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(Hive Bee)
07-23-04 20:38
No 521167
      Research Chemical industry decimated!     

I'm sure somebody else would have posted this if I hadn't but lets get the ball rolling on the discussion.

July 22, 2004


WASHINGTON, DC – DEA Administrator Karen P. Tandy today announced the
culmination of “Operation Web Tryp” that resulted in ten arrests and
targeted five websites. Operation Web Tryp investigated Internet websites
distributing highly dangerous designer drug analogues under the guise of
“research chemicals” primarily shipped to the U.S. from China and India.
These websites are known to have thousands of customers worldwide. One
website operator is known to conduct estimated sales of $20,000 per week,
while another is known to have been in business for more than five years.
These websites sold substances that led to the fatal overdose of at least
two individuals and 14 non-fatal overdoses.

“The Internet has become the street corner for many drug users and
traffickers. Drug pushers who use the Internet will find themselves out of
business and behind bars,” Administrator Tandy said. ‘These dealers now
enter into the privacy of our own homes to entice and sell destruction to
our children veiled under the illusion of being safe and legal. The
formulation of analogues is like a drug dealer’s magic trick meant to fool
law enforcement. They didn’t fool us and we must educate our children so
they are not fooled either. Today’s action will help prevent future deaths
and overdoses, and will serve as notice for those dealing in designer drugs
and the illegal use of the Internet.”


This operation resulted in the following website operators arrests on July
21, 2004:

April Curtis and Doug Thompson, website operators of WWW.RACRESEARCH.COM,
were arrested yesterday, July 21, in Arizona and Georgia, respectively. The
arrests are based on charges of conspiracy to distribute controlled
substance analogues out of the Southern District of New York.
WWW.RACRESEARCH.COM has so far been linked to non-fatal overdoses of two
college students. This investigation by DEA New York and the New York Police
Department also uncovered the illegal distribution of designer drugs on
WWW.DUNCANLABPRODUCTS.COM . This site was operated by Raymond Duncan and
supplied by April Curtis. Duncan was arrested yesterday, July 21, in
California based on charges of conspiracy to distribute controlled substance
analogues. Both websites were voluntarily terminated.

David Linder, website operator of WWW.PONDMAN.NU was arrested yesterday.
This investigation was conducted by DEA and the Naval Criminal Investigative
Service in Norfolk, VA. The above site, which purportedly sold landscape
supplies, also sold designer drugs. Linder supplied these drugs to
U.S.-based Navy personnel who later held rave-style parties to facilitate
further distribution. To date, an overdose death of an 18-year-old male and
three non-fatal overdoses causing serious bodily injuries have been linked
to WWW.PONDMAN.NU. Linder is charged with conspiracy to distribute
controlled substance analogues out of the Eastern District of Virginia. This
website will be voluntarily terminated.

DEA Baton Rouge, LA initiated this investigation that resulted in yesterday’
s arrest of Michael Burton, operator of WWW.AMERICANCHEMICALSUPPLY.COM.
Charges against Burton and an unidentified coconspirator include illegal
distribution with enhanced penalties for causing death, aiding and abetting,
and forfeiture out of the Middle District of Louisiana. A restraining order
will be issued to prevent use of this website.

DEA San Diego yesterday arrested Thomas Kasper, Joseph Kasper, Beth Badrak,
and Elaine Villalobos, all California residents, on conspiracy charges to
distribute controlled substance analogues, distribution of controlled
substance analogues to individuals under the age of 21, and money laundering
out of the Southern District of California. These four operated
WWW.OMEGAFINECHEMICALS.COM. In addition to the arrests, DEA used warrants to
search the Omega Business address, and the residence of Beth Badrak and Tom
Kasper in Santa Barbara, CA. A seizure warrant will be served on the Omega
website. Two bank accounts were also seized.


The products sold by the above mentioned websites are synthetic substances
chemically identified as tryptamines, piperazines, and phenylethylamines.
Some of these substances are specifically restricted under the Controlled
Substances Act (CSA) while others, when intended for human consumption, are
controlled under the Controlled Substance Analogue Enforcement Act (CSAEA).
Prior to the CSAEA, chemists would cause slight changes in the molecular
structure of a controlled substance to circumvent the CSA. The CSAEA was
enacted to arm law enforcement with the tools needed to stay one step ahead
of the drug dealers’ innovations. On the street and in Internet chat rooms
these substances go by innocuous names such as “Foxy Methoxy” and “DIPT.”
Many young people are led to believe that these substances are a form of
“legal” Ecstasy or LSD because they produce similar hallucinogenic effects.
Adolescents and young adults are primary abusers of these chemicals. Many
have the false impression that they are not as harmful or addictive as
mainstream drugs such as heroin or cocaine. This is a highly dangerous
emerging drug trend. Because the recommended dosages can vary by as little
as a milligram, any slight miscalculation can cause fatal results.


