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All 3 posts   Subject: Querry? RogueSci.Org?   Please login to post   Down

08-04-04 12:44
No 523613
      Querry? RogueSci.Org?     

Does anyone have any idea what happened to RogueSci or the Explosives and Weapons Forum?
When i click on the site i get a page that says that the domain has been suspended.
?Feds or DEA????

"When drinking water, remember those who dug the well, for we are Martha's sons"
(Hive Bee)
08-04-04 15:21
No 523625
User Picture 
      We can all thank the Patriot Act for that!     

We can all thank the Patriot Act for that!tongue  Homeland Security at it's finest.crazy

This is not the only site to be took down, many drug paraphenalia sites(online headshops) among others deemed inappropriate by Dubya and Co.

  I'd like to have her right there on floor with the 'ol in/out, real savage.
08-11-04 19:53
No 524877
      yeah, i have run into many dead ends at rouge...     

yeah, i have run into many dead ends at rouge science, good to know what happened to it, unfortunialy i never found it until it was gone. mad

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