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All 8 posts   Subject: Commercial Press Sub-Forum   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
07-26-04 23:08
No 521872
      Commercial Press Sub-Forum     

So, this is a new thread for those wishing to contribute knowledge on the 'proper' manufacture of 'pills'.

Whatever you know, here is the place to present it.
(Hive Bee)
07-27-04 00:09
No 521881
      Presses are watched to hard to be able to buy...     

Presses are watched to hard to be able to buy them or divert them from pharm med factories as its been said here in the past... in oz when the phar companies sell off their old presses they are heavilly monitored by the LE and whoever buys them is to.... only sold to people who actually need them etc....

If you want to make your own press, utfse as there have been a few threads on the info of how much pressure is required etc.... shouldnt be that bad to make a low volume press with the info you can find on tfse, provided your a skilled metalworker and have the tools to do such things...

Its also been mentioned here to use the low-med volume candy presses (companies use to make the little lollie pills) but IMHO i dont think the pressure gets high enough in these presses (as they are to make kids treats and not medication grade pills) to make a solid enough tablets with the material they are pressing in our case.

So its up to the metalworker bees to figure out an easy plan to make a medium volume press, as the low volume 'press one at a time' presses would be very tedious to operate, not to mention the RSI after you press your first few batches...

Thats what i have to add....

Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...
(Hive Bee)
07-27-04 00:52
No 521889
      ....and more     

Thankyou, ApprenticeCook!

Say, there must be someone out there who works in the phamaceutical/chemical engineering industry with pdf/dxfs of relevant articles?

Let's make this the definitive collection for anyone that can be bothered to make an effort.

-!- ?
(Hive Bee)
07-28-04 04:25
No 522147
      pdf/dxfs of relevant articles Documents of...     

pdf/dxfs of relevant articles

Documents of what?

Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...
(Hive Bee)
07-29-04 00:40
No 522335
User Picture 
      hydraulic press     

If you want a high quality tablet but can't be bothered to divert a rotary press build one of these: hydraulic_press.jpg. If you're not mechanicly inclided and cannot figure out how to use eMachineShop contact your local machine shop and have them make one for you. Just say you're making herbal stuff. Building a rotatry press by hand would be pretty hard but it's not impossible. The hardest part i can think of is delivering a measured dose of your tablet mix into a compression chamber. Other than the delivery, the rest (compression, ejection, automation) is pretty easy.

Better loving through chemistry.
(Hive Bee)
07-30-04 12:59
No 522699
      problems.... 1) it still only presses one at a     


1) it still only presses one at a time
2) its manual loading / unloading

These are some other threads about these issues.
[Post 513342 (drazik: "Herbal Vita-Press", Chemicals & Equipment)]
[Post 94003 (KrZ: "Next Phase in Pill Press Revolution", Chemicals & Equipment)]


Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...
08-23-04 16:12
No 526951

hey trenchcoat do you have a link to where i can find out more info on the item pictured

only you can prevent soberness
(Hive Bee)
08-23-04 17:56
No 526960
User Picture 
      Re: hey trenchcoat do you have a link to where     

hey trenchcoat do you have a link to where i can find out more info on the item pictured

Nope. I think I found that picture on the Hive or someone PM'd it to me. It inspired me to go to Enerpac's site and get their free catalogs. Going through the catalog and looking at the picture you could pick out a suitable manual pump (or you might want a powered one), hydraulic cylinder, and pressure guage thingy. The rest of the stuff you could design on and have them make it for you or go to a local machine shop. Say you're making herbal stuff. It's not illegal to own a pill press and as long as you look like a standup guy, I would dare to say it's not even extremely suspicious.

Better loving through chemistry.

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