In April 2002, an 18-year-old male in Hancock, New York died after consuming
a chemical obtained from WWW.PONDMAN.NU. A 19-year-old male friend of the
decedent later confirmed using similar chemicals obtained from
WWW.PONDMAN.NU that resulted in him suffering from seizures, floating spots
in his vision, memory lapses, uncontrollable teeth grinding and large lumps
that would appear and disappear periodically on his face and neck.

In December 2003, police responded to a call of a college student found
unconscious, unresponsive and turning blue on the kitchen floor of a
residence in Fairhaven, Massachusetts. He had been lying on the floor for 45
minutes before a call for help was made. This student was suffering from the
ingestion of a substance he obtained from WWW.RACRESEARCH.COM. This overdose
victim now suffers from chronic, violent seizures.

In March 2004, a 22-year-old male resident of St. Francisville, Louisiana
died after ingesting a substance he believed to be similar to Ecstasy. When
found by his mother he asked to be driven to the hospital where he died
three days later. His body temperature had reached an astounding 108
degrees. It was later found that the substance used was sent from
WWW.AMERICANCHEMICALSUPPLY.COM, one of the targeted websites in this

These website operators attempted to give an appearance of legitimacy to
their websites by presumably selling these chemicals to bona fide
researchers; however, a review of customer lists revealed purchasers with
e-mail addresses such as acidtripo420@; ecstasylight@; madtriper17@;
moontripperdipt@; partys_with_glow_sticks@; professor@; psychedelic_stoner@;
and ravergirlny@.


These enforcement actions demonstrate the DEA’s steadfast commitment to
identifying and preventing any illegal drug distribution through the use of
the Internet. The success of this operation could not have taken place
without the cooperation and coordination of the following:

DEA and US Attorney’s Office, Albuquerque, NM
DEA and US Attorney’s Office, Baton Rouge, LA
DEA, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Ward County Narcotics Task Force,
North Dakota Bureau of Criminal Investigations, and US Attorney’s Office,
North Dakota
Food and Drug Administration and US Postal Inspection Service, Minnesota
DEA, New York Police Department and US Attorney’s Office, New York, NY
DEA, Naval Criminal Investigative Service, and US Attorney’s Office,
Norfolk, VA
DEA, Food and Drug Administration, US Postal Inspection Service, Internal
Revenue Service, and US Attorney’s Office, San Diego, CA
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Santa Maria, CA
US Forestry Service and Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office, Santa
Barbara, CA
DEA, Las Vegas, NV
DEA, Riverside, CA
DEA, Phoenix, AZ
DEA, Macon, GA

I sure fucking wish they would say WHICH chemicals these people had such horrible reactions to...  Also, these people did get what they had coming to them, they must have acknowledged the liability releases and proven that they were over 21 to buy from EVERY ONE of these places...  These suppliers were dumbasses for selling to obvious druggies, however the customers all agreed to NOT INJEST these chemicals as they are completely non-researched!  Erowid even says:

, it is not reasonable to assume that these chemicals are in any way 'safe' to use recreationally. Although all psychoactive use involves risk, this class of chemicals has undergone virtually no human or animal toxicity studies and there is little to no data on possible long term problems, addiction potential, allergic reactions, or acute overdoses.

Publication of information by Erowid about human use of these chemicals is not intended to endorse their non-laboratory use. It is important to remember that reactions to psychoactives vary dramatically from person to person. Extrapolating anything from any single person's experience with a chemical is inappropriate and likely to result in dangerous and possibly fatal abreactions.

Here's the discussion on usenet:
And the discussion on Bluelight:
And the discussion on erowid:

Due to my personal beliefs about cognitive and personal liberties, I believe that those research chemical suppliers who assure that their customers are at least 21 years old, and provide no indication of intent to abuse are doing nothing more than filling a market void, and nothing more immoral than any other business.

(Hive Bee)
07-23-04 21:44
No 521182
      Add a 6th supplier to the bust list.     

Add a 6th supplier to the bust list.

If you do some searches on with the names of the people and companies listed in that DEA announcement, theres a ton of articles on the situation, including this:
(Hive Bee)
07-23-04 22:23
No 521187
      Due to my personal beliefs about cognitive and     

Due to my personal beliefs about cognitive and personal liberties, I believe that those research chemical suppliers who assure that their customers are at least 21 years old, and provide no indication of intent to abuse are doing nothing more than filling a market void, and nothing more immoral than any other business.

