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All 66 posts   Subject: Shooting up: any advice   Please login to post   Down

07-19-04 04:08
No 520189
      Shooting up: any advice     

I have only once injected IV.  IM all the time, but only once IV and it was clean K.  (Yeah, bad idea).  But, though I doubt it will be soon, I wanted to know what I need to know about IV injection.  Everything, from basics to tips to not get abcesses.  More out of curiosity than anything, but education is key.  Now, as a practical matter I did want to know about injecting cocaine.  Is it flirting with addiction too heavily?  And what extra things must I do to clean it up properly?

Thanks bees.

Rainbows & Butterflies Forever :)
(Minister of Propaganda)
07-19-04 04:18
No 520193
User Picture 
      I don't know why anyone would want to inject     

I don't know why anyone would want to inject anything.

Needles suck. And once you inject something into your veins, there's no getting it out. The liklihood of addiction seems much higher than other methods. The come on is stronger, but the effects usually last less, and that's a combiniation that leaves you wanting more.

I watched someone inject meth once and I thought his heart was going to come out of his chest. And he was a long time user. When you see people that are willing to die for the sake of getting fucked up, you realize they've gone a bit too far.

And needles suck.

Milk rots your brain.
07-19-04 05:20
No 520209
User Picture 
      re iv coke. Bee careful, the desire to extend...     

re iv coke.

Bee careful, the desire to extend the euphoria by lining up another one straight away is often hindered by your 'mohammed ali' like shakes, causing lovely black bruises on your various attempts at drawing blood,longs sleeves -  not great clothing for this time of year.

swims iv coke period was a real low point in his life he found in retrospect. blush


.em evigrof doG yam neht emirc a si sdrawkcab gnitsop fI
07-19-04 05:27
(Rated as: shut the fuck up)
(Hive Addict)
07-19-04 10:32
No 520247
User Picture 
      You should for this, I remember somebody ...     

You should UTFSE for this, I remember somebody posting links and the whole shebang about using needles in a propper way.

07-19-04 14:11
No 520279
      i.v. tips     

So, you want them - you`ll get them.

i.v. is a great way to end up with something like that
...and you don`t want to.

Use hypodermic needles - after ~10 times you`ll be able to make the injection so clear that it would be very hard to see the puncture. And it`s better vor the veins - usually its painful to make second injection near the previous during the next days but with that kind of needles its not a problem.

It`s not very good to use veins in the legs and the feet (clots!) but if you`re careful and lift the leg over the head it`s OK.

If cooking the drug watch out for the acid. Overacidified solutions are very painful to inject (you`ll understand your anatomy the hard waywink). Also, inspite of being widely used exactly for that porpouse, citric  and oxalic acid aren`t the best choice since their Ca salts are very unsoluble and the result is bleeding.

You`re death will be fast. I mean if you overdose. And especially for cocaine, you should be very careful - LD50/ED50 is not a great value.

It`s not so much flirting with addiction as flirting with death. And that`s my favourite part. For example, I, occasionally, inject i.v. 1 mg ampoule adrenaline - for more than 5 min, of course. And everytime I don`t know if I`ll make it this time. I don`t know why I`m doing it - it`s sooo childish.

These are my tips - maybe you know them or maybe you don`t. Now I remember what one heroin user told me once - 30% of the pleasure is in the act of injecting, only the rest is heroin.
(Hive Bee)
07-19-04 21:01
No 520325
      Alt.Drugs.Hard archive     

The following is an interesting resource. You might find it interesting. (edit: repeating myself is not repetitive)

fear fear hate hate
(Stoni's sexual toy)
07-19-04 21:11
No 520326
User Picture 
      > Use hypodermic needles What else would...     

> Use hypodermic needles

What else would one be using???

> It`s not very good to use veins in the legs and the feet
> (clots!) but if you`re careful and lift the leg over the
> head it`s OK.

That's a very interesting theory. Why is it safer when you put your egs up?

Don't start that shit. We have had countless discussions about it before, and so far no new facts have surfaced that would justify starting an IV/SC/IM/whatever habit.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Hive Addict)
07-20-04 03:03
No 520363
      your links jubrail     

There comes a certain responsibility with supplying needles that the government has neglected the public, for example, safe and clinical administering methods, that usually only hospital staff perform , yet the average Joe is meant to already be in the now?of this knowledge to protect his/ her body. information must be handed out with the package containing, the so called healthier way to be performing this recreational act?for example care and qualified instructions need to be given to the victims?as I call them of drug use, and these can be found at this address on the web,

regards the 'bouncer' smile

07-20-04 03:32
No 520364
      Well, the usual advice is:     

1) Use brand new fits every time (syringes)
2) Always boil the gear first to sterilze
3) Filter the solution properly (use filters from needle exchange, cigarette filters only filter down to 50 microns, not enough)

I guess knowing the gear is clean or pure or whatever is important - ping up something cut with ajax and you'll know the meaning of pain. frown

