use the amphetamine for just
one week, dosing supervised by someone with the will-power
to make sure this doesn't go over-board.(guess who?)

You'll never get to heaven if you're scared of getting high
08-03-04 23:43
No 523491
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      Mind Expanding - Body Shrinking = Good Combo !     

My personal opinion is that amphetamine has failed the hard test for a safe diet-aid decades ago.. The reason ? Addiction and mostly, the desensitization of the receptors that transduce the lipolytic(fat-burning) signal. By the way the anorexigenic impact faints and the user must increase the dosage..

My favourite recipe for fat-loss:

1) Planned Nutrition (4-6 small meals with enough protein, low glycemic index carbohydrates & good vegetable fats)

2) Exercise (3 days/week  at least aerobic work at 75% of your maximum heart rate, duration 20 to 50 mins)

3) Pharmacological manipulation: The ephedrine/caffeine or the ephedrine/caffeine/aspirin combo is the safest and more effective way to go.. That's one of the many reasons the Big Pharmaceutical companies want to kill eph.. They want the market to be clean before the time, the next "Mega-Sales" weight loss drug will be out..(like the Fenfluramine-Phentermine combination, a legal American Speedball in the 90s)

There are a lot of tools and toys in the arsenal of the pharmaceutical management of weight loss.. But this is not the subject of this good forum/society...
(Hive Addict)
08-04-04 00:44
No 523499
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Weedar old friend....
I'm somewhat reluctant about adding my two cents here because it's a mixed bag sorta kinda.
Based on your expectations of how you'll handle the *subject* with you're dispensing willpowerwink, I'm more inclined to warn against getting your hopes UP.
There are many more UPsides to taking amphetamines especially if the *subjects* internal chemistry leans toward a craving for the drug.
For instance....if ADD or ADHD is involved....any stimulant will act like a miracle cureall wonderdrug for the subject and no amount of willpower you display will convince the subject that they are in too deep when they feel they need it. You're best assessments and judgements will be seen as an unwelcome intrusion at that point if it ever comes to your will superceding what the subject feels they need to make it through the day.
Some people can use stimulants "as prescribed". Others that suffer a chemical imbalance will surely become hooked and the tolerance effects will prevail as they do with every human as it will take more to achieve the desired effects!
In light of these facts...I just hope you go about this the right way to achieve the desired outcomes.
Nobody will know if the *subject* is prone to LIKING this weight loss proggie more than they are suppose to until they avil themselves to this treatment plan.
My suggestion is to proceed only under medical supervision and not to take on the role as Dr.Weedar yerself!
Just looking out for an old friend here! No gloom and doom stuff!
As purplepoison and you yourself would say....
"Can't We all just get a Bong?"smilelaughtongue
Carry On!cool

Remember, it's not,
"Hi, how are you?" it's
"How high are you?"
08-05-04 11:02
No 523795
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Thanks for your input guys, especially yours wareami!smile

The little test is over, but the subject felt little
effects from the amphetamine, except for the anorexic
effects. Some weight-loss occurred, but we shall see
how this turns out. I actually thought she might have
some mild ADD/ADHD beecause of her reaction to the
amphetamine, as she was more focused but not "speedy".

You'll never get to heaven if you're scared of getting high
08-10-04 03:55
No 524557
      Yes myodyne some valid points; however, ...     

Yes myodyne some valid points; however, really, what are we theorizing on this web site, a chemical solution - period.  Furthermore, I cannot bite the hand that feeds... and Fen/Phen was hardly a speedball, although, I would recommend the phentermine HCl portion of our tort friend, not such an addicting fellow, like its other "dieting" amphetamine peers.  Personally, I lost 100 lbs, and kept it off for 6 years, in the mid to latter ninties, without the use of any psychostimulants or any other pharmacological friend, through the advice you have given myodyne, however I was high carb and low protein (have fun with your heart attacks Atkins followers) and w/o the Eph and such (BTW asprin + caffine = potential ulcers, w/o water in the stomach, it will take up to a tbsp of blood through the stomach wall - ouch!). However, I did drink plenty of diet mt dew, which has a good amount of caffeine and some phenylalanine.

