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All 10 posts   Subject: XANDROS IS DA SHIT!!!!   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Addict)
07-19-04 02:24
No 520175
      XANDROS IS DA SHIT!!!!     

To paraphrase a line for "Dune" 

"Many new distros on net"

Xandros is a "windowz" like linux distro that is now availible for free @ the Xandros site

Amazing operating sytems...NO OS crashes in two weeks...everything is so intuitive and FAST.

Xandros with an 800mhz and 256mb runs faster than 2.4ghz running XP and 512

this thing boots in less than 30 seconds and the on screen pwr "off" button actually works!

You can pay $10.00 to download it or install bit-torrent.

I'm in love with computers again...

"Do Bee, Do Bee, DO!"
(Stoni's sexual toy)
07-19-04 07:01
No 520215
User Picture 
      > Xandros is a "windowz" like...     

> Xandros is a "windowz" like linux distro

Hopefully not! wink

> Xandros with an 800mhz and 256mb runs faster than 2.4ghz running XP and 512

It sure as hell isn't running KDE or Gnome then.

Wow, they even offer free upgrades and bugfixes! How generous!

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
07-19-04 07:06
No 520216
User Picture 

Their website wasn't all that great, didn't say much
about the distro, except that it's based on Debian.
Tell us more about it.

You'll never get to heaven if you're scared of getting high
(Hive Bee)
07-20-04 09:41
No 520398
      UAFSE couldn't resist, hehehe last time i...     


couldn't resist, hehehe

last time i recall trying it i had trouble with hardware support
(Hive Addict)
08-06-04 05:49
No 523957
      version 2.5 of XANDROS OUT     

I do believe, in two months of operation, i've had 1 fatal crash, (multi programs going, then I tried to run a video game, boom...)

I've been fucking around with computers since 1983


You can install on a wintel machine and keep you window installation.

It'll resize you partition (if you have 3.5 gb free)

and creat a new boot sector.

It is SO FAST...

Xandros with 850mhz athlon and 128mg running faster than 2.4ghz intel running XP.

everything is super easy about download with bittorrent.

updating system super easy too.

I love this shit...looking for a small file that will roach the hard drive after 3 bad logons...any suggestions?

"Do Bee, Do Bee, DO!"
(Hive Bee)
08-06-04 08:11
No 523975
      the thing keeping me with windows is, get...     

the thing keeping me with windows is,   get ready for it,  the sucurity of my data!!!   lol, no joke, i use 1344bit encryption software that work only in windows and mac i believe.   drivecrypt,   awesome utility!!!
(Stoni's sexual toy)
08-06-04 09:58
No 523982
User Picture 
      > lol, no joke, Are you sure?     

> lol, no joke,

Are you sure?

> i use 1344bit encryption software that work only in windows and mac i believe.
>   drivecrypt,   awesome utility!!!

Quote from their web site:

Strong Cryptography
1344 Bit Military Strength disk encryption using the best and most proven cryptographic algorithms such as AES, Blowfish, Tea 16, Tea 32, Des, Triple Des, Misty 1 and Square.

Sounds like they are using some sort of public key cryptography to encrypt the session keys. AES, Blowfish, DES and Triple DES definitely do not use 1344bit keys, so that's the only explanation.
Considering that comparing public key lenghts with symmetric key lenghts is wanking at best and that 1344bit PK crypto is less safe than 256bit symmetric crypto you aren't really that well protected (relatively speaking). Since drivecrypt seems to be closed source (although they want to change that, that wold be great) and didn't undergo a thorough public auditing I wouldn't trust it too much, especially not when it runs under Windows.
The linux encryption, which can also be used to encrypt whole partitions  doesn't have all these disadvantages.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Hive Addict)
08-06-04 19:28
No 524028
User Picture 

If you insist on using windows, why wouldn't you use PGP?

caveat emptor
(Hive Bee)
08-09-04 10:34
No 524417
      i did my research on this software, long since     

i did my research on this software,   long since forgotten it though.

it's now open source anyways which will be reassuring to you all.

the reason i use it is because it's got such a convenient interface and wicked feature set.  let me explain how i use it:

it allows container files to be mounted as drives.   it even allows container files to be hidden inside of audio files in a such a way that they cannot be detected or decoded.   in the program the codec i use is called "1344 bit triple blowfish".   my password is actually 4 passwords, each one being a sentence including alphanumeric charactors as well as symbols.

if i wanted i could put the container file on a cd with the drivecrypt program (which doesn't have to be installed to run),   run the exe,  open the container, enter password and i have my X-drive with my important info.

EDIT:  here's a link.
(Wizard Master)
08-10-04 06:38
No 524584
User Picture 
      DriveCrypt 4.20     

DriveCrypt 4.20 ENGLISH
Program and Documentation
System Requirements: Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP

DriveCrypt Plus Pack (DCPP) V.2.80 ENGLISH
Program and Documentation
System Requirements: Windows NT/2000/XP
DCPP does NOT inlcude DriveCrypt. With DCPP you can encrypt the entire hard disk or entire partitions (including the system partition), but you can not create /mount single container files. Both, DCPP and DriveCrypt CAN be used alone or in combination.

WinDAC (Digital Audio Copy)
An audio utility that allows you to copy audio tracks from CDs in WAV format. Ideal for creating Steganographic suitable .wav files.

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