(Hive Addict)
07-20-04 03:52
No 520366
      iv habits     

and by the way all this fucking talk about addiction is boring me to tears, i am an iv user, and im not addicted, want to see what i look like? and how i use needles? its been written from me before in the past. in my links on meth in moderation

how many of you fuckers can iv meth and sleep on it in the same day

answer fucking none of you fucks cool

i will iv meth, proberly only 2-3 times every 5 months to study.

and yes i like the rush, and no i sleep on it, and take amminos etc etc.

some people can inject and do it in moderation.

jubrail if you dont have any will power stay away from needles, if you do, and do drugs in moderation, then you can consider it..some of us are stronger than the weak ass addicted fuckers, so why should we the ones that can do it in moderation suffer from you fucking junkees..

jubrail mighten be a juinkee that gets addicted to the rush of a needle so leave the fucking Decision up to him.

(Hive Bee)
07-20-04 04:20
No 520372
      Gees JJ gettin a bit fired up aint you??     

Gees JJ gettin a bit fired up aint you??
calm down bud im not goin to flame IV users....

Im not an IV user but im with JJ, if thats your choice, thats your choice.... just dont come crying if something goes wrong.... coz you will not get any sympathy....

It was right to say IV is probably the most dangerous (IMHO) method of administration of these drugs due to the sudden increased onset and reduced time in which it occurs... but as long as you read JJ's links on harm reduction and follow the guidelines you should be ok.


Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...
(Hive Addict)
07-20-04 04:29
No 520374
      iv drug of choice     

it comes from being a bouncer smile

now jubrail, it depends on what drug your goig to iv, there are only negatives involved when using mdma, now why do you want to use a needle?

for the rush? well i would seriously consider choosing wiserly what drug and why it is the best reason to iv it.

if its not pure and you dont know the lethal dose, then join the line of 'i want to be a victom'

i iv meth cause i like to have sex with the rush, and cause i need to take it in the morning as early/quickerly as possible so i can sleep on it on the same day

now what other drug could you possibly have that has a role or need to iv?

i cant think of any reason to iv, dmt, or mda or mdma, or 2cb etc etc etc. people usually use it for the rush and as its the quickest way to enter your blood stream. but

1) there is no need to have it hit you straight away
2) the rush is only for people that respect it

(Hive Bee)
07-20-04 05:33
No 520377
      jubrail if you dont have any will power stay...     

jubrail if you dont have any will power stay away from needles, if you do, and do drugs in moderation, then you can consider it..some of us are stronger than the weak ass addicted fuckers, so why should we the ones that can do it in moderation suffer from you fucking junkees..
We are all humans though and have weaknesses.Why risking with you mental and physical health for "high"?It's just not worth it,maybe you think it is but most don't.
(Hive Bee)
07-20-04 09:24
No 520395
      i agree with everyone, a bit, IV is the most...     

i agree with everyone, a bit,   IV is the most dangerous way to get high,   but that said if you're not addicted to anything and have will power there's worse things than an occasional poke in the arm.   personally i've slammed fentanyl twice and demerol once, all within last 2 years, and ever since the first time i've had syringes in my possession.   

i think a good test for yourself if you do decide to do it is to keep the needles available and see if you can resist the temptation of slamming whatever drugs you may have on hand.  if you can't, trash the needles and don't look back!!!!!!

I'd advise against using coke at all,   but if you must use it,   just dissolve in a nasal sprayer.   besides not being as addictive as smoking or slamming the peelers fucking love it ;)
07-20-04 16:49
No 520436

> Use hypodermic needles

What else would one be using???

 Hmm, if you`ve been taken a venous blood sample or i.v. injected something at a hospital you may have noticed that they don`t use hypodermic needles but longer ones. Also, some abusers work with that kind of needles.

> It`s not very good to use veins in the legs and the feet
> (clots!) but if you`re careful and lift the leg over the
> head it`s OK.

That's a very interesting theory. Why is it safer when you put your egs up?

This way the venous bloodstream is speeded up and the chance of cloth formation is attenuated - it`s simple. One may also make active movements, it`s better choice.

 I agree with Xaja that one should be careful about the filters - if you inject some unsoluble perticles in your body it`s hard to get them out after that.

07-20-04 18:57
No 520447
      Thank you all for the links     

I've seen all this links so far, though.  But I still have really basic questions.  OK, I want to iv coke.  Not to switch to regular iv use, but just to see what it's like, same reason I ever smoked weed. 

So how to I go about it?  I know it's not as simple as dissolving the coke in water and injecting it.  I can't get filters around here (no needle exchange), so I'd be using cotton.  Or do I just have to purify the coke with MeOH first?  That would be a pain in the ass.  Also, basic things, like which way the angle of the needle should be pointing.  Do I draw back first to make sure the blood is black?, etc.

Rainbows & Butterflies Forever :)
07-20-04 20:16
No 520454

First - the angle. Look below, I think it`s near to the optimum
 You should be VERY careful not to perforate the vein. I`ve done this and, believe me, it doesn`t look good.

