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All 25 posts   Subject: Informal survey on MDMA prices.   Please login to post   Down

08-05-04 19:29
No 523848
      Informal survey on MDMA prices.     

I was talking to an old friend the other day who I haven't seen in years and the subject of conversation touched on how the price of MDMA has dropped drastically in the last decade or so.  By that I don't mean the prices of hits or tabs on the street (although that is interesting too) but rather the cost per ounce (to buy or sell) and how it varies in different areas. Then I though it would be interesting to get feedback from the Hive Bees.
 I can only talk about Canada but in the mid 90's an ounce in Vancouver could go for $3200 (Canadian) but now in Montreal it seems to go for $1400. 
 I don't know if that is due to time or the fact that Montreal is a big drug town.
  I apologize if this isn't the right forum or if it is inapropriate for discussion on the Hive.  But it would be interesting to hear personal experience from other drones.
(Title on BackOrder)
08-05-04 22:07
No 523865
User Picture 
      even canadians don't understand base 10 math     

whatever happened to using grams?  I never understood why someone would want to buy weight based on ounces and pounds when grams work out so much easier.

Prices are all a factor of who you know and who knows you.

skeed pills
(Hive Bee)
08-05-04 22:53
No 523874
User Picture 
      Canadian base system: 0.5g = a Five 1g = a...     

Canadian base system:
0.5g = a Five
1g = a Grams Grams
7g = a Seven
14g = a Fourteen
21g = a Twenty-One
28g = a Ounce

So we actually use grams :P (at least were i am)

/}/_//\//) /-|/\//¬/=/_
(Title on BackOrder)
08-05-04 23:51
No 523883
User Picture 
      you're actually using quarter ounce increments     

just because you know the weight in grams doesn't mean that you're not buying in increments of ounces.  start selling by 5, 10, and 20 gram increments instead.  It's a lot easier.

skeed pills
08-06-04 00:16
No 523894
      In My Neck Of The Woods     

Hi All:
Rasputin lives in the Mid-Western United States(the state with the big arch), and around here an ounce of MDMA goes for about 2200$, but I have seen prices of upto 3500$. On a side note MDA goes for about 2800$ per ounce, but its also been as high as 4000$ an ounce.

(Hive Bee)
08-07-04 22:03
No 524138

MDA is more pricey than MDMA?  This makes little sense as it is more difficult to synthesize MDMA than MDA...
(Hive Bee)
08-07-04 22:19
No 524143
      Obviously MDA has less price elasticity than...     

Obviously MDA has less price elasticity than MDMA.
(Hive Bee)
08-07-04 22:47
No 524148
      Its because...     

Its because some people like to roll harder. A lot of people who put out MDMA pills, make them around 100mg or less. And to SWIM thats too little. Thats why people will pay more.
MDA is alot stronger than MDMA at the same dose of 100mg.

I think i like it!
(Hive Bee)
08-08-04 19:06
No 524283

I wouldn't even call the effects of MDA a roll though, it's so much more visual than MDMA.  This can also cause problems if someone who has never experienced hallucinations before takes a pill thinking they're going to roll is sudenly frying their brain on amphetamine style visuals.
(Hive Bee)
08-08-04 22:50
No 524312
      SWIM would say its a roll...     

SWIM would say its a roll,but your right that its more visual. And it can scare some if there not expecting it. But the people who get crap on the streets, and then try MDA dont want to go back either. SWIMS friends would probably kill him if he started making the other again.hahalaugh

I think i like it!
08-10-04 06:01
No 524578
      In swims neck of the woods an oz of molly goes     

In swims neck of the woods an oz of molly goes for around $2200, although lately its been in short supply frown
(arrogant bee of the day)
08-10-04 09:34
No 524601
User Picture 


I'm not fat, I'm just too short for my weight.
(Hive Bee)
08-10-04 12:46
No 524621
      street? somewhere around $12-18 AUD per pill /     

street? somewhere around $12-18 AUD per pill / cap....


Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...
(Hive Bee)
08-10-04 17:16
No 524653
User Picture 
      Swims sold oz's for 2500-2800 mdma.     

Swims sold oz's for 2500-2800 mdma. In this area one cant even find shitty street pressed pills let alone molly so its supply and demand smile

"Drugs and akahol have ruiinnned my life..." -Tyrone Biggums
(Hive Bee)
08-10-04 17:55
No 524655
      3 dollars a pill,quality is ok,thinking 80 or...     

3 dollars a pill,quality is ok,thinking 80 or so mgs per pill.Location is eastern europe.
(Hive Bee)
08-10-04 21:25
No 524681
User Picture 
      UK prices     

After talking to a friend who is involved in the "E" trade the prices break down as follows:
5 pills for £10 (aprox $18)
1000 pills for £850 (aprox $1530)

don't know amount of MDMA in pills, but everyone I know who uses MDMA says that they are OK (not too strong, nor too weak)

That is right, the Mascara Snake: Fast and bulbous
(Hive Bee)
08-10-04 22:13
No 524693

street? somewhere around $12-18 AUD per pill / cap....

