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All 6 posts   Subject: advice wanted for a GREAT dxm trip   Please login to post   Down

08-27-04 20:17
No 527828
      advice wanted for a GREAT dxm trip     

i am a very experienced dxm user to this day but i have noticed my trips lately have not been what i want from them.  my goal for tonight is to hit a high third plateau(but i'll leave the fourth for another night)
check it, im in great mental health right now, i've been in a positive mood for a few days straight and im not really trying to resolve any issues in my head

my supplies:
dexalone pills(30 mg each), coricidin pills(30 mg each plus CPM :( these are dangerous but i have my reasons), klonopins, bread and carbohydrates, and a dark room

my plan so far:
i plan to take about 20 dexalones slowly over an hour along with like 4 or 5 coricidins(to enhance the closed eye visuals)
in between i am going to eat small and fully-chewed pieces of plain white bread
I plan to smoke high grade weed during various parts of the trip to reduce nauesea but mostly to enhance the trip

now for the part i am confused about...
i have heard klonopins not only reduce brain damage when taking dxm, but i have also heard they increase the CEVs.  the PROBLEM...when do I take the klonopins, how many, why where who and how?? (they are .5 mg pills and i have plenty of them)
if any experienced dxm explorers have any advice on how i could do all of these things...RIGHT to have what i feel might be a wonderful trip, i would appreciate any feedback, hopefully before my trip tonight


08-27-04 20:30
No 527833
      advice still wanted     

(soccer mom)
08-28-04 05:34
No 527916
User Picture 
      I'm just a middle-aged fuck....     

well let me tell you something, i know EXACTLY what i am doing with the psychoactives I experiment with and i'd bet money that instead of anyone helping me in any way with my other DXM post I am just gonna get a bunch of unattractive donenothingwiththeirlives middleaged fucks lecturing me and not actually answering my question
seriously thishomo internet shit needs to stop

Does this answer your question?

Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.
(Hive Bee)
08-28-04 10:28
No 527935
      I think you lost your way.     

I think you lost your way.

This is not the website your looking for.
Perhaps better luck at one of the other "homo internet sites" you like so much.

Good day.

And that aint no Jedi shit.
(Bizarre pHomme de Terra)
08-28-04 15:13
No 527964
User Picture 

i'm no longer a middle age fuck, so i can answer.

there is no great dxm trip to bee had.
(Hive Addict)
08-29-04 03:40
No 528056
      Re: The Hive is a discussion board with ...     

The Hive is a discussion board with several moderated forums covering the whole area of the chemistry of mind-altering compounds - psychoactive substances

Cant people read?? if you want info on use goto blulight, theres plenty of homo internet fucks there, they also have no idea what they are talking about in the majority of cases...


Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...

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