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All 9 posts   Subject: ChemDraw 8 Mac   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Addict)
08-28-04 23:47
No 528020
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      ChemDraw 8 Mac     

I haveChem Draw 8 Mac. and have  been trying to learn how to upload molecule drawings with my posts, but have not been doing well. How do I store my drawings so I can upload and have them open with the post.... I've tried mol, cdx, but only appear as tags, ......? how do I get MDMA ref number for the molecule so I can upload... any

Edit  I was just at FAQ and Rhodiums tricks permanent  post and found Post 305167 (Rhodium: "Hive Molecular Structure Drawing Applet", General Discourse) and Post 305273 (Lilienthal: "advanced features...", General Discourse) which will be read to try to solve my problem.

It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.......
-Emiliano Zapata-
(Hive Addict)
08-29-04 21:10
No 528159
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      you save your chemdraw image to .jpg and ...     

you save your chemdraw image to .jpg and upload it and use the upload-tag

08-30-04 08:49
No 528231
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      You do: Edit :: Paste Special :: SMILES And...     

In ChemDraw you do:

Edit :: Copy As :: SMILES

And paste between the [mol][/mol] tags here at the board. smile
(Hive Addict)
09-10-04 12:18
No 530630
      Those are so much less practical than an ...     

Those are so much less practical than an image, as they take longer to load etc.

09-10-04 19:07
No 530675
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      In the (near?) future the mol markup ...     

In the (near?) future the mol markup structures may indeed be sent to you as gif images, there is a program suite called CACTVS which should be able to do that. So I'd suggest to use the mol markup and to wait for better times smile
(Hive Addict)
09-12-04 18:35
No 531036
      Are you intending to dispose of the old applet     

Are you intending to dispose of the old applet completely? It is good for some things still, like rotating 3d-molecules etc. It's just too heavy for quick glances.

(Hive Addict)
09-27-04 23:29
No 533465
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      REf. ChemDraw 8 Mac....     

After trying the many ways to save the images on the chemdraw program I find it useless to me as it has no jpeg save features  only gif and a bunch of others I'm not familiar with, so I resort to use Adobe photoshop to import my images and save as jpeg , this are easily uploaded and have helped me to improve my postings. I guess I need to spend more time on it  to take advantage of all the features this software has to

It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees...Emiliano Zapata
(Chief Bee)
09-27-04 23:51
No 533472
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      What's wrong with GIF?     

I find it useless to me as it has no jpeg save features  only gif

What's wrong with that? All the structures I post are GIF images made in ChemDraw (with transparent background) - do you think they suck, and if so - why?


The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Addict)
09-28-04 03:02
No 533500
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      Chem Draw .............problems using     

No......not at all, I just have very little experience using the program. Best I can do so far are jpegs, but will try gif , with transperant backgroun, thanks for the

It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees...Emiliano Zapata

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