To quote erowid:

These website operators attempted to give an appearance of legitimacy to their websites by presumably selling these chemicals to bona fide researchers; however, a review of customer lists revealed purchasers with e-mail addresses such as acidtripo420@; ecstasylight@; madtriper17@; moontripperdipt@; partys_with_glow_sticks@; professor@; psychedelic_stoner@; and ravergirlny@.

So much for 'cognitive liberties'.

(Hive Bee)
07-23-04 22:47
No 521194
      I think that any company selling chemicals to...     

I think that any company selling chemicals to any legal age adult (18 in most places) without deception isn't doing anything immoral, regardless of what the customer's intent may be. There's nothing immoral about buying or selling chemicals for use as research material, therapeutic medicines, spiritual aids, or getting-fucked-up-and-waving-glowsticks drugs. Those are all 'cognitive liberties' if you ask me, even if someone is 'abusing' them... thats their choice.

Unfortunately, while I may not see such things as immoral, the DEA does... and they're the ones with the handcuffs and the guns.
(Hive Addict)
07-23-04 22:48
No 521195
      cognitive liberties     

well, some people's opinion might be colored by the fact that they
were customers of said companies.

imho cognitive liberty can't mean that everybody is responsible for himself
but for nobody else. selling overpriced and dangerous drugs to stupid kids
is _not_ ok. and it can't feel good sponsoring people who risk killing dumbfucks
for a quick buck. isn't it one of the reasons this site exists - cut the greedy
assholes out of the trade? for me at least it is...

but it's kind of amusing to identify the rc users. cool

He always lied while on the earth and now he's lying in it
(Hive Bee)
07-23-04 23:10
No 521202
      Murple: actually, I totally agree with you.     

Murple: actually, I totally agree with you. I think all 'research chemicals' (including opiods) should be made legal.

However, that also means accepting that you'll have quite a number of deaths due to dumbfucks who're too desperate to get high to buy a decent scale. And inevitably, you'll find creeps who'll sell high-potency opiods as phenethylamines. So you'll probably need some quality control. NMR and marquis reagents for the masses.

In the meantime, people should at least try to use common sense. And selling 2C-T-whatever to somebody with an email alias named 'ravechick1234' isn't exactly the smartest thing to do, if you pretend to be a serious research chemical company, who is supposed to only sell to 'real' companies.
(Hive Addict)
07-23-04 23:40
No 521208
      It would be more ethical if the company was...     

It would be more ethical if the company was selling the substances for use with instructions and maybe a few what not to do's. After all, it's obvious the vendors are well aware of how next to all (excluding authorities buying samples maybe) people are going to use them, even if the vendors said otherwise. But that would make their legal position worse, so it's not an option for them. I don't think it is possible to sell these substances and remain ethical under the current legislation. The law sucks but the vendors suck too.

fear fear hate hate
07-24-04 02:19
      Well doesn't that just suck ass.
(Rated as: There's no place for inhuman nazi shit at the Hive! Piss off!)
(Hive Addict)
07-24-04 03:59
No 521252

I just wanted to publicly send my love out to all those who were brought down in this shit.  I went to great extreams to protect the operators and spent much time with them.  They did our community an invaluble service and have sacraficed their freedom for us. They took care of me when i had nothing and i owe my life to them.  THey could have been selling staples. If someone had stapled themself to the wall would it have been their fault... no.  Parents will always blame their childrens mistakes on someone else and it it their own arrogance that gets us into the position of opression that we are in currently.  ANyone who has anything negative to say about any of them will burn in hell cause they don't know shit.  I t is my personal mission in life to destroy the government and this takes it even further.  My love goes out to yall

Start thinking more like a chemist and less like a criminal
07-24-04 04:30
      We need more good people, brave men and women...
(Rated as: insignificant)
07-24-04 05:40
(Rated as: insignificant)
(Hive Bee)
07-24-04 07:51
No 521295

He suffered from large lumps that would periodicaly appear and dissapear on his neck and face?  Does this sound like bs to anyone else?
(Hive Addict)
07-24-04 08:07
No 521297
User Picture 
      RC companies     

I am reluctant they finally do something about the RC companies problem. However, I truly despise the DEA tactics and argumentations.

In April 2002, an 18-year-old male in Hancock, New York died after consuming a chemical obtained from WWW.PONDMAN.NU. A 19-year-old male friend of the decedent later confirmed using similar chemicals obtained from WWW.PONDMAN.NU that resulted in him suffering from seizures, floating spots in his vision, memory lapses, uncontrollable teeth grinding and large lumps that would appear and disappear periodically on his face and neck.