 Yes, you should draw back some blood to be sure that:`ve entered a blood vessel (s.c. near veins is too painful);`s a vein (it`ll be rather surprising if you enter an arteria). And then Rosa Pantopon will blossom in front of you!
Aspiration is often done after injecting the drug.
I`ve never heard of H user purifying his stuff. Since coce is more clear than street heroin you could just dissolve it in some cold water, filter carefully and...
(Minister of Propaganda)
07-20-04 21:25
No 520462
User Picture 
      design your own needle     

POPPER's Design-Your-Own-Needle service is the easiest and quickest way to utilize needles made to your specifications. Choose from eight hub styles, select the gauge and length of your needle, determine the most appropriate point style and choose your quantity: It’s that easy! Ask about our Expedited Custom Needle Service insuring that you receive your custom needles in just two to four weeks!

This company is named Poppers and manufactures medical needles... I couldn't resist.

Dear Poppers,

I'm interested in designing my own custom needle solution for occassional IV injection of various controlled substances. Specifically, cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroin.

I can no longer make use of off-the-shelf needles because my veins are totally fucked up now due to years of excessive drug use. I need something with an ultrafine gauge that is both versitile and sturdy. I've heard that the quality of your needles is unsurpassed.

I'm interested in your Expediated Custom Needle service, so please contact me with my options and your recommended needle specifications based on my intended application.

Thank you.

PS - Do you offer engraving?

Milk rots your brain.
07-21-04 01:29
No 520512
User Picture 
      if you just want to try it once:     

perhaps you could enlist the services of a friend that is competent. or do you want the entire experience?

if you go ahead, will you report back, please?
maybee on the couch?
(Hive Bee)
07-21-04 07:27
No 520550
      "basic things, like which way the angle...     

"basic things, like which way the angle of the needle should be pointing.  Do I draw back first to make sure the blood is black?"

read the guide, it's in thfse somewhere,    called 'getting off right',   or google it,   pdf file

shooting coke is really as simple as simply dissolving (filter too though),    how else could so many dumb as motherfuckers think they can resist cocaine with thier heaping mounds of willpower only to find out they were wrong?
(soccer mom)
07-21-04 08:12
No 520557
User Picture 
      Listen to mom!     

Jubrail, sweetheart, I don't know how old you are but surely old enough to have witnessed what can and does happen to so many good people when they started using the needle.  I have seen it change some of the best human beings (good friends & loved ones) into the worst thieves and liars ever was.  I've witnessed my BEST FRIEND dying all because of a little dirt of some sort getting in her bloodstream and having a stroke.  I've nursed several others through some very scary times only to have them turn right around and do it again!  The high that shooters experience has to be one that is overwhelming because it is something that they can not resist doing.  I've seen some that will even turn down the drug if they can't shoot it up.  They can't seem to do it any other way. 

The way I look at it, you have 2 choices here:

1.  You can try it and NOT like it.  That would kinda suck, wouldn't it?

2.  You can try it and fuckin' love it!  What happens then?  You will want to do it more, right?

Honey, you don't miss what you never had.crazy

Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.
(Of Counsel)
07-21-04 17:03
No 520641
      the cocaine rush     

I suggest that you not IV coke. Mind you, this isn't for health reasons, because I assume you would use a clean rig, distilled water, filter the coke, wash the injection site with alcohol, hit properly and not want to do more in less than hour.

Its the last assumption I worry about.

I got into IV cocaine use because my nose was too damn sore to snort anymore. I don't think I ever really had a monkey on my back until I fired cocaine. The rush is incredible. If you decide to slam it, slam it all at one time. Don't take a little of it and wait, or you will moderate the effect of the rush. The rush is reason to slam it.

The best rush is when you are fresh and haven't done coke for a day or two.

The rush doesn't last, and you want that feeling again and again. I remember making myself wait at least an hour between injections. Any closer together and there is no rush. I've knocked myself out with overdoses, made myself unable to walk, to talk. And still want more.

Then I tried coke and heroin together. MMMMMmmmmmm.

Don't. You don't want to know how nice it is unless you can decide not to do it again. If you can make that choice and live with it, enjoy the experience. If you have doubts about your ability to make that choice and abide by it, you have no business doing any drug IV.

I don't share an automatic condemnation of IV injection. I've done it, I'll probably do it again. I don't do it regularly, or as a matter of course. But I don't have a bias against it either. I think my attitude is based on my experience and knowing that I know my limits and my strengths, and have chosen not to have any monkeys on my back. If you can say that of yourself, try coke IV. If you can't, don''t.

Simple, basic advice from someone who has been there, and done that. No morality plays, no hype. Just the facts. It is dangerous. Its also quite the experience. You have to make the choice. Just be sure you are the one doing the choosing.

mostly harmless
07-21-04 18:14
No 520650

I agree with geezmeister - also all this don'ts and so on aren't very useful to keep someone curious from shooting his stuff i.v (- i'm an old i.v user, in fact i have left it behind some years now and even i get a watery mouth after reading this :)) at least that's my opinion.

