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All 3 posts   Subject: Scientific / biblio references for Marquis etc.   Please login to post   Down

08-11-04 10:05
No 524809
      Scientific / biblio references for Marquis etc.     

I'm trying to locate the chemical references for the historical origins of the various colorimetric tests, and the nature of the intermedicates that impart the colour. It's for a worthy cause, as we are trying to improve what is currently available, and get formal pill testing off the ground in Australia. We have tried Scifinder and a number of other medical and Chemical sources, but so far no joy- can anyone offer any suggestions?

Dr Platypus
(Stoni's sexual toy)
08-11-04 12:36
No 524825
User Picture

It's probably an old test which was accidentially discovered a hundred years or more ago. I don't have any details.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
08-11-04 13:11
No 524831
      Many thanks for trying though!     

Many thanks for trying though! Yep, we've been through Google pretty thoroughly. The closest mention that we have found is a mention in a French article suggesting that Marquis was developed in 1906, but unreferenced. There is similarly a real paucity of information on the nature of the chemical reactions themselves... and the nature of the coloured chemical compounds/intermediates formed by the reactions...  If I can't find an answer on THIS site, I may have to consign the origins to the mists of time...

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