A tragedy occurred because of the malconsumption of a certain chemical (or chemicals), and for that reason, the DEA closes down the company. Personally, I regard it only as normal that the supplying company is involved in the investigation of the young man's death. However, this man died two years ago. TWO YEARS AGO... Does it always take that long for the Justice Dpt to come into action? Sounds like Crime Paradise over there. But of course, how can I be that stupid... In the two years that passed by, the company collected a nice database of costumers, which they now all can... That is not bringing Justice, that is power abuse. If I'd be a family member of that young man, I'd sue the DEA for unrightful abuse of his death. His death has nothing to do with it. It's just something very convenient they can add to their dramatic sounding propaganda crap, to hijack the naive readers' minds.

The Internet has become the street corner for many drug users and traffickers. Drug pushers who use the Internet will find themselves out of business and behind bars,” Administrator Tandy said. ‘These dealers now enter into the privacy of our own homes to entice and sell destruction to our children veiled under the illusion of being safe and legal. The formulation of analogues is like a drug dealer’s magic trick meant to fool law enforcement. They didn’t fool us and we must educate our children so they are not fooled either. Today’s action will help prevent future deaths and overdoses, and will serve as notice for those dealing in designer drugs and the illegal use of the Internet.

Some of the people over there really must have problems with an itching right arm. And for such personality types, the "Bad Law" they created, the "Bad Law" they can conveniently apply in their advantage when it suits them, is of course "Good Law". In one instance, they allow circumvention of the law, and in another, they will close your business down for circumventing the law, even though there is no real foundation to do so. Ah yes, they have an obscure law somewhere they can do with you whatever they want. Sorry, I forgot.

And because they don't have the insight their actions will result in, I will help them a little bit. You may sweep all the RC companies from the American territory, the manufacturing laboratories in India and China remain and the demand for drugs on the underground American drug market will be there as well. Billy Bob, a commercially minded drug dealer, will give his friend Xi Wu a call for a 50 kg drum of "glucose". If the "glucose" arrives, Billy Bob can start doing business. Real business... Since the competition of the RC companies is gone, and importing them from China has become much more risky, prices can go up. Billy Bob will drive a new BMW very soon.

It would have been nice if they solved the RC company problem, but again, they didn't. Instead, they will make the DEA bank account grow bigger and will only fuel their War on Drugs.

Furthermore, it sounded rather troublesome that these RC companies kept customer lists. That was a very stupid thing to do.

Aztecunnilingus Maximus
(Hive Addict)
07-24-04 08:25
No 521303

> Tom Kasper in Santa Barbara, CA

hey isn't that the guy of a.d.c/crsb fame? i guess some people never learn... laugh

He always lied while on the earth and now he's lying in it
(Hive Addict)
07-24-04 15:07
No 521344
User Picture 
      "He suffered from large lumps that would...     

"He suffered from large lumps that would periodicaly appear and dissapear on his neck and face?  Does this sound like bs to anyone else? "

They're called boils, and are experienced by many people with or without chemical enhancement.

100% Canadian Bullshit
07-24-04 16:36
      eVil iNside
(Rated as: insignificant)
07-24-04 16:55
      Billy Bob will drive a new BMW very soon.
(Rated as: insignificant)
07-24-04 19:57
No 521384
      Tom Kasper & morality     

Yep... that's him! My jaw dropped when I saw this...

Re morality: while the RC vendors may not be angels (far from it I suppose) I still believe there isn't anything immoral or otherwise wrong with what they did. If it wasn't for strange conceptions of "morality" we wouldn't have the WOD ... The idea that you can (and should) protect people from their own stupidity is idiotic in itself...
(Stoni's sexual toy)
07-24-04 21:55
No 521408
User Picture 
      The idea of trying to cash in on still legal...     

