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All 6 posts   Subject: Using keyboard to control mouse cursor Q's   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
08-09-04 08:37
No 524395
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      Using keyboard to control mouse cursor Q's     

Hi guys, at the moment SWIM has no mouse on his computer 'cause it broke, and he is having to use the number/arrow keys to control the mouse, the tricky little cunt keeps switching from the usual left-click action on pressing the 5 number/arrow key and he is not sure how to switch back, not having to do this before.

How do I switch from right mouse button action to left while using the arrow keys to control the cursor,
(using winXP as the OS)

Kids, say NO to the DEA!
(Stoni's sexual toy)
08-09-04 09:24
No 524403
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      What keys need to be used to move the mouse...     

What keys need to be used to move the mouse cursor? I haven't done this in years and I don't remember how it's done.
Unless you have a real old keyboard (and computer) there should be those windows keys next to the space bar. Try those, and that key next to the right windows key

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Hive Bee)
08-09-04 09:28
No 524405
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      Thanks Os, I've figured it all out now, got...     

Thanks Os, I've figured it all out now, got the hang of it

You might as well lock this topic now since its redundant.
Thanks for the helplaugh

Kids, say NO to the DEA!
(Stoni's sexual toy)
08-09-04 09:31
No 524407
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      You evaded my question.     

You evaded my question. What keys can be used to move the mouse cursor? Do I have to unplug my mouse to try it out?

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Hive Bee)
08-09-04 09:39
No 524409
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      Oh sorry Os, I didn't realise you were ...     

Oh sorry Os, I didn't realise you were actually asking me, I misread a bit LOL, anyway, I don't think you have to unplug your mouse.

Go into start menu, then the control panel, and set mousekeys or something like that to active, its activated using alt+left shift key with the numlock on.

The number/arrow keys control the cursor direction while holding control down makes the cursor skip a fair way for speed.

the 5 key in the middle is used for clicking, the + key doubleclicks I think, I think it's the - key to set it to right click mode, and the / key on the nuber keypad to reset back to left click again. Its quite easy when you get the hang of it.

Kids, say NO to the DEA!
(Hive Addict)
08-09-04 09:42
No 524412
User Picture 
      What keys can be used to move the mouse ...     

What keys can be used to move the mouse cursor?

Any of them

Do I have to unplug my mouse to try it out?


Control Panel-->Add/remove programs-->Windows set up-->Accessibility/Accessibilty tools--> reconfigure/nominate keys.

The more wealth he produces, the poorer the worker becomes - Karl Marx


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