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All 11 posts   Subject: Washing ink out of......   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
08-15-04 21:42
No 525590
      Washing ink out of......     

SWIM is'nt sure this is the right place for this,but SWIM was wondering if anyone could point him in the right direction on how to wash ink out of paper.(SWIM has done alot of reseach but cant find what he's looking for.)
And of course this is just for informational purposes.

I think i like it!
(Hive Bee)
08-15-04 21:47
No 525591
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      What sort of ink are you trying to wash out?     

What sort of ink are you trying to wash out? and does the paper need so survive to any reasonable degree?

If its a prescription you want to alter (and my sixth sense tells me it is...) if its ballpen ink, thiodiglycol might work (do not under ANY circumstances order it, as it's main uses are 1:making ink and 2:making mustard gas)

Thiodiglycol is used as the solvent in ballpen ink, and could bee extracted, and maybe dabbed on to the paper carefully, I don't know how effective this would bee, try it on some old paper with ballpen writing on ot first.

Kids, say NO to the DEA!
(Hive Bee)
08-15-04 22:00
No 525594
      Washing ink out of     

Realy it was a question of a friend.The paper has to survive. And SWIM was realy wondering about money. He was asking what chems could be used to removew the inks. So LESTAT. Do you think that it would work for that?

By the way SWIM is a big Anne Rice fan. Cool books. But sometimes piss me off beacuse her charecters seem too gay. Not being a dick. Thats how the come off to SWIM.

I think i like it!
(Stoni's sexual toy)
08-15-04 22:01
No 525595
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      Ink often contains water as a solvent, yet you     

Ink often contains water as a solvent, yet you cannot use water to remove the ink. What makes you think that thiodiglycol or any other solvent will remove ink without fucking up the paper just like water would? And how are you planning on removing this solvent since it has a boiling point of over 280°C?

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Hive Bee)
08-15-04 22:45
No 525600
      Washing ink out of     

Well noone seems to have any answers yet. OSMIUM do you have any suggestions that might help?
Or just maybe point SWIM in the right direction to search. Because SWIM is out of ideas. Thanks.

I think i like it!
(Hive Addict)
08-15-04 23:23
No 525603
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      Ref. Ink Removal method.....     

I read this regarding removal of ink from paper without damaging the

.... It is possible to remove the ink with a laser (Eximer laser) though there is some erosion it is slight and can be controlled. The drawback of this solution is that it may be too expensive and it requires expertise and costly equipment.

....... as stated by, Michael Maggen, Senior paper conservator, The Israel Museum Jerusalem, Israel

Edit by java, more interesting info......

It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.......
-Emiliano Zapata-
(Hive Bee)
08-15-04 23:27
No 525604
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      Just elute the ink onto an absorbing paper     

Try with acetone, but be sure to put enough absorbing paper bellow your document as you will need quite a volume of solvent to perform such a "cromatography". Otherwise you may end up with the entire paper soaked with acetone, even where you don't want to remove any ink.

“The real drug-problem is that we need more and better drugs.” – J. Ott
(Hive Bee)
08-15-04 23:31
No 525605
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      Can you wash it out?     

Doesn't the ink chemically bond to the paper, like a dye? You need to remove the dyed fibres and/or bleach the ink somehow. You can't just use a solvent.

Not many people have UV lasers. I wonder whether you could rig something using a high power strobe to do the same job. Even camera flashes make newsprint smoke at close range.

His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.  
Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.
(Hive Addict)
08-15-04 23:35
No 525606
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      Removing ink from paper.....     

This shoulde be of some interest , in methods to avoid just that , the removal of ink from

It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.......
-Emiliano Zapata-
(Hive Bee)
08-16-04 00:06
No 525609
      Washing ink out of     

Yeah but SWIM doesnt want to avoid it. But thanks for the info anyway. Maybe wetting one side at a time with a bleach or solvent with absorbing paper under it? And repeating the process a few times? SWIM doesnt think the water marks are a prob. SWIM  will pass on what ever help he can get. Thanks

I think i like it!
08-16-04 11:20
No 525725
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Basically, there are two types of ink, namely "normal" ink and unwashable ink. The first type can be removed with conventional solvents, the latter not once it is bound to paper. Unwashable ink can be removed with several common solvents (such as ethanol) if you spilled some on the ground or on your hand, but not if it has made contact with paper. I don't know the exact working mechanism, but apparently, there is some sort of polymer that binds the color pigment irreversibly to paper and not to other substrates. A rather common solvent for ink is N-methylpyrrolidone. It is widely used in the ink industry and can be used to extinguish written text as well.

-+- Сторонница Александра Áîðîäèía -+-

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