The idea of trying to cash in on still legal compounds and get them illegalized due to your actions isn't very noble. Neither is selling certain compounds to obviously teenager owned email accounts when it is obvious that many of the teen candyass ravers will overdose on them.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
07-25-04 00:11
      pot calling the kettle....
(Rated as: insignificant)
07-25-04 00:36
      it'll happen anyway
(Rated as: insignificant)
07-25-04 00:57
      Y'r welcome to try.
(Rated as: insignificant)
07-25-04 03:25
      "Tata, Darwinian selection at it's ...
(Rated as: insignificant)
07-26-04 19:18
No 521838
      DEA Bust Of RC Companies     

Much of this is probably due to advertising on google, slips of the tongue (and the keyboard) regarding human ingestion, by sellers, and similar stuff.
Some of these companies were making $20K/week. How much money does one need? If one is going to do something like this, it should have an alpha and an omega. I would have shut down after the million dollar profit mark. Too bad TK got caught in it. He was very fatsidious about rejecting customers who discussed ingestion and effects, or that used street terms for the chems. If anyone gets out of this, it'll be him. Lawyers are useful to have before problems occur.
(Hive Bee)
07-26-04 22:37
No 521864
User Picture 
      So bad, i actually though that RC were a good...     

So bad, i actually though that RC were a good thing in some way, yes there was Darwin effect and I approove the use of these substance to darwinate this world. But the real use that i found to this chemical was more to be an alternative, where i am pcp is deep-rooted in the young population, and it get worse every years, las years some was found cut with Comet Cleaner and AJAX (one of my friend actully went to hospital because of Comet). RC was a way for me to educate people to other kind of drug, not neccessarly safer but at lest purer, in the sense that you were more prompt to know what it contain. I also had the habit to never sell RC, giving them to those who wanted to try and following them trough their first trip teaching what i know (so little it was) about them and the "Do and don't" of those new drug. Now i'll have to find another way of getting them. Happy to live in Canada, the land of free.

/}/_//\//) /-|/\//¬/=/_
(Hive Bee)
07-27-04 04:57
No 521929
      i think the bottom line is that in this day...     

i think the bottom line is that in this day and age drugs should be sold underground.  the cage they call 'law' is simply too small and there's no way for a drug user to live a fullfilling life trying to live withing it's boundaries.   we must step beyond the bars and make honesty and integrity pinnacle points of our business.   i remember a few years back SWIM had these top notch mdma tabs that were diamond shaped, but split into perfect triangles.    well someone who was buying from me was selling halves as full e's and making a killing, so i cut him off.   period,   cost me,   but sometimes u have to take a hit for what's right.

I hope in my future successes i'll be able to drive the standard of to the top among the people i know, and the people they know.  

RCs are irresponsibly sold to people with no morals.    RC compaines are just irresponsible drug dealers recklessly pushing thier product.    sure it should be available,   but at least sell it to people you know,   not strangers, perhaps then when a few of your friends drop dead you'll feel some remorse
(Hive Bee)
07-29-04 02:41
No 522367
User Picture 
      Sales tactics     

Apparently atleast one of those research chemical operators have been using spam-like techniques to sell their chemicals.

The Complaint alleges that numerous e-mails between
CURTIS and THOMPSON detailed their efforts to use the RAC Research Website to distribute designer drugs for human consumption. For example, the Complaint alleges that THOMPSON sent CURTIS an e-mail on or about September 8, 2003, in which he stated that “I joined a tryptamine discussion group on Yahoo. I joined under a different name and will try to drum up some business for us in the chatrooms.” According to the Complaint, CURTIS responded to THOMPSON’s message later that same day by stating, among other things, “That’s great about the tryptamine group, that’s how I learned what new compounds to get so keep your ears open as to what people want.”


U.S. Arrests internet merchants of designer drugs

(Hive Bee)
07-30-04 03:56
No 522622
      April Curtis (of RAC) used to pull that on a...     

April Curtis (of RAC) used to pull that on a Yahoo message forum about research chemicals. She would post messages using made up names saying things like "Hey have you guys heard of RAC? I found them recently and they're really cool!" The reason we know she did this is that one time, while she made up a fake name, she forgot to spoof the email address so the From: line on the post was something like "From: Bob Bogus <>"

I emailed her as polite as I could force myself to be saying that things like that were not cool, and also to try and discourage her from having sponsored links on Google by saying that advertising like that could help make the chemicals illegal and possibly get her investigated.

Some quotes from her reply to me...

you have no idea how big my customer base is. I love my new BMW. So please, don't worry about my business tactics. I am a very shrewd business woman and more people order from my company than any other. I don't know why that bothers you so much? Is it that I became successful and you didn't think I would?

I see that from your statements you are the one who needs to change. You are the misguided fool, not I and you simply need to get over things.

You are the weakest link. GOODBYE!!!

Don't bother me anymore. I'm busy, going to drive my beamer and listen to some tunes.....

Btw, I discontinued DXM. And I repeat

And watch me in the near future and see that I have nothing to worry about.

