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The Server Room  

All 7 posts   Subject: SMS server for windows XP???   Please login to post   Down

(Mystic's Path to Cosmic Power)
08-26-04 17:29
No 527529
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      SMS server for windows XP???     

Is there such thing as an sms server for winxp?  I want to upload pics and ringtones from my computer to my phone. smile

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(Hive Bee)
08-26-04 23:39
No 527617
      Apache It     

Why not setup an apache webserver and then try connection to your phone via the WAP interface?
(Hive Addict)
08-27-04 03:10
No 527671
User Picture 
      Hope this helps

(Mystic's Path to Cosmic Power)
08-28-04 04:38
No 527889
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      Re: Why not setup an apache webserver and then     

Why not setup an apache webserver and then try connection to your phone via the WAP interface?

hrmm, why didnt I think of that? lol tongue 

I'm guessing polyphonic ringtones are just midi files.  Anyone know for sure?

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(Mystic's Path to Cosmic Power)
08-28-04 04:39
No 527890
User Picture 
      oh yeah, what are wap webpages written in?     

oh yeah, what are wap webpages written in?  Is it just html?

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(Minister of Propaganda)
08-28-04 04:51
No 527893
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Milk rots your brain.
(Mystic's Path to Cosmic Power)
08-28-04 16:28
No 527969
User Picture 
      cool thanks     

cool thanks

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