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All 8 posts   Subject: windows update?   Please login to post   Down

(Freaky Tweek)
08-17-04 19:37
No 525939
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      windows update?     

i've been having problems with adware but i am working on that using pestpatrol. fucking netspry and keep taking over my pages when i click on them. (not my home page though and xoftspy nor pestpatrol have detected netspry on my computer. go figure.).  anyway, i am in the process of removing items one at a time to make sure certain programs continue to work like kazaalite, webshots and gatorewallet. my question here is... i am trying to update my windows xp and when i try to do it it takes me to:
is that a correct website for windows update? it looks right, the page that is but the url doesn't look right to me. shouldn't it start with http://microsoft or http://windows ? (perhaps i am getting too paranoid from too many page hijackers.) also i am used to seeing on their update page a choice to review before installling. but i am not seeing that on this page.  this apparently is the download for automatic updates. what is the link for choosing my own updates and reviewing them first? i can't seem to locate this page??? or do i HAVE to install the update thingie on this page to get to that? i just removed lstbar from my computer and i think this has something to do with it. do i want lst bar? it has something to do with updates but is labeled as a pest. i hope someone can follow what i am saying. i know my clarity lacks tremendously and i do apologize for that.(however i refuse to apologize for my ignorance on the subjecttongue)

Fornication Utilizes Carnal Knowledge
08-17-04 19:53
No 525942
      It is right, but if in doubt go to ...     

It is right, but if in doubt go to it'll forward you to whichever version of Windows update you need.

 (V5 for XP, V4 for 2000 and so on)
(Freaky Tweek)
08-17-04 20:05
No 525946
User Picture 

ok, tyvm!
edited: that link takes me to:straight

i will assume its not a high jacked page.blush

Fornication Utilizes Carnal Knowledge
(Minister of Propaganda)
08-17-04 20:55
No 525953
User Picture 
      it's fine is the domain. Everything before it are sub-domains. is fine. would be bad.

Milk rots your brain.
(Stoni's sexual toy)
08-17-04 22:23
No 525964
User Picture 
      > i've been having problems with adware but     

> i've been having problems with adware but i am working on that using pestpatrol.

One software isn't enough to discover and disable all  spy- and adware. You need to use several different ones to find it all.

> fucking netspry and keep taking over my pages when i click on them.

So why would you click on them?

> to make sure certain programs continue to work like kazaalite, webshots and gatorewallet.

Are you aware that even several versions of kazaalite contain malicious code?
Everything with gator in its name is bad by default. I don't get it why people voluntarily download and install that crap. You will never be able to get your computer clean if you keep that shit on your HD. And even when you uninstall it, the spyware will usually stay behind.
May I suggest you wipe that HD and do a fresh install.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Freaky Tweek)
08-19-04 09:26
No 526274
User Picture 
      u misunderstood me     

edited- i found my original reply-didn't know i kept it. is the domain. Everything before it are sub-domains. is fine. would be bad.


well ty, learn something new every day.

fucking netspry and keep taking over my pages when i click on them.

So why would you click on them?

you misunderstood what i clearly didn't say too clearly. i meant the pages... when i click on something on a page, like from a google search then i get the

Are you aware that even several versions of kazaalite contain malicious code?

like what versions and what does the malicious code do? i have:

kazaa lite vers 2.1.0 (based on kmd 2.0.2)
k++ vers 2.0.3 v

 i am not to happy with kaaalite anyway because it appears they now have something that blocks free users from most of the downloads. always seem to get the more resources needed for about 80% of what i try to download.

Everything with gator in its name is bad by default. I don't get it why people voluntarily download and install that crap.

i downloaded it ages ago back around 1999 when i was on aol. now it is impossible to remember all the various passwords i used and some are impossible to get. the site will mail it to you. does me a lot of good if i am no longer on aol. and goddamn it, i hate having to change my user name.  so i am going through the 150 sites, trying to figure out the passwords one by one. gator shows the user name but not the password so it is more or less a tedious guessing game.

May I suggest you wipe that HD and do a fresh install.

sounds like you've been talking to the grand master computer tech genius bee. that's what he said.
mumbles to herself... "it's a conspiracy i tell ya!"

Fornication Utilizes Carnal Knowledge
(Stoni's sexual toy)
08-19-04 12:38
No 526290
User Picture 
      You have been using the same Win98 ...     

You have been using the same Win98 installation for 5 years???

WIPE IT! ALL OF IT! Do not keep anything, delete it all. Start with a completely empty hard drive. And do it right this time. No AOL shit. No 'additional features', 'free' add-ons and software packages to 'enhance your experience' except the bare minimum. MS Office (or better yet, Open Office/Star Office), Acrobat Reader, all MS patches except the newest media player, everything resembling Active X and scripting disabled in the internet options for IE (you only need it for updates, nothing else!), Mozilla Firefox as your default browser, Flash plugin, Bit Torrent for music and filesharing.
For security you need a simple firewall that you are able to understand and use (e.g. Zonealarm), anti-virus software,
Spybot Search and Destroy from
Spyware Blaster from
Ad-aware from

That's all you need. Period.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Hive Addict)
09-22-04 10:48
No 532677

Track down a program called HiJack. It's the bees knees.

Run that and click any program/file/RH1/BHO that doesn't look like it should be there. Something like an unknown webpage URL etc..

Click Fix Checked..

And it should be fixed unless it's somewhere in your Run or Runonce in Registry..

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