If you ever shoot coke, shoot it very slowly, i remember i was waiting for a vein to burst in my head when it shot it up too fast pretty often, and sometimes when there was nothing but this screeching noise in my ears and my eyes where like popping out i was really scared of this thought (even while feeling pretty good smile) . and sometimes this really happens to people ... crazy

- Beware of the Morphail Effect! -
07-22-04 04:55
No 520751
      Advice about veins:     

If your veins are fucked, that is unfortunate. If they are not, and you want to keep them in good useable condition, use 1mL fits (B-D type are best if you can get them). The smaller gauge needles don't fuck your veins anywhere near as much as 26 gauge etc. Ping up twice a day for a decade and you can still hit it without too much trouble. Use those other fuckers and in two years your veins will be so far gone they ain't never coming back... frown

07-23-04 04:22
      More advice
(Rated as: misinforming)
07-23-04 19:48
No 521157

Thanks alot.  I can't find that "getting off right" doc.  But I'm not sure I want to slam coke anymore.  If I do decide to shoot something up though, 2 last questions: how do I make sure not to inject air and how do I filter something for injection.  I know they sound like dumb questions, but I've never injected anything but medical-grade solutions.

Rainbows & Butterflies Forever :)
07-24-04 02:22
      Re: > Use hypodermic needles What else...
(Rated as: misinforming)
07-24-04 03:08
No 521243
User Picture 
      the air     

gee whiz, jubrail. haven't you seen how doctors on tv hold the needle upright and plunge i until they spray some coke all over the room?
you might want to limit the overflow to a few drops.
don't forget to wear a nurses hat. it will give you the needed confidence
07-24-04 07:25
No 521290
      come on, Jubrail!     

Do it already! It won`t kill you. If I was so careful as you are I would never have learned how to i.v.
 UH, excuse me - I was too hard on you. Don`t worry about some baloons. I`ve never worried about them. After all WSB  once said that if the air kills there won`t be any living junkie. Do it like the nurses but instead of wasting 0.1-0.2 ml act slowly till just one drop shows up.
 Do your first i.v. and the next time everything will be alright.
07-24-04 11:54
No 521320
      by the way, some small bulbs of air in the...     

by the way, some small bulbs of air in the syringe won't do you any harm, so don't worry. The deadly amount of air is ... er, i forgot, but it's several milliliters to have any bad effect of it.

- Beware of the Morphail Effect! -
07-25-04 18:56
No 521580

But still one question lingering that no one has answered since I first asked it in the initial post: how do I filter the coke for injection?

Rainbows & Butterflies Forever :)
(soccer mom)
07-25-04 19:54
No 521588
User Picture 

Damn, Jubrail!  If you are considering doing this then I would imagine you know someone else that does it?  Get with an experienced user and they can show you what to do.  I have already expressed my opinion on it, but I think it is your decision to make.  You just need to know what the hell you are doing... first!

As a side note:  I think anyone that shoots up and tries to get others to start are real low-lifes!mad  Call me a hypocrite or whatever you want, but I wouldn't even offer drugs to someone who has never tried them without, at least, telling them the negative side to it all.  Any one of you that tries to say there isn't such a side are in denial or just down and out liars.

Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.
(Hive Bee)
07-25-04 19:58
No 521589

i always used small pieces of cigarette filters, but didn't someone mention an other kind of filter some post before?

- Beware of the Morphail Effect! -
(Hive Addict)
07-25-04 20:01
No 521590

Post 519372 (Rhodium: "Effectiveness of filters used by IV drug users", General Discourse)

fear fear hate hate
07-25-04 20:41
No 521595
      Why filtration?     

I am an occaissional IV user. Never tried it until I was in my late 20's. It has cost many of the peepns I grew up with there Lives, Families, Freedom and or Sanity. It's really dangerous, imho one must approach it with a humongous dose of humility. The danger with cocaine isn't so much that you will want to do it the next day, but that you will not want to put it down while you are in your binge/run. imho if you wanted to try it once, swiy would want to score some uncut coke from a close friend. as that is rarely possible, swims procedure is to convert the cocaine to free base, reconvert to the hydrocloride with muriatic acid. then recrystalize with IPA does away with any adulterants germs or other trash. swim, has not tried any dual solvent rxlation with acetone or any other solvent, as swim doesn't know cocaine.hcl's solubilities and its pretty expensive where swim lives. It doesnt work for small amounts of coke <an 1/8 of an oz. or ~3.65 grams unless your lab technique is immaculate, which swims isn't.

weigh the coke
add 1 part sodium bicarbonate to 7 parts coke in a little microwave safe glass dish( a shot glass size measuring cup works well

add a few drops of dh2o and mix( not to much you are looking to make a paste, not a slurry. a piece of coat hanger works well for this as when you are finishing the basing process the freebase will stick to it and it will be easy to collect)

heat the mixture in mcrowave, or if using a testube or cigar tube like contaner just use a lighter or candle. the microwave takes a second or three, the flame approach takes more time. DONOT over heat or swiy's dope will sublimate and wind up in the atmosphere. if using the microwave give a stir with swiy's stirrer when swiy sees the formation of what is ussually a yellowish oily like substance in the mix.
if heating slowly in a testube like contaner the change with be more apparent.

