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All 11 posts   Subject: Gabatropin...   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
07-28-04 23:42
No 522320
      Gabatropin... effective is the smart drug gabatropin (version of gaba designed to cross the blood-brain barrier)? Say, for sleep/relaxation, mixed with valerian (I've heard from almost everywhere that valerian works better than kava, is this true)?

Compare it to say, benzos (diazepam).

So differently divine...
(Hive Bee)
07-31-04 05:39
No 522881
      It's so expensive. People use it at like 1-4g...     

It's so expensive. People use it at like 1-4g for sedation, would it be possible to use 200-400mg per night for social anxiety treatment?

So differently divine...
(Hive Addict)
07-31-04 06:20
No 522884
User Picture 
      I've found valerian to be relatively ...     

I've found valerian to be relatively ineffective at the doses recommended on the bottle to induce sleep.  Maybe if I doubled it...

100% Canadian Bullshit
08-01-04 05:15
No 523033
      gabatropin (phenibut) is useful at no less...     

gabatropin (phenibut) is useful at no less than 2g for me, and that's without tolerance. tolerance verses effectivity is comparable to any GABA receptor modulator like benzodiazapenes and barbituates. for others, a couple of weeks running around 3 grams per day will cause tolerance and slight withdrawl.

I like l-theanine plus say kava root extract and 5-HTP for sleep.

For social anxiety indeed I like gabatropin (2-4g), l-theanine (2g), and i just started piling on drugs for SAD like an irreversable unselective MAOI.

Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you.
(Hive Bee)
08-02-04 18:49
No 523256
      For SLEEP, nothing can beat Melatonin (except...     

For SLEEP, nothing can beat Melatonin (except benzos, but nothing legal).

1.5-6mg/night taken at the SAME time (10pm for me to sleep by 12pm) works wonders for improving sleep latency AND quality.

I understand Melatonin isn't available in certain countries in the EU, if available, 5-HTP or L-Tryptophan will work as a substitute.

Gabatropin/phenibut is useful to counter stimulant caused anxiety at 600mg...
08-04-04 05:40
No 523563
      i second that     

I totally agree with merbst.  For those that have trouble sleeping and melatonin is is a godsend.  If im having trouble sleeping 3-9mg (3mg per tab) has never failed to help.  And no matter how late you go to sleep, you'll wake up feeling like you went to bed at 8pm!
(Hive Bee)
08-04-04 07:42
No 523585
      Yeah, but gabatropin's so expensive.     

Yeah, but gabatropin's so expensive. Hope it drops in price. Is this likely?

And yeah, I'll be using valerian at higher doses, especially since over at lycaeum they say you have to use a larger dose the first time, and after that your body responds to lower doses better.


So differently divine...
(Hive Bee)
10-02-04 14:14
No 534160
      just to be sure: gabatropin won't have any...     

just to be sure: gabatropin won't have any recreational values like, say, GHB or so i guess? any "buzz" at all?
 just interested as i'm hunting for an obtainable (obtainable for me) GHB-analogue or something comparable.

- Beware of the Morphail Effect! -
10-05-04 10:17
(Rated as: no sources!)
(Hive Bee)
10-05-04 22:02
No 534592
      Gabatropin/Beta-phenyl GABA has NO ...     

Gabatropin/Beta-phenyl GABA has NO recreational effect at ANY dosage.  All its good for is to lower anxiety levels a little.  This is however useful because there are only 2 other legal substances which fill this niche in OTC pharmacology, Theanine and Inositol.  You're not going to get high on either of those either.
10-06-04 00:20
No 534602

how does this med affect dream cycles? and reduction in the quality or intensity of post-awakening recollection? i prize my sleepytime as i get good, reliable lucid dreams most nights of the week - - unless i am in a chemotherapy cycle or if i am using benzodiazepines to stay smooth during the day...

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