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All 2 posts   Subject: Digital paper   Please login to post   Down

(Minister of Propaganda)
08-20-04 02:21
No 526388
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      Digital paper     


Fujitsu one step closer to Digital Paper Production

Fujitsu Laboratories has succesfully made a prototype electronic paper which is comparable to regular copy paper in brightness and thickness. Fujitsu hopes to have the paper in regular production by 2006.

Several characteristics of the paper have been developed; ease of reading, ease of portability, durability and improved brightness and contrast of the paper. The new developments have made the electronic paper with a white ratio of 80 or above and a contrast ratio of 15 or above. When compared with regular photo-copy paper there is very little difference. When the power is turned on and off with colour and text being added to the paper, and then subsequently turned off, the paper still retains the material that was written on it using a built-in memory function. The power function of the electronic paper is a special energy saving device suited for this application.

The paper will be easy to use, have almost unlimited rewriting capabilities, freedom of deformation and portability. Fujitsu hopes that this invention will contribute to the paperless office and reduce the amount of paper consumption in the world.

This is one of those things I didn't even know that I needed until I saw it, and now I'm wondering how I've managed to get along without it even though I'm pretty sure it has no real utilitarian purpose. Needless-to-say, I'll be buying some as soon as it comes out.

I've always wanted to make digital paper airplanes.
08-20-04 09:38
No 526440
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How would you update the contents of the paper?

You'll never get to heaven if you're scared of getting high

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