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All 6 posts   Subject: Admin rights   Please login to post   Down

08-08-04 19:32
No 524286
      Admin rights     

Ok... Pharmacology and Organic Chemistry I can do, computers on the other hand.. well.. not so good.  I have a question, I am using a work computer at my "home" and I had been using it on the "off" hours to partake in some... how do I say it.. "adult enterainment".  My question is, I believe to have spyware, however when trying to download spybot or a similar program, it tell me I have to have be logged in as an Administrator, I want to know if there is anyway around this, any help would be greatly appreciated.  TYIA
(Hive Bee)
08-08-04 21:29
No 524305
User Picture 
      I'm guessing it XP or 2000... yes?     

I'm guessing it's XP or 2000... yes?

Can you acces bios and change the boot sequence, if you can, you could run a software like ERD commander and reset the admin password with the locksmith utility. Or if you want to do your thing and then restore the admin password you could copy another installation directory (any windows installation directory) to your harddisc and mount that one with ERD commander and then in that environment save the sam and sam.log files in the windows/system32/config folder (original system folder) to somewhere else and then delete those files in there... reboot and you have full access, afterwards you you may similarily run ERD commander again and restore the admin password by simply copying the sam files back into their folders.

If bios is locked there are some utilites which can reset the bios password if you can still boot from a floppy disc, and then you can change the boot sequence for a CD-ROM. Other wise you might have to find which jumpers to use specific to your model of motherboard or take the CMOS battery out.

Are there any easier methods, I tried NTFS-pro once instead of ERD commander (since it does not lock any of the system files unlike ERD) but it fucked everything up when I deleted the sam files for some wierd reason.

Can you get into safe mode? maybe the normally hidden Admin account has not been disabled or passworded.

Fuck the creationists - MC Hawking
(Stoni's sexual toy)
08-09-04 00:23
No 524330
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BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Minister of Propaganda)
08-09-04 00:40
No 524333
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      Before doing any of that, try logging in as...     

Before doing any of that, try logging in as administrator with the password administrator or admin. You'll be surprised how often that will work.

Milk rots your brain.
08-10-04 00:53
No 524510
      Thx everyone... Thanks Unobtainium but I tried     

Thx everyone... Thanks Unobtainium but I tried that, this company seems a little smarter than most; I see why the IS people probably make about as much as me with a masters.
08-10-04 01:42
No 524524
User Picture 
      yah, if its XP Pro [which I presume it is] and     

yah, if its XP Pro [which I presume it is] and EFS is on, your royally fucked

Is it a dialler or pop-ups or what?
I presume that you are using a guest account on some company group policy domain - which means the spyware should be installed using guest credentialsif your companies IS is doing its job. Try looking dor a spyware remover that doesn't require admin rights to use/install,  maybe there is an online web based remover? has removal tools for many common pests


.em evigrof doG yam neht emirc a si sdrawkcab gnitsop fI

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