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All 5 posts   Subject: 563 online   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
08-25-04 21:42
No 527328
      563 online     

The current number of online users is 423, it was 563 a minute ago.

Is there a problem with the board software, a DoS attack or is the site on TV?
(Hive Addict)
08-25-04 22:02
No 527334
User Picture 
      Look at the online graph:     

Look at the online graph:


08-25-04 22:03
No 527335
User Picture 
      Somebody was trying to mass download the Hive.     

Somebody was trying to mass download the Hive. He should have known that it doesn't work...
08-25-04 23:01
No 527349
User Picture 

shouldn't you reveal his IP number so we can all ping him
to death like the l337 haxx0rs we truly are?tongue

You'll never get to heaven if you're scared of getting high
(Wonderful Personality)
08-26-04 23:57
No 527618


was this ok?
is he dead now?

that was easy, am I a hacker now like Weedar?


so near, so far......

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