That quoted price is quite a way up the food chain, and in quantities of ~1000 pills.

In Oz, the most you'll ever pay in a club is $40 AUD.  From a pre arranged end-chain dealer its usually $30-35.  For quantities around ~20 pills, the price is usually $25.  Then $20 for hundreds, $15 for 1000's.  Then it gets cheaper based on your source and quality.  Expensive yes, especially when it costs less than a dollar to make crazy

It may be different in other Oz regions though.
(Hive Bee)
08-10-04 22:28
No 524696
      Man SWIM remembers....     

Man SWIM remembers when he could sell a kilo to one person for 100k. But that was 10 years ago. Now its down to 50k per kilo. (Thats 10,000 pills at 100mg)
And thats to the southern states of the copland.

Puta te la mamaste....
(Hive Bee)
08-11-04 07:04
No 524772

That quoted price is quite a way up the food chain, and in quantities of ~1000 pills
Where are YOU on the food chain?

In Oz, the most you'll ever pay in a club is $40 AUD
the highest ive seen them for $70AUD (yes people sometimes get that desperate, sad i know...)

It may be different in other Oz regions though.
Really? would never have figured that....

It does depend on how many and who from, but also depends on where you are on the food chain and where the dealer is... the further down they are the less flex they have...

Why bother dealing with street pedlers? or is that what you are biotechdude? if so i feel sorry for the rest of the petty dealers such as yourself peddling the gear as you said, made for ~$1 or less.

Find and be friends with people further up the food chain and you can get them for really cheap no matter what qty your buying....

Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...
(Hive Bee)
08-11-04 23:14
No 524902

Where are YOU on the food chain?

Where i choose to be.  And more to the point, why the fuck would i tell you anyway?

The post was not meant to throw shit at you.  It was simply a contribution to the 'Informational survey on MDMA prices' subject matter.  It gave a local perspective showing general trends and how variable prices can be.  Your one line post quoting street prices of $12-18 failed to do the same. 

It does depend on how many and who from, but also depends on where you are on the food chain and where the dealer is... the further down they are the less flex they have...

So we agree.... Why the attitude?

Why bother dealing with street pedlers? or is that what you are biotechdude?

lol.  If you only knew cool

Find and be friends with people further up the food chain and you can get them for really cheap no matter what qty your buying....

So you find friends for the purpose of obtaining cheap drugs.  And i suppose these new friends aren't the ones that get busted and rat you out in a second.  Sometimes it's worth paying an extra $5 for the sake of anonymity.

if so i feel sorry for the rest of the petty dealers such as yourself peddling the gear as you said, made for ~$1 or less.

Why do you feel sorry for them?  Are you gonna change the world?, one drug dealer at a time...
(Hive Bee)
08-12-04 03:59
No 524966

Informal survey on MDMA prices
It doesnt say, 'street prices' it just says prices... and thats what is paid to/from persons not named.

The post was not meant to throw shit at you
I didnt take it as shit thrown at me.... should i have?

Why the attitude?
Sorry if it came across as attitude.... didnt think it did... wasnt meant to anyway... ah well.

lol.  If you only knew
why the fuck would i tell you anyway
I dont want to, everyones business is their own... the hive is to help others not to advertise (thats not a shot at you btw)
i really dont care where anyone is, i was just saying if your a street pedler i didnt mean to offend by my remarks...
I know where i am, you know where you are... thats that.

Sometimes it's worth paying an extra $5 for the sake of anonymity
True, that comment was for arguments sake.

Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...
08-25-04 09:57
      in vancouver BC, i sell an oz of MDMA at ...
(Rated as: pretending illegal activity)
(Hive Bee)
08-25-04 18:10
No 527295
User Picture 
      A price I once overheard in one of my puffy farts     

$23,000 USD for 455 grams

something for your mind.......
08-27-04 03:55
No 527685
      the north     

up in this part of canada (central ish..) a hit goes for about 10-20$ per, or ~5-7$ each for more than 100

08-29-04 19:04
No 528137
User Picture 
      HEy now,     

Hey now,

While hanging around watching the market Ive observed this.
Oz are usally sold to workers for say 1500-1700 USD.Then re-flipped.To gram hustlers for around 80-100 per G.Then they sell it for 20-30 per 100mg or add a quick 20-50 dollars per gram.Trickle down economics.If your lucky there is no middleman.The only way you can tel is quality and quantity.winktongue

The bus came by,and I got on.Thats when it all began. -GD

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