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All 14 posts   Subject: smoking benzos   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
08-24-04 23:31
No 527148
      smoking benzos     

i'd like to know if benzodiazepines produce effects when we smoke them, does it inncrease potency? is it active?
i utfse and found nothing.
any experience, comments or references would be very appreciated.

08-25-04 00:06
No 527157
      I'm sure     

If you really feel a need to smoke valium, give a try at freebasing it.  Getting high from smoking benzos shouldn't be any harder than synthesizing LSD from migraine medicine with a campfire as your heat source. 

How did you plan to smoke them, btw?

Rainbows & Butterflies Forever :)
(Hive Bee)
08-25-04 11:39
No 527255
      freebasing doesn't look to be a problem :...     

freebasing doesn't look to be a problem : extract benzo hcl with water, then add naoh and evap.

But i'd like to know if the HCl form is smokable.
(Hive Bee)
08-25-04 13:47
No 527266

I would imagine that an attempt to vaporize a benzo at atmospheric pressure would lead to significant decomposition. You would end up inhaling all sorts of crap and I don't know if the result would be psychoactive.
(Hive Bee)
08-25-04 13:52
No 527267
      do u speak about benzo base or benzo HCl when...     

do u speak about benzo base or benzo HCl when you tell it will decompose ?
(Hive Bee)
08-25-04 14:07
No 527269

(Hive Bee)
08-25-04 22:54
No 527348
      Smoking benzos produce one effect which you...     

Smoking benzos produce one effect which you can only get by smoking rather than eating them. When smoked, they have an extremely powerful effect of making you look like an idiot. What the hell is it with kids wanting to smoke, snort and plug anything they can get their hands on? Especially when it comes to pills, which are DESIGNED to be eaten, this is just stupid.

Whether or not it actually "works" is going to depend on the particular benzodiazepine involved and its chemical properties. Some could possibly vaporize at a temperature allowing them to be smoked. But come on, its a pill. Eat it.
(Hive Bee)
08-26-04 08:32
No 527454
      whifch ones are you thinking of?     

Some could possibly vaporize at a temperature allowing them to be smoked

Which ones are you thinking of here?
08-27-04 20:50
No 527837
      just smoke it     

crush up a small amount of the pill and sprinkle it on weed in a blunt or bowl(preferabbly a blunt for lower burning temperture)
I dont know any pharalogical reasons as to why this would work but it would probably be the easiest and most effiecient way
(Hive Addict)
08-29-04 19:43
No 528145
User Picture 
      I think you should try banadine.     

I think you should try banadine.

(Hive Bee)
08-30-04 11:48
No 528248
      so funny     

you're a boss jsorex.

seriously, anybody has ever tried or has documentation about smoking benzos (melt vs decomposition point) ?

AND don't speak the f*** about eating them. i am not a kid n i have good reasons to ask that.
(Hive Bee)
08-30-04 18:33
No 528296

Its not the melting point that is of relevance. It is the boling point. Have a look at some msds sheets. none of them specify a boiling point. That is because they decompose.
(Hive Bee)
08-30-04 22:01
No 528316
      Hmm, Experience with Benzos     

In my experience, benzos are really no fun.  I would think someone was retarted if I heard that they smoked Valium. WTF?  I don't get the point. The next day after benzos you look and feel like you just relieved yourself of your worse case of the shits and you feel strangely nausious.

No pain, but NO FUN.

Addicts with no Heroin
(Hive Bee)
08-31-04 15:05
No 528511
      SWIM agrees...     

... with the other bees posted in this thread.

@ skanic

Don´t take the flaming personal but before asking questions that leave the impression that you are a underage schoolboy who tries to find another way to get high from the valium package stolen from mom´s medicine chest you should do a little research on your own. Other bees might be more willing to participate in this discussion if you show that you used at least 15 minutes for a google search.

Regarding your question:

your freebasing post made no sense:
first of all: most benzos are not very water soluble, or do you have midazolamHCL tabs?

Acteone, DMF, chloroform, ether , benzol you could use all of them for extraction but h20 is a bad idea with most benzos! I would recommend acetone.

Please tell me your brand? I would be at least very curious if it lists diazepamHCL as ingredient.

If you have diazepam it will look like white pellets if extracted with acetone. tetrazepam will have a yellowish-brown appearance (from ethylactetate), alprozolam looks like real nice crystals....

The melting point of the different benzos differs widely in the range from 100-400C.
Even the one with low mp like tetrazepam (104C) and diazepam (125-126C) will decompose if heated before you could inhale a sufficient amount. Needless to say that you will get some really nasty decomposition products in your lunges.

If you really into benzos (i don´t like them that much) maybe this might be of interest for you:
Post 528313 (Bwiti: "Boosting The Efectiveness of Benzos", General Discourse)
So i hope this post answered some of your questions, feel free to ask for additional information.

BTW: If you are still convinced that benzos are smokable and if you want to contribute something to the hive you could do a heating test with small amounts in 0,5-1*C steps and analyse the decomposition products on different temperatures.


Hive bee por vida!

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