add cold dh20 about 2-5 x the volume of your mixture, it should come right to gether.

if it doesn't swiy didnt heat it long enogh, just warm it up again and it will be easy to watch the free base oil form, this is much easier to do in the microwave but takes alot more practice to get proficient with it. the teastube and lighter method is more forgiving for newbee's.

if using a testubeshake the fb oil/water until the oil soilidifies. this will be apparent by the tinking sound as it hits the side of the tube. if your stuff is still a little oily add a couple of drops hydrated amonium. it'll solidify.

alow it to dry takes 30 mins to a few hours, DO NOT USE HEAT TO SPEED DRYING. fans are ok. when dry you could dissolve in a nonpolar solvent. the mexicans near where swim lives use kerosene to disolve their basura. gas filter and rinse. i dont know what to wash coke with.

swim crushes his freebase in to powder. drop by drop adds muriatic acid and agitatites with a glass or bamboo stirrer untill all goes into sulution,filters into a large vet syringe through cigerette filter, expells onto evape dish over light bulb, pure cocaine. no cut no inisotol no creatine no baby laxitive or any thing that might have adultered it before. there are some losses due to mechanics but not as much as what you might expect. and one will know how much coke was actually in the origanal sack.

after slow rxlization with 91% ipa swim doesnt even filter it always all disolves really quickly as the dh2o hits it. and their is no comparision between the bioassay of the rxlized vs the origanal. swim doesn't know why. and doesn't have a clue. some one else might have more knowledge or ideas how to better this. or how to wash coke after its been gassed swim sure would like to know. As swim works offshore he rarely gets to partake of anything and when he does he ussually is afraid to experiment. cocaine is expensive, in more ways than dollars.
(Stoni's sexual toy)
07-25-04 21:27
No 521598
User Picture 
      Don't do it. Period.     

Don't do it. Period.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Hive Addict)
07-25-04 21:54
No 521601
User Picture 
      I agree     

It's dangerous. There are plenty of highs out there to enjoy w/o a needle.

  Besides once you push the envelope, there's no going back.

caveat emptor
07-26-04 02:38
No 521663
User Picture 
      attracted to "don't do it"?     

jub, i'm not saying this in an effort to kill you, but, quite honestly i know very many people who have tried needle drugs; used casually for a spell, and quit.
i think you have to bee a "junky-type" when you start, to get in over your head. ya' know, some folks can smoke 4 ciggarettes a week, for years and years.
are you obsessive/compulsive? have you gotten hooked on other depravities (gambling; tabbacco, drag queening; that sort of stuff) and found it easy to stop?

i always hated getting shots.

if i was ever going to bee a junky, i think i'd just stay hooked up to an I.V. rig all the time, to minimize the poking.

(soccer mom)
07-26-04 03:16
No 521673
User Picture 

jub, i'm not saying this in an effort to kill you, but, quite honestly i know very many people who have tried needle drugs; used casually for a spell, and quit.

That's funny, cause what I've seen is the exact opposite.  I know very few that have been able to stop once they start.  That's the main reason I, myself, won't do it.  I'm not saying that doing it one way or another is morally right or wrong.  I'm just stating what I've experienced seeing over the last 20 years, which has been a lot.crazy

Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.
07-26-04 04:14
No 521705

I still don't know if I'll ever try it.  I am a curious fellow, so I wanted to try it.


1) No longer ever spend/make money on/off coke

2) No longer enjoy doing more than a small amount of any drug but booze (the initial rush of everything else is what I want, not any prolonged high)

So I thought now that I'm past that stage of my drug use it might be ok to try slamming coke.  But I don't know, Jade makes very good points.  Anyway, thanks for all your advice.  I thought there was some way to filter cocaine using only a spoon, water and cotton.

Rainbows & Butterflies Forever :)
(Hive Addict)
07-26-04 04:29
No 521715
      rational ok jubrail, describe.     


ok jubrail, describe.

what drug and why, pros cons..

and describe what you would have in place personality wise, and support, that you could fall back on that would enable harm reduction should you decide to not inject in moderation.

i train three days a week, and have a proper diet, so when i do inject (read my post) i HEAL MY VASCULAR SYSTEM.

your up and it better bee fucking good bro wink

07-26-04 19:06
No 521837
      Re: Shooting Up, Any Advice     

If you want to turn into Gollum at warp speed ("Preciousss!"), go ahead. Plus, no matter how hard you adhere to sterile technique, one day you'll be altered alrready, say "fuck it" as to cleanliness, and end up giving yourself phlebitis (not the leg kind)(IV) or a nasty deep pus-filled infection (IM). Plus, the withdrawals can include such pleasantries as seizures, vomiting, diahrhea, insomnia for days, severe muscle cramps, job loss, temporary insanity, relationship loss, cold sweats, etc. ad nauseum ad infinitum. Listen to the voice of experience in this case. After a short while, the rush isn't even that good. Just not worth it.
Been there done that (morphine).
(Hive Addict)
07-27-04 02:08
No 521899
User Picture 
      "the initial rush of everything else is...     