Gays have the highest substance use and the highest median income, where's the drug problem?
(Hive Bee)
08-10-04 12:15
No 524615
      If one was using amphetamine to skip meals to...     

If one was using amphetamine to skip meals to lose weight you would defiently want to take some kind of dietry supplement pill to make sure your getting the RDI of vitamins and what not.

Your an individual just like everyone else
(Hive Bee)
08-12-04 14:48
No 525063
      diet pills     

I am currently prescribed 105 mg per day of Bontril (phendimetrazine) as a weight loss pill.  It seems to work pretty well so far and seems to be less paranoia inducing than amphetamine or methamphetamine.  Chemically, phendimetrazine is the same as 4-methylaminorex ('euphoria') with an added -CH3 group on the nitrogen atom.

Also, I just started taking Green Tea Extract pills as well, so we'll see how it goes.
(Chief Bee)
08-12-04 18:29
No 525078
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      4-Methylaminorex, Phendimetrazine & Phenmetrazine     

Chemically, phendimetrazine is the same as 4-methylaminorex ('euphoria') with an added -CH3 group on the nitrogen atom.

No, that's incorrect. Compare the structures of 4-Methylaminorex, Phendimetrazine and Phenmetrazine below:


The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
08-12-04 20:11
No 525088
User Picture 

Phendimetrazine is phenmetrazine with an extra methyl on the nitrogen, so phenmetrazine would more correctly be:

To Be Attacked by the Enemy Is Not a Bad Thing but a Good Thing
(Hive Bee)
08-12-04 21:59
No 525106
      I stand corrected.     

Yes, Rhodium is correct.  I apologize for the misinformation.
(Hive Bee)
08-15-04 18:27
No 525554
      Weedar goes PIMP     

So ur plan is to drive her into dependence followed by ruthless exploitation shocked.

The only purpose of your life may be to serve as a warning to others
(Hive Bee)
08-17-04 15:29
No 525910
      My personal opinion is that amphetamine has...     

My personal opinion is that amphetamine has failed the hard test for a safe diet-aid decades ago.. The reason ? Addiction and mostly, the desensitization of the receptors that transduce the lipolytic(fat-burning) signal. By the way the anorexigenic impact faints and the user must increase the dosage..

Could you tell me more about that please?
08-19-04 16:08
No 526307
      Phentermine Yo Yo     

As other 30+ year old men on this board may also experience the male metabolism seems to hit a wall after your twenties. We spend all our high school years trying to bulk up only to morph into a fat ass when we hit our prime earning years!

I live in a country where Phentermine is pretty widely prescribed to women for weight loss. I would say about 1/2" of my wives friends are taking the stuff (these are Asian women mind you....not particularly fat in the first place!).

Basically the stuff is habit forming. If you want to use it you should be aware of the risks. It is a great morning pickup and it really does help you shed the pounds. I myself am not above going on a two week cycle to trim the love handles every few months.

A couple of key points bear mentioning though:

1) You will develop a tolerance
2) When you start wanting to increase the dose it is time to take a break.
3) YOu will want to eat ALOT once you stop taking it.
4) You will find yourself on-edge, emotional, and generally pretty goddamn irritable once you quit.
5) Give yourself two weeks off for every two weeks on.

There is no free lunch in the drug abusing world.

08-20-04 01:07
No 526374
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tell her to use the amphet for climaxing and studying!!!
tell her to get up at 7am, and do the rowing machine (works nearly every muscle) and or power walking before eating breakfast!!!

then eat breakfast when finishing,

thats how the pros do it, and you loose more weight as cause your body does not have nutrients, you break down your own body fat.

and i have your shirt ready to send, hehe, i hope osmium is jealous cause your getting a cultured gift and hes not, but if he wants one he can have one smile


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