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All 4 posts   Subject: help needed !!!!   Please login to post   Down

08-17-04 00:32
      help needed !!!!
(Rated as: Use punctuation correctly and write proper sentences.)
(arrogant bee of the day)
08-17-04 08:49
No 525866
User Picture 
      Firstly never save any information to the...     

Firstly never save any information to the operating system partition, ie. My Documents folder. That way when/if the OS fucks up your shit is not on that partition.

Go to C:\Documents and Settings\ and see what folders are there. Sometimes if there is a login error a whole new Documents and Settings folder is made for your username and hence your settings are returned to default and your files in you My Documents folder are gone but they're not really gone, they are in your original one. That's all I can think of. (I assume you did a search for a filename)

I'm not fat, I'm just too short for my weight.
(Hive Bee)
08-17-04 12:00
No 525873
      Yeah what placebo said, check out the ...     

Yeah what placebo said, check out the Documents and Settings folder in your root drive. Log in under the Admin name to make sure you have access to these folders.
Also try booting up in safe mode and looking around.

Your an individual just like everyone else
08-17-04 17:06
      oh my god, ,, my 2 fav people , mmmmm is this...
(Rated as: Last warning. If you don't start typing correctly you won't be posting here anymore.)

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