That last sentence really takes the cake. I also was sort of amused to see the BMW featured prominently in the criminal complaint. I have to say, while I really disliked the way the raided vendors advertised on Google and were clearly motivated primarily by making money, I feel bad for most of the people who were arrested. April Curtis though... seems to me like she really earned it, karmically. Going around making up imaginary customers like that reminds me of the sleaziest of the old GHB kit vendors who would often go around newsgroups having their made up customers praise their company and talk bad about the others. RAC sold the same chemicals from the same sources as at least some other vendors, yet she sold them for drastically more because she claimed they were so much "better" than the other stuff on the market. She recently had set up an email address on's free webmail service and was using that to go around posting ads for RAC which she would sign "RAC and Shpongle Doctor" to try and imply that she was somehow affiliated with Shpongle. Greed is a character flaw, but lying and deceitfulness is just not acceptible from someone selling experimental drugs.

April's business partner, Doug Thompson, was a former prison official (see for more). I checked the federal court system's case database this afternoon, and Thompson's current status is listed as "fugitive"... April is out on bail. Her assets must have been seized because in spite of making $20,000 per week she had to petition the court to pay for her transportation from Arizona to New York for her first court appearance, and she's listed as having a public defender for her attorney.

If all thats standing between her and an analogue conviction is a public defender, I suspect that at least one of these 10 arrests will result in a precedent setting analogue case.

Thanks for helping ruin things for everybody April. I hope that BMW was worth it.

07-30-04 04:57
No 522637
User Picture 

I hope you made that up... frown

Anyway, I am curious about the European Union's response towards RC companies in the next future.

There's no business like war business
(Hive Bee)
07-30-04 05:45
No 522648
      Unfortunately, no. There's lots of potentially     

Unfortunately, no.

There's lots of potentially interesting chemicals I haven't tried, but with some of the crap I've seen coming out in the court records and newspaper stories after the Web Tryp raids... I'm really glad that I've mostly just been an observer of that scene the last few years and didn't order anything from folks like RAC and ACS. I'm also really pissed about the drug laws in this country. This is what happens when you force things underground. You eventually put control of the market into the hands of sleazy exploitative people. In a world without a drug war, I doubt very much you'd have people spamming forums under made up names to try selling overpriced experimental chemicals. Most people looking for drugs would probably stick with standard things like MDMA or mushrooms, and whatever experimentals market existed would probably have a high level of professionalism. Instead, we get jerkoffs pulling antics like this.
(Hive Bee)
07-30-04 08:17
No 522674
User Picture 
      Re: Her assets must have been seized because...     

Her assets must have been seized because in spite of making $20,000 per week she had to petition the court to pay for her transportation from Arizona to New York for her first court appearance, and she's listed as having a public defender for her attorney.

This woman makes herself out to be so smart and she didn't have a lawyer on retainer? I would love to write a letter to her after she's sentenced.

Better loving through chemistry.
07-30-04 09:55
No 522685
User Picture 

As far as I know, RAC also put advertisements in certain magazines.


The industry leader in research chemicals


overnight and Saturday deliveries * 10% discount when mentioning this ad

There's no business like war business
(Heavyweight Chempion(eer))
07-30-04 13:31
No 522704

No GC, I don't believe for a second that Murple made that e-mail correspondance up. I'm certain that those vendors really are that stupid. For some reason I just start giggling as soon as I read anthing about this operation Web Tryp. *giggle*

What kind of severe stupidity do you have to be blessed with not to see the analogue act be immediately applicable of the products those vedors sold, despite their lame-ass disclaimers? shocked I mean it was made to be used for exactly this kind of activity.

Severe Aztecoholic and President of Sooty's fanclub - Sooty for President!!
(Hive Addict)
07-31-04 03:31
No 522844
User Picture 
      You are the weakest link. GOODBYE!!!     

"You are the weakest link. GOODBYE!!!"

If this is the best one liner (mentioned twice) she could come up with, it's no wonder she was too stupid and naive to realise the shit she was wallowing in.

I truly feel no remorse for someone this removed from reality due to their ego and paycheck.  While I obviously believe that those chemicals should indeed be legal to sell, she is certainly reaping what she paid others menially to sow.

Not an industry someone can afford to be so nonchalant in, nevermind downright foolish.

100% Canadian Bullshit
(Hive Bee)
07-31-04 07:32
No 522892
      Future of research chems     

Is anyone aware of any of these companies still operating?  No names please.  It's sad that these drugs are snuffed out so easily when drugs like cocaine and meth can be found anywhere. If a buffet of psycadellics were available maybe addicts would find less dangerous ways of getting high and get it out of their systems.
07-31-04 09:04
No 522901
User Picture 
      future as street drugs?     

