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(Hive Addict)
08-10-04 21:33
No 524684
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      First Implant for Depression recommended ...     

First Implant for Depression Recommended for FDA Approval

An FDA expert advisory pannel has recommended approval of the first implantable device for the treatment of a psychiatric disorder. The device is implanted in a person's neck and electronically stimulates the vagus nerve, which is believed to regulate mood.

>> Read more

Just hold on to the thread...that keeps us going
08-11-04 13:25
      get yer implants now!!!!!
(Rated as: insignificant)
(Hive Bee)
08-12-04 13:01
No 525049
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      it may sound insignificant to some .....     

but it actually is what george w responded when informed of this new technology.....

he actually does advocate testing ALL amerikans for "depression and other mental disorders"......

so some may think it is insignificant but it is the REALITY!!!!!

my apologies if you are a republican and this doesn't set to well with your vision of amerika......

jus a ravin in da am......

"remember little ones, love is real,not fade away, so pass some ammo on today......"
(Hive Bee)
08-12-04 21:08
No 525097
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      yep it's insignificant....     

So I found the article that mentions this in e-week magazine and here is a link to it:


Big Brother Is No Myth 
By David Fenton
July 26, 2004   

In "The Big Brother Myth," Ben Rothke takes us down the garden path of legitimate information gathering, justifying corporate snooping "for business purposes."

One statement in particular took my breath away: "In [George Orwell's] '1984,' the government oppresses its citizens via mind and information control. This could never happen in the United States." What planet is Rothke from? Information control not only could happen in the United States, but it is happening all around us every day. And mind control could be just around the corner.

Read Ben Rothke's column "The Big Brother Myth."

For example, Google's Gmail scans customers' e-mail content and delivers targeted ads based on interests and buying patterns. Even if you're not a subscriber, if you write to someone with a Gmail account, your messages will be scanned and the data stored.

Recently, a federal appeals court ruled that companies providing e-mail services may read clients' e-mail and use it as they wish. Unlike your voice phone conversations, which can be recorded legally only under a court order, your e-mail is available to industry for the buying and to government—think IRS, Homeland Security and Patriot Act—for the asking.

In April, the Department of Homeland Security, as reported in a competing publication, announced that it had awarded a contract to Northrop Grumman for up to $350 million to build "a network of networks" to connect all levels of government—federal, state and local—to help defend "the U.S.'s borders and trade." Homeland's chief technology officer, Lee Holcomb, said, "It's a paradigm shift at the classified level."

Then this from The Washington Post, June 16: "An expert panel of federal experts" recommends that the FDA approve "a surgical implant that stimulates the brain" to treat chronic depression—chips to regulate mood, in other words.

Then this in World Net Daily, June 21: "President Bush plans to unveil next month a sweeping mental health initiative that recommends screening for every citizen."

Bottom line: The government is tying governmental networks together in a supernetwork controlled by a super-agency, the government approves putting chips in the brains of unhappy people so they won't be unhappy any longer and the government supports screening to decide who's happy and who's unhappy.

The technologies we IT professionals control can be used for good or evil. We must consider the moral dimension of our work and deal with uses of IT with openness, integrity and a recognition of the potential for abuse. We must never think that "it could never happen here." We have a choice whether to aid and abet Big Brother—or not.

David Fenton spent more than 20 years in the U.S. Air Force working in computer-aided information gathering. He is director of training for a global technology company specializing in video and audio information. He lives in Toronto and can be reached at Free Spectrum is a forum for the IT community. Send submissions to
REAL insignificant......
i'm sure......

"remember little ones, love is real,not fade away, so pass some ammo on today......"
(Hive Bee)
08-12-04 21:15
No 525098
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      and here is the world net daily article...     

a link to the source....

Bush to screen population for mental illness
Sweeping initiative links diagnoses to treatment with specific drugs

Posted: June 21, 2004
5:00 p.m. Eastern

© 2004

President Bush plans to unveil next month a sweeping mental health initiative that recommends screening for every citizen and promotes the use of expensive antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs favored by supporters of the administration.

The New Freedom Initiative, according to a progress report, seeks to integrate mentally ill patients fully into the community by providing "services in the community, rather than institutions," the British Medical Journal reported.

Critics say the plan protects the profits of drug companies at the expense of the public.

The initiative began with Bush's launch in April 2002 of the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, which conducted a "comprehensive study of the United States mental health service delivery system."

The panel found that "despite their prevalence, mental disorders often go undiagnosed" and recommended comprehensive mental health screening for "consumers of all ages," including preschool children.

The commission said, "Each year, young children are expelled from preschools and childcare facilities for severely disruptive behaviors and emotional disorders."

Schools, the panel concluded, are in a "key position" to screen the 52 million students and 6 million adults who work at the schools.

The commission recommended that the screening be linked with "treatment and supports," including "state-of-the-art treatments" using "specific medications for specific conditions."

The Texas Medication Algorithm Project, or TMAP, was held up by the panel as a "model" medication treatment plan that "illustrates an evidence-based practice that results in better consumer outcomes."

The TMAP -- started in 1995 as an alliance of individuals from the pharmaceutical industry, the University of Texas and the mental health and corrections systems of Texas -- also was praised by the American Psychiatric Association, which called for increased funding to implement the overall plan.

But the Texas project sparked controversy when a Pennsylvania government employee revealed state officials with influence over the plan had received money and perks from drug companies who stand to gain from it.

Allen Jones, an employee of the Pennsylvania Office of the Inspector General says in his whistleblower report the "political/pharmaceutical alliance" that developed the Texas project, which promotes the use of newer, more expensive antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs, was behind the recommendations of the New Freedom Commission, which were "poised to consolidate the TMAP effort into a comprehensive national policy to treat mental illness with expensive, patented medications of questionable benefit and deadly side effects, and to force private insurers to pick up more of the tab."

Jones points out, according to the British Medical Journal, companies that helped start the Texas project are major contributors to Bush's election funds. Also, some members of the New Freedom Commission have served on advisory boards for these same companies, while others have direct ties to TMAP.

Eli Lilly, manufacturer of olanzapine, one of the drugs recommended in the plan, has multiple ties to the Bush administration, BMJ says. The elder President Bush was a member of Lilly's board of directors and President Bush appointed Lilly's chief executive officer, Sidney Taurel, to the Homeland Security Council.

Of Lilly's $1.6 million in political contributions in 2000, 82 percent went to Bush and the Republican Party.

Another critic, Robert Whitaker, journalist and author of "Mad in America," told the British Medical Journal that while increased screening "may seem defensible," it could also be seen as "fishing for customers."

Exorbitant spending on new drugs "robs from other forms of care such as job training and shelter program," he said.

However, a developer of the Texas project, Dr. Graham Emslie, defends screening.

"There are good data showing that if you identify kids at an earlier age who are aggressive, you can intervene ... and change their trajectory."


just some totally insignificant bullshit........
ignore all you want.....

they will be coming for you one day so wake the fuk up!!!!!!

"remember little ones, love is real,not fade away, so pass some ammo on today......"

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