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All 4 posts   Subject: Piracetam + SSRI possibly dangerous?   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
08-12-04 00:05
No 524911
      Piracetam + SSRI possibly dangerous?     

Medline (PMID=3137089)

Piracetam activated striatal and hypothalamic total MAO, hypothalamic MAO A and MAO B but exerted a pronounced inhibitory effect on MAO A and MAO B activity in the striatum.

Does this mean it could be screwing up my striatum when I use it with an SSRI?

So differently divine...
(Hive Bee)
08-12-04 21:45
No 525103
      Day #3: I'm not dead, having spasms/seizures,...     

Day #3: I'm not dead, having spasms/seizures, or falling over from lack of balance. However, my pupils are almost the size of quarters (well, prolly more like a dime, I exaggerated for effect) when I wake up in the morning. Under my bathroom lights (who knows, in the dark, they prolly ARE the size of quarters). This goes back to normal after a few hours though.

I may be able to lower my paroxetine CR dosage from 25mg to 12.5mg, I've been wanting to get off it anyway. However, I have a 90 count bottle of 25mgs I need to use first, or the money will go to waste.


So differently divine...
(Hive Bee)
08-13-04 16:26
No 525278
      Is anyone here on an SSRI and using piracetam?     

Is anyone here on an SSRI and using piracetam?

So differently divine...
(Hive Bee)
08-13-04 20:27
No 525307
      Piracetam not yet, but im on fluoxetin and an...     

Piracetam not yet, but im on fluoxetin and an order of piracetam is on it's way -maybe i can tell you something about the effects in a few days ... crazy
sorry i can't help you at this time, but i'd be interested in this question, too, of course.

- Beware of the Morphail Effect! -

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