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All 6 posts   Subject: srv pix   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
08-04-04 05:16
No 523553
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      srv pix     

srv work?

wonder if this worked.

"it's like you know put an fucking icepick in your eye stay at home and have more fun..."
(Hive Bee)
08-04-04 15:52
No 523627
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      some words on the above     

I noticed that there weren't any pictures anywhere to detail the Krv/Srv made famous by spiceboy and Os... i think it was Os.

At any rate, I tell a friend about it and later swim gives me this doesn't say anything, =).  here's what it appears to be:
1 before the second shaking
2 before the third shaking
3 before the fourth shaking, here color change is prominent
4 before the yeahyeah you got it

when is this shaking gonna end?

6 if it's still shaking this must be the brick red color mentioned, note the foam layers yellow/red color.  Until this point, it was a sort of yellow green color.
7 extraction + dilute acid, looks okay so far
8 solvent removal, resembles transmission fluid... wish I had enough to put in my car
9 after the first distillation

or so it would seem.  Don't really know and I haven't been able to ask swim yet.. He/she/it lost their cellphone.

If interested post maybe i can extract some details from swim.


"it's like you know put an fucking icepick in your eye stay at home and have more fun..."
08-04-04 22:25
No 523672
      Yes details.     

Yes, I'd like some details!  I dreamt of Krz's and Grouch's O2 wacker method almost exactly and I've never awaken to find ketone.  Exactly what catalyst and co-catalyst were used and in what amounts?  Any other info too.

Winners don't lose drugs.
(Hive Bee)
08-06-04 01:56
No 523918
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      from what i was told     

Swim told me swim used the process for the 50ml writeup, however, the Pdcl2 in solution was 1.25 gms, and the CuCl2 was 7 gms.  Wet CuCl2 was used so there was no need to add H20.  Best put, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure right? Swim suggests using a slight excess.

Also and Swim thinks most importantly, pressures of 40 psi and above were common usually between 42psi and 45.  Interesting sidenote though, pressurization cracks do appear in the vessel if pressurized this much, not like spiceboy says though.  Swim noticed them on the bottom of the vessl, when the plastic is thickest.

Overall reaction time: 2.5 - 2.75 hours

All for now, swim is pretty busy this week tongue


"it's like you know put an fucking icepick in your eye stay at home and have more fun..."
(Hive Bee)
08-10-04 19:44
No 524663
      More questions     

That is alot of PdCl2.  Did he use less with previous attampts and met failure?  Was it photo or laboratory grade?  Was this an alcoholic solvent reaction or DMF?  Was this shaking done under atmospheric pressure and finally was O2 from a tank used?

Winners don't lose drugs.
(Hive Bee)
08-12-04 18:46
No 525080
      Did it work?...     

Or do you know? The easiest way to have an idea if it  worked is the difference in the distillations temps.
Some bees apparently get  this method to work but many more fail. P gave up,went to benzo(never had a failure) and never looked back...surfing for porn with an occasional glance at the reaction,with some washing, beats shaking all day.
If you want some positive direction or help please give more info;)

...a cunning linguist and a master debater.

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