We all know that 5-meo-amt and other RCs have been found
"on the street", but only beecause some "smart" people
bought a shitload from RC suppliers. What will happen
now, will any of the RCs beecome regular street drugs
without these suppliers? Thoughts?

You'll never get to heaven if you're scared of getting high
(Hive Bee)
07-31-04 09:10
No 522903
      Oh, I think that you'll certainly find them as     

Oh, I think that you'll certainly find them as pills; if a clandestine chemist can't get his hands on safrole, but finds that 1,4-dimethoxybenzene is within his reach, why not make some 2C-something, and press that in pills? Most likely, his customers don't really care about the difference. As long as you get fucked up.
(Hive Bee)
08-01-04 08:00
No 523045
      5meo-amt connects raidered RC     

I've been told by a good, long-term friend/ owner of a company that was not raided, that all of them were raided because they sold 5meo-amt, which was responsible for the overdoses mentioned.  I don't have confirmation of this, though; it seemed worth mentioning.

It seems to me what was really objectional was the "sponsered link in google (etc)" effect.  "shulgin" "di methyl tryptamine" . . .  there was no end of keywords that you could use!!  One company still had a sponsered link for amt and 5meo dipt!!

The legal end is not over, though.  ACS still has their page up; obviously no resttraining order has been effected yet.  There is also a difficult case to prove, has the analogue act ever been tried successfully?  Anyone know?
(Hive Bee)
08-01-04 09:23
No 523058

GC_MS, what magazines did RAC advertise in?

And yes, the analog act has been tested.  A few years back a guy got a sentence for selling AET and also caused the drug to be scheduled (this was his second time in court for selling the chemical, from Sigma-Aldrich, as ecstacy).
(Hive Addict)
08-01-04 14:30
No 523089
      The case discussed in TIHKAL     

You must mean the AET case that is mentioned in TIHKAL under the entry for AET. (

If your read through you can find out that in fact the guy selling AET didn't get sentenced but AET still got scheduled. If the act has been tested, it has been a different case.

fear fear hate hate
(Hive Bee)
08-03-04 06:13
No 523344
      There have been several convictions under the...     

There have been several convictions under the federal analogue law, such as the Norfolk cases and one other 5-MeO-DIPT case. There apparantly have also been some convictions under state analogue laws but I dont know any details.
(Hive Bee)
08-04-04 00:00
No 523495
User Picture 

Damnit!  If you ever read this man know that you got my sympathies.  Get yourself lawyered up and fight it out.

Does anyone know what kind of time these guys could be facing?  Omega and RAC were my two best suppliers back in the day.

(Stoni's sexual toy)
08-04-04 00:44
No 523500
User Picture 
      > Does anyone know what kind of time these...     

> Does anyone know what kind of time these guys could be facing?

Considering that he is a fucking repeat offender who had already thrown the book at him with his CRSB business, had federal charges for attacking flight attendands, pouring coffee over them and threatening to open the emergency doors on a domestic flight, had his bail revoked for threatening a co-defendant in the past and god only knows what else he sounds like the prime candidate for California's three strike law.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Hive Bee)
08-05-04 00:26
No 523707
      My guess is some will face LONG sentences.     

My guess is some will face LONG sentences.

David Linder (aka Pondman aka Dr. Benway) has had multiple drug busts going back to the 1970s, including busts for amphetamines, MDA, and various GHB relatives. He's also mixed up with the Norfolk tryptamine busts, and to top it off, someone died from a product (or more likely two products combined based on news reports) that was purchased from Alternative Entropy.

IAP's owner Michael Burton likely will also face lots of time due to the death associated with his products. Media reports quote prosecutors as saying he could face 24 years to life.

Tom Kasper will probably face a long term as well due to having priors (though not drug related) and due to the fact that they're still upset they could never pin drug charges on him for CRSB.

The RAC people, who arguably most deserve to be in prison (for dishonesty, not for drugs) probably face the least time since they dont seem to have priors or deaths. They did however have the highest volume of sales of the companies busted, and that could work against them in sentencing.
(Hive Bee)
09-03-04 07:44
No 529298
      natural products     

compounds isolated like msg are neuro-active, so where is this all going to end? a complete banning of natural and synthetic chemicals that are analogous to either illicit compounds or controlled drugs, or watched compounds or compounds considered ananlouges thereof? I dont think this is going to be the end all of people buying research chemicals, as a matter of fact MOST of the resesarch chemical supply companys are in business and sweating nothing. I think this is more of an election campaign swipe folks........well see.