"the initial rush of everything else is what I want, not any prolonged high)"

This sounds like a problem right here - wanting a rush is the main reason for injecting, and also often one of the most psychologically addictive factors.  Sounds to me like you'd best abstain.  Like Zib was saying - if you've ever had a lot of difficulty trying to quit a bad habit like smoking, then shooting coke might bee a very bad idea.

100% Canadian Bullshit
(Hive Bee)
07-27-04 05:01
No 521930
      "seizures, vomiting, diahrhea, insomnia...     

"seizures, vomiting, diahrhea, insomnia for days, severe muscle cramps, job loss, temporary insanity, relationship loss, cold sweats, etc. ad nauseum ad infinitum"

where'd you copy that one genius?

IV isn't the only way to get a rush.   smoking is often even more intense.    nothing has smaked me quite as hard as a way-too-big toke of fentanyl.    that shit will make you drop faster than u can say "shit"
(Hive Addict)
07-28-04 00:46
No 522087
User Picture 
      "where'd you copy that one genius?     

"where'd you copy that one genius?"

Does it matter?  It's applicable.

"IV isn't the only way to get a rush.   smoking is often even more intense. "

Ok.  But consider this.  If he's looking to shoot, he's almost undoubtedly smoked it, and found it not quite as intense as he'd like.

100% Canadian Bullshit
(Hive Bee)
07-28-04 03:40
No 522129
      sorry paranoid, that was a bit harsh jubrail,...     

sorry paranoid, that was a bit harsh

jubrail,   which substances are you considering shooting that you have/haven't smoked?
07-28-04 05:33
(Rated as: UTFSE!)
07-28-04 07:14
No 522184
      Re: Where'd You Copy That From     

From me memory of my experiences.
(Stoni's sexual toy)
07-28-04 08:41
No 522210
User Picture 
      You can buy filters for syringes with a pore...     

You can buy filters for syringes with a pore size of e.g. 0.45µm or even smaller.
They won't separate stuff that is soluble in the solvent used though, so if you want to get rid of certain cuts you have to use a solvent that will not dissolve the cuts used, then evaporate that solvent and then use sterile water to dissolve your stuff.
Don't do it. Don't even think about it. Forget it right now and never think of it again.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Hive Bee)
07-28-04 12:54
No 522242
      shooting up     

Did u ived coke yet since an ex coke junk told me its like a train runnin through ur head and i wonder if i want to meet that train? So whats your fazit if u tried yet.

The only purpose of your life may be to serve as a warning to others
(Hive Bee)
07-28-04 17:40
No 522261
      Silversurfer, is this a question to everyone?     

Silversurfer, is this a question to everyone? In my Opinion shooting coke is the best rush ever, not more and not less. But that's it - 15 minutes rush
and done.  Apart from the come down, which is the worst comedown ever, in my Opinion, too :) And after one night your veines are done and your armes looke like a stampede has gone over them. When i ived coke without any brown while, before or after the coke i was really, really messed up, once the depression and paranoia lay on me so bad that i had the feeling i nearly couldn't breathe anymore ... :)
Ok, perhaps i'm a bit of a psycho, but maybe other people made similar experiences?

- Beware of the Morphail Effect! -
(Hive Addict)
07-29-04 02:32
No 522362
      iv coke     

jubrail, use the fucking search engine for a post about cocaine, how when you use it, your brain can never register that it has had a satisfactory amount, you know the feeling when you drink, or smoke or what ever and you get that registration neurologically  by your brain that you have had enough and a comfy satisfaction and dont feel like doing more?

well the post in questions shows that chemically your brain cant register that on cocaine, its a unique stimulent, so thats why when you do it, you always feel like doing more in the first 30 min

now before i spank your arse hole into the next world, think about how counter productive using a needle, with a highly addictive drug is

for one, sniffing cocaine for a stimulent already has the odds against you chemically by your brains inability to register a comfy amount,

2) using a needle for a feeling of a rush, (more addictive)which i assume you are doing as you never gave me an objective reason for using the neddle that had rational compared to mine.

ie: mine was choosen for the quickness of the aministration of the meth, as i do it in the morning as to enable me to sleep on it the same day, to have sex with the rush, straight away, and i train weights to heal my vascular system (not whilst on meth)and only use the drug, to study, not soley for sex or euphoria, hence why i only inject pure meth once every 1 or two months.

i dont smoke meth cause you add carbon monixide and tar, i dont sniff, cause it fucks your snout, and i dont put it in my arse, cause thats a waste lol

your not readig my post jubrail and answering me, so i gues this is pointless?

