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All 2 posts   Subject: 2C-T-2 alternative?   Please login to post   Down

08-06-04 19:02
No 524024
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      2C-T-2 alternative?     

Does anyone think there is a chemical that competes with 2c-t-2 (or c-t-7 which I havent tried), especially for its great introspective insights?

I find that 2c-t-2 is unparalleled in its ability to put your “problems” as it were on a plate, let you have some real insight into dealing with them and then midway through give you the increased thinking (a speedy kind of effect) and confidence to help plan for any solutions to those “problems”. [Well for me anyway]

I’ve tried quite a few compounds and 2C-I / 2C-B share some of this potential but really don’t compare.

Anyway, this is kind of a pathetic post but with my limited access and average skills in chemistry, its such a shame 2c-t-2 is one of the more complicated PEA's to synth.

- Ol
(Bizarre pHomme de Terra)
08-07-04 13:08
No 524047
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      a candy flip     

mdma (150 mg) and lsd (150 mcg) ingested on an empty stomach; good set and setting.

comes pretty close

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