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All 2 posts   Subject: Nitroethane via Et3N or what???   Please login to post   Down

07-19-04 19:25
No 520316
      Nitroethane via Et3N or what???     


For almost A YEAR swim is looking for an attractive way to make nitroethane that will rush you to the lab immediately to experiment. But he has no luck :( He has an idea. He wants to get to the holy molecule through triethylamine.

Is it possible to ozidatively cleveage that Et3N to EtNO2 via a strong oxidizer?

And once he read somewhere on this site that EtNO2 can be made via HEtSO4 + NaNO2 not via the good (!) 'ol dry way (OHHH I CAND BEAR IT!!) -by mixing etOH+H2SO4 then distillin w/a NaNO2 sol. and NE distills over w/ steam- but cannnot find that post : (

 or is there another way (that you think best) to the sacred little nitro.

Thanx ;)
07-20-04 00:28
No 520358
      I know that I'm replyn my own thread but ...     

I know that I'm replyn my own thread but something is bugggin' my mind.

Can you use prydine+EtI in acetonitrile as a two phase rxn with nano2 dissolved in H2o and a PTC added? The explanation is to form a quatirnatery ion with prydine and MeI and form a better nucleophile for NO2 which is transferred by the ptc.

Are these logical?

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