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All 17 posts   Subject: Googling your name...   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
08-24-04 22:52
No 527141
      Googling your name...     

Just tried entering my full name into google.

Got 5 hits (out of thousands) relating directly to me! That was in first couple pages, checked about 10 following pages but nothing else. Loose man...

Although I have got an uncommon name. Something like 'John Smith' would be a joke...

Couple were interesting. Family tree stuff, someone somewhere has mapped my whole immediate family and branches off to heaps of relatives, lots I've never heard of.

Just was interesting. If you got not-so-common name, try it out...

Unrelated side issue: ha ha two idiots just nearly had a fight in the net cafe I'm in right next to me, that was quite entertaining... laugh


"Fuck you and the horse you rode in on"
(Minister of Propaganda)
08-25-04 05:59
No 527216
User Picture 
      I check my name every once in a while.     

I check my name every once in a while. My goal is to die without ever seeing my name in Google.

Milk rots your brain.
08-25-04 17:45
No 527290
User Picture 
      my nick get's a lot hits @ google, which is...     

my nick get's a lot hits @ google, which is good imo cos then it's harder to search for my activity's on the WWW.
(Hive Addict)
08-30-04 22:22
No 528321
User Picture 
      hey unob     

if you stop googling your name you will be more likely to live that dream...........

so to speak
(Quick-witted Quibbler)
09-01-04 05:05
No 528771
User Picture 
      My name does come up in google in a fews ...     

My name does come up in google in a fews places, and I certainly have an uncommon name (well, my last one anyways).  A couple are related to school, and one is part of a family tree thingy (some distantly related menonnite relatives in Germany put it together).

My last name is apparently shared by a famous Russian author and a river in Russia as well.  My Ukrainian ancestors are rolling in their graves wink

My ideal vacation - Juxtaposed along the precipice intersecting reality and fantasy (i.e. wanking).
(formless fortitude?)
09-02-04 13:51
No 529135
User Picture 

Ha,....LOL laugh I tried googling  my name, I got 9,120,000 hits! Lol. Entering my full name, (middle initial included) I got 7,460,000 hits. Entering my full name,(with full middle name), I got 4,500,000.

My goal is to die without ever seeing my name in Google.

Me not worried at all!

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.
(Quick-witted Quibbler)
09-03-04 05:56
No 529285
User Picture 
      "I tried googling my name, I got ...     

"I tried googling  my name, I got 9,120,000 hits!"

SquidDippy has been revealed as...

John Hancocktongue

My ideal vacation - Juxtaposed along the precipice intersecting reality and fantasy (i.e. wanking).
(formless fortitude?)
09-03-04 07:41
No 529295
User Picture 

No, actually "Jim Brown",..................... maybee!

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.
(Stoni's sexual toy)
09-03-04 07:43
No 529297
User Picture 
      Put your name in "quotation marks"...     

Put your name in "quotation marks" when you enter it, and also try "lastname, firstname initial." and the number will be much reduced.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Hive Addict)
09-03-04 12:40
No 529336
User Picture 
      which is because when you do it like you did...     

which is because when you do it like you did it, it uses a logical AND operatore by default. Whenever you search names you have to search the entire phrase, using quotation marks.

This is tricky though, because when you search for say scientific article by name, some report it, name surname, others surname, name, yet other use initials, and so you have to do many separate searches. And Google is pretty easy to handle compared to some library databases for instance.

(formless fortitude?)
09-04-04 02:39
No 529498
User Picture 

I am aware of the auto, "and" operator that Google uses. I didn't bother to do it that way, because it was a just for fun thing. So for those of you who want to be technical, (for what reason, I don't know), but here you are.

O.K Entering my name in " " I get, 806,000 hits.
Name in " " with middle initial, 7,020 hits.
Full name in " " , 1,140 hits.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.
(Quick-witted Quibbler)
09-04-04 04:03
No 529510
User Picture 
      Mine: Without quotations: 82 With quotations:...     


Without quotations: 82
With quotations: 8 (all refer to me directly, most from the same web site)
With quotations and middle name: 1 (surprised me)

Like I said - not a popular name.  At least not in this country.

My ideal vacation - Juxtaposed along the precipice intersecting reality and fantasy (i.e. wanking).
09-05-04 14:10
No 529684
User Picture 
      Now that we are at it,     

I mean selfdeclared tech-wizzkids, it's fuckin time Osmium (file_nk9i) and jsorex (file_nij2) change their userpics to something which doesn't load for more than 90 seconds, before my/our software decides that the " image not found" text should be inserted.
You can Upload a userpic to this board, instead of using an external link.
Or don't use a picture.
Look at Xaja, there's a blank space where the userpic can be, so it is possible to go without userpicture.

It's getting a bit anoying, everytime a page loads forever with people in it with a bad-linked userpicture. LT/wink

jsorex, since your pic really takes forever to load, and you changed username so often in the pastsmile,
I'm offering you one for free:


I could perhaps give you a title like "Morph-eus", for free.

Osmium prolly is too much affected to his MAD.dubya userpic, so let's see what he/she comes up with.

This one could be an optioncool:


(Stoni's sexual toy)
09-05-04 15:52
No 529691
User Picture 
      I didn't even know my pic doesn't work ...     

I didn't even know my pic doesn't work anymore. Real men use the greyscale hive, only candyass ravers and garden gnomes need all these colors.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Hive Addict)
09-05-04 18:46
No 529711
User Picture 
      labtop, I've had this username since 2000.     

labtop, I've had this username since 2000. Now I will take the picture out, becuase your fucking system wont load it becasue you have 99 different proxy and crypt sofware between you and the hive.

09-06-04 03:26
No 529807
User Picture 
      You would be surprised     

how little defences you need at present, just a firewall and good antivirus software, no more.
And my satellite connection comes with a good proxy installed.
Btw, both of you still have "image not found" as userpic.
Try out the bright Hive and look for yourself.
If you did use our Upload feature, then it is our bug.
But I expect you use an external link, which doesn't work anymore. LT/

PS: you don't like my offer?

EDIT: I see in another Couch thread that you removed your userpic 6 hours ago. blush

(Stoni's sexual toy)
09-06-04 07:26
No 529852
User Picture 
      > Try out the bright Hive and look for...     

> Try out the bright Hive and look for yourself.

No fucking way!

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!

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