(Hive Bee)
09-03-04 10:41
No 529323

From now aditional psychedelic compounds are not getting scheduled as fast. Luckily RC never got the chance to put their filthy hands on the 3,4,5 substitution pattern, in which a number of very interesting compounds remain legal and hopefully will for a long time.

Yes, it would be interesting to see how the EU Prohibition Church will deal with this in the future.
(Hive Bee)
09-04-04 06:19
No 529518
      I keep hearing people say this was an election     

I keep hearing people say this was an election year publicity stunt... but come on, Web Tryp didnt even show up at drug news/activist places like MAPS or Cognitive Liberty, much less in the mainstream media. This had nothing to do with publicity, it was to stop the market... and I dont think that its over. There will be more raids if companies try to keep selling these things, I'm sure of it.
(Hive Bee)
09-06-04 22:39
No 529986
      synthesized or resold?     

In at least one news report, I read that the RC suppliers were reselling chemicals from India or China.  However, they claimed to make the chems themselves.  Does anybody know more about the background of this?
(Heavyweight Chempion(eer))
09-07-04 01:12
No 530019
      Hell no     

No way those toilet residues would have been capable of synthesizing their own products. Did you ever see their websites? They were in many cases not even capable of spelling the names correct. All the so called RC's were bought in either China or India, mostly China. It started with one Chinese company in particular. Then a few others started offering the same products. Now it seems the Chinese government has told them to stop that or it's a bullet in the neck. India still sells though.

Still a severe Aztecoholic
(Hive Bee)
09-07-04 07:41
No 530079
User Picture 
      Re: keep hearing people say this was an ...     

keep hearing people say this was an election year publicity stunt... but come on, Web Tryp didnt even show up at drug news/activist places like MAPS or Cognitive Liberty, much less in the mainstream media. This had nothing to do with publicity, it was to stop the market... and I dont think that its over. There will be more raids if companies try to keep selling these things, I'm sure of it.

I think it's like this: the DEA has way bigger things to do than go after RC companies most of the time. More people die each day from crack or heroin than have ever died on the whole rainbow of research chemicals (have there been a dozen yet?). But that's not to say they can let people go willy-nilly establishing businesses that run for years and years and pull in major money. Yayo, dope, and speed have so much more money involved around them and cause so many more social, health, and crime problems that they can afford people experimenting with exotic tryptamines and phenethylamines. The track record of those drugs are pretty good and the RCs are the only ones making major money off them except for the occasional entrapreneurial idiot who presses, say, 5-MeO-aMT into tablets and sells them as "microdots" or "mescaline barrels". Does everyone remember JLF? This was the first major bust since way back then that I recall. Fuck, it's like being in jail. Expect shakedowns once in a while. They'll take your chess board made out of toilet paper mache but you'll be able to get another one in a few days.

Better loving through chemistry.
(Hive Bee)
09-07-04 08:53
No 530087
      Did you ever see their websites?     

Did you ever see their websites?

Funny you mention that. I remember one of these pages. Full of american flags and other nationalistic crap. I couldn't belive the guy was selling psychedelics, it looked like DEA and KKK pages combined.
(Hive Bee)
09-07-04 23:29
No 530208
      Re: It started with one Chinese company in...     

It started with one Chinese company in particular.

If by "started" you're talking about 5+ years or so into the internet chemical market, then that may be partially true. Anyway, yes, most of the vendors in the last phase of the market (the past 2 years I'd say) resold things purchased from vendors in Asia or Europe. Prior to that, many vendors did produce their own products in the US or Europe. Those vendors mostly got out of the game in 2001, about which time the quality of the research chemical market took a nosedive.

(Hive Addict)
10-21-04 20:31
No 537006
      hey, erowid says that the DEA actaully took...     

hey, erowid says that the DEA actaully took the paragrapgh about the guy suffering of "lumps" out of the final report after the person himself contacted them and told said that they were misquoting him.


(Hive Bee)
10-23-04 02:09
No 537240
User Picture 
      Once upon a time     

Long, long ago, in the distant past(early 80's), Firms like Aldrich and Fluka would do business with you as long as you made the right noises. When their labels stated minimum assay 98.5%, you knew somebody had actually carried out an assay on it, and not just written down the first number that came into their head.

God bless 'em, thanks to them, I got my first taste of AMT in the mid 80's.

I don't think they're quite as accomodating these days!

That is right, the Mascara Snake: Fast and bulbous
(Hive Bee)
10-23-04 02:22
No 537244
      The Erowid page seems to say the chronic ...     

The Erowid page seems to say the chronic seizure mention was taken out by the DEA, not the lumps.

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