(Hive Bee)
07-29-04 02:41
No 522366
User Picture 
      Hey Jemma, considering the small amounts of...     

Hey Jemma, considering the small amounts of actual material inhaled when smoking meth, I can't imagine that there's going to be more than a miniscule amount of tar/CO etc. taken into the body, I mean the dose is in milligrams, so how much tar and shit is going to be absorbed into the body? won't the lungs, in short time, get rid of all the shite that comes along with smoking?

Kids, say NO to the DEA!
(Hive Addict)
07-29-04 02:55
No 522368

asshole smoking , your always going to get those chems,.and you add them up over a long period of time wink where as with other administration its going to be healthyer

with pot, for example

eat the the pure isomized oil, dont smoke it
now i dont know what eating meth would do to your stomach,

but people only usually smoke it because its 'instant so to speak'.

(Stoni's sexual toy)
07-29-04 12:26
No 522453
User Picture 
      Jemma giving out drug and health advice and...     

Jemma giving out drug and health advice and explaining why injecting meth is the right thing to do and smoking it is not...
I love it.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Hive Addict)
07-30-04 01:26
No 522584
      injecting vs smoking
(Rated as: female logic)

okay os, explain to me in simple terms,

how smoking pure meth, (in moderation)
is healthyer than injecting pure meth (in moderation)


remember, i train to heal my vascular system, injecting in moderation isnt injecting every day, and it is eating and exercising the proper way to heal your vascular system.

(some thing i dont think jubrail would do but compared to my routine, i think that smoking is bad for your health,an injection in the right conditions with the PURE gear, IN MODERATION, is better than accumulating years of tar and other chemicals)

when you inject, you cant do drugs all the time, its a great way to reverse the cituation, if i smoked meth i could get high all the time but since i inject it, i cant inject it all the time as it would bee un healthy.

*grins at osmium*

if he is going to inject, i think thats sound advice, its not bad health advice to encourage him to inject in the proper conditions..

alright we will drop it, and say jubrail, dont fucking inject then.crazy

07-30-04 02:54
(Rated as: off-topic)
(Hive Addict)
07-30-04 19:46
No 522757
      Shooter's pro advice     

I shot up for 10 years. My advice? DONT DO IT! IT'S THE EXPRESS TRAIN TO HELL. jesus, especially coke. nevermind poking 20+holes a night and ruing all your good veins, THERE IS SUCH A FINE LINE BETWEEN GETTING A GOOD RUSH AND DROPPING FUCKING DEAD!!!AND THERE'S NO ANTAGONIST LIKE NARCAN TO BRING YOU BACK. You just do the chicken and that's IT. Iv'e done too-big shots of coke and it is a very, very, very scary experience. If you do decide to play with needles, use alcohol pads, clean(not puddle) water, real cottons, and new, sharp needles. I'll see you when (if) you get out of rehab.
  "..If your nose isn't close anough to your brain, perhaps you should get another hobby"--Uncle Fester
08-01-04 08:16
(Rated as: ALL CAPS)
08-11-04 20:39
No 524883
      shooting coke     

i wouldn’t suggest you start shooting coke or anything really, like what wimpy said just reading these posts makes my mouth water, and i have stopped using needles for 6 months

Out of everything coke is a hell of a drug to chose. The rush is wonderful you feel like you are going to collapse and sometimes you do. smile
It’s a whole new drug when shoot (for me)
It will fuck your arm up from all the shots you’ll take (and it will most likely be a lot). I eventually get so whacked out i will take 30 min. to hit a vein,
 you spend a good amount of time sticking yourself.
Coming down is fun too it makes tweak seem like i walk in the park, i usually head for the dope then, hence creating the typical junkie routine.
I did like what geez said about knowing yourself and your limits, unfortunately my discretion goes out the window when i bang coke. Waiting an hour?shocked...... that would be a hell of an hour.

The more you use needles the more your boundaries get broken down , then you’ll you want to bang every drug you use.
Snorting or smoking becomes pointless and completely inferior to injection.

Everyone i know, myself included who shots or shoot dope ended up in jail or rehab, it can be big can of worms you do not want to open.

i am in know way advocating or condoning IV drug use, i am just telling you my exerperience.
draw your own conclusions, some people can handle it.

definitely use a fresh spike every time.
you can usually buy a bag of 1cc syringes (BD) for 2.50 at drug stores in my neck of the woods (east coast)
use a fresh one after every shot,  even though eventually we end up reusing them when fresh ones run out.
try to be clean. 
Also i have been very fortunate, it could have been a lot worse for me.
It is something that could burden you for the rest of your life.
                             good luck,
(Hive Bee)
08-11-04 22:43
No 524898
      First Time 4 Everyone     

Ok, Bees' Here's a true personal story from Fly. Once, I went to the Pharmacy with 40$ and asked for Diacetyl Morphine 'H'.  The pharmacist must have been half cool because he gave me 'something' even given my lame story about my Science Project or something like that.

