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All 8 posts   Subject: How do you rename an XP system from the cmd line?   Please login to post   Down

(Mystic's Path to Cosmic Power)
07-27-04 05:32
No 521931
User Picture 
      How do you rename an XP system from the cmd line?     

The systems will be stand alone, non networked systems of varying hardware.  Some may not have network cards at all (I only say this because I've found that alot of the microsoft based tools rely on the computers being networked in order to change the domain name, which is not what I'm trying to do).  I need a cmd line tool that will allow me to change the computer name.  Any ideas where I can find something like this?  Or does anyone know where this info is stored in the registry?

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(Stoni's sexual toy)
07-27-04 20:44
No 522056
User Picture 
      I think it's something like this     

set computername=hive
set userdomain=hive
set logonserver=\\hive

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Mystic's Path to Cosmic Power)
07-29-04 15:09
No 522475
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      sweet, thanks! :-)     

sweet, thanks! smile

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(Stoni's sexual toy)
07-29-04 20:28
No 522531
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      Did it work?     

Did it work?

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Mystic's Path to Cosmic Power)
07-31-04 19:11
No 522953
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      Nope, for some reason set wont change that...     

Nope, for some reason set wont change that variable.  I just ended up writing a script to prompt for the name and modify the registry entries instead.  Thanks for you help though smile

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(Stoni's sexual toy)
07-31-04 20:01
No 522959
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      Which variable? I'm not sure if you need to...     

Which variable?
I'm not sure if you need to change all three.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Mystic's Path to Cosmic Power)
08-01-04 02:11
No 523007
User Picture 
      the COMPUTERNAME variable.     

I tried doing
set COMPUTERNAME=whatever
set (to check if the variable had changed)

It changed but it doesnt change it in the system control panel or on the network, not even after a reboot.

No consonants or vowels were harmed in the typing of this post.
(Hive Bee)
08-04-04 12:54
No 523615
      quote: "... or does anyone know where...     

quote:  "... or does anyone know where this is stored in the registry?"

in 2k there are


keys. it's probably similar in xp.

//edit:  oops, didn't realize how old this thread was.  heh, sorry...

knowing is the easy part

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