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All 3 posts   Subject: Chlorine instead of Br in Ketamine and PPA Synths   Please login to post   Down

07-23-04 20:35
No 521165
      Chlorine instead of Br in Ketamine and PPA Synths     

Is chlorine an acceptable substitute for bromine in the following syntheses?

1. Bromination of o-chlorophenyl cyclopentyl ketone (Ketamine synthesis)

2. alpha bromination of propiophenone (PPA synthesis from propiophenone)

The nature of the reactions seems to indicate that any halogen will do. Am I wrong? Is bromine specifically required?
(Hive Bee)
07-23-04 22:36
No 521190
      I would imagine     

That if you made alpha-chloro propiophenone you would get close to no yield when trying to substitute the halogen with ammonia.
(Wonderful Personality)
07-24-04 04:04
No 521253
      It might work using a pressure bomb, though.     

It might work using a pressure bomb, though.


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