Anyways, he gave me this blueish Pinkish crystals which I was trusting that it was real Heroin. I was so nearvous at this point and so excited that I asked 'Wheres the Syringes..?..?.?

He pointed me the way and I grabbed like 5 and rushed out the door.

When I got home I quickly pinched off a tiny bit to IV, heated it up on a spoon and shot it.......

"AWcH!!! , my heart stopped (no kidding) and so did my breathing.  My dad enters the room that i'm sitting in and he says something to me,  ..I didn't respond but I fought to breathe and Everything came back to me.

Advice, Have a tolerance and make sure what you got is at least mostly pure, and do only a little.

I'm gathering the thought that what Mr. Pharmacist gave me was Diacetyl Codeine, which it probly was. I had three or four instances (one at school just outside the Science doors, infront of some chick)and they all lead to my near death. 

I was young, and stupid and not even catching any buzz either time. I'd advise you to be conventional and not vein anything unless you made it yourself and you know how much you can take in mg.

Needles are stupid but when you are 'Cracked Out" like me, it just seems to be the cooler thing to do. I must say though, that I have been an Ocycontin Addict for at least 2 years and I have never Veined ANY (-thing) at all over this time period. I did when I was young because I wanted to be like all my Idols, and I wanted to be a Telekinetic and I was sure that taking the right drugs would lead the way. 

No more to be said other than I really freaked out my Physics Teacher a few times with crazy shit without the drugs to blame, well... I did do alot of good LSD so..

LSD makes Cheese out of Milk in my stomach.
hehe 'Rots your Brain'   haa
08-12-04 01:17
No 524933

True story?
Unless the pharmacist you are referring to is a dope dealer I seriously doubt you were sold a narcotic of that strength, or anything without a script, even a vitamin,
If dope is available with a prescription period, (that i am not sure of, doubt it, however if it is, I cant see it being attained anywhere but a hospital)
pinkish blue or whatever you said?
herion ranges from white/tan to black, and none of it needs to be cooked except tar (mexican tar, unrefined heroin, basically opium). Dope is compleatly soluble in water, cooking it generally does nothing.
just drop it in the cap and then a few units of h20, pull it up with cotton(if you must), and bang, off we go.

I have never seen works sold in singles they come in 10 packs wither they are generic or BD.  in my neck of the woods. (east cost)

Take notes if you want to masquerade as a junkie there are more promising aspirations.

Edit: i actually have seen cheap syringes individually raped, so my apologies for the tone, still have never seen and pink dope.
08-12-04 01:45
No 524943
      try a third world country....     

I have never seen works sold in singles they come in 10 packs wither they are generic or BD

I have purchased single insulin pins many times in Mexico.

Unless the pharmacist you are referring to is a dope dealer I seriously doubt you were sold a narcotic of that strength, or anything without a script, even a vitamin

Have purchased CII's OTC (Mexico, Spain, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh. Don't know which countries H is legal in...and it Is water-soluble ans is NOT pink.

08-12-04 20:32
No 525091
User Picture 
      obviously bullshit     

In most civilized countries, where diacetylmorphine is made available for use in terminal patients, it is certainly not obtained from a pharmacy.

I've known a comrade whose job it was to administer this to said terminal patients, and according to him the diacetylmorphine always came already in solution in a sterile syringe, sealed well in plastic and then sealed again together with the necessary official documents that come with it.

And AFAIK diacetylcodeine isn't even an approved drug due to its toxicity issue.

To Be Attacked by the Enemy Is Not a Bad Thing but a Good Thing
(Hive Bee)
08-13-04 13:24
No 525253
      I must admit     

>Username:  Quality
>Title:  Stranger
>Subject:  what?
>True story?
>Unless the pharmacist you are referring to is a dope dealer I seriously doubt you were sold a narcotic of that strength, or anything without a script, even a vitamin,
If dope is available with a prescription period, (that i am not sure of, doubt it, however if it is, I cant see it being attained anywhere but a hospital)
pinkish blue or whatever you said

Ya man, I see what you mean.  Now I don't know if I manipulated the man, or he gave me something so shut me up, but with all honesty, -I'm no Bullshitter) he did give me something. Whatever it was it really BiT when it hit the vein, and never gave me a buzz no matter how many times I tryed.  I honestly wish I still had some of the shit because I want to know what it really was. 

Q. Why would they keep some 'dampish' crystal powder at a pharmacy?  was it Methadone? do you get a BUzz offa Methadone? or no? I know I didn't have a buzz but it KO'd me every time.

A.     ?

I dont know why I did the ramble on that story, I guess I was 5 days going strong without any OC (being a Hard COre Addict), today is day 6 and I'm finally feeling OK. On day 5 I had 3 1/2C Furinols to help me sleep, and last night I took a Seroquel 35mg and I wasn't figitty ehough to hinder my rest, but still figitty none the less.

After Kicking Oxycodone's ass, i'm still with desire. ANd DAMNIT, someone owes me 2 80's... shit

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