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All 5 posts   Subject: Teens, drugs and learning the science   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
08-30-04 03:43
No 528205
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      Teens, drugs and learning the science     

Learning the Science of Drugs Helps Teens Master Biology, Chemistry:
(Stoni's sexual toy)
08-30-04 12:02
No 528249
User Picture 
      > Learning the science behind cocaine, drug     

> Learning the science behind cocaine, drug testing, and nerve gas can help
> high school students understand basic biology and chemistry concepts

Drugs, gases of war, rocket engines and explosives is a failsafe way to spark the interest for science in male juveniles. Show them how to make gunpowder at age 12 and they will soon learn all kinds of science shit, like stoichometry and how to convert that into mass ratios and lots of slightly related stuff (ideal gas law for example, oxidation states, physics etc). Introduce them to some simple drug syntheses and they will learn the basics of organic chemistry in no time, IF you make them find most of the information for themselves. Giving them some cookbook won't work, they have to figure most of it out on their own.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Hive Bee)
08-30-04 22:09
No 528318
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      Well this is how i started to love chemistry,...     

Well this is how i started to love chemistry, and this is what still keep me in school: my desire to get a master (which is still very far though) in biochemistry or pharmacology (or something related).

/}/_//\//) /-|/\//¬/=/_
(Hive Bee)
08-30-04 23:55
No 528338
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      Yes very true Osmium - My interest in science...     

Yes very true Osmium - My interest in science grew after playing around with explosives, in roughly this order,
explosives -> drugs -> chemistry -> mathematics & physics. Never found science in my school interesting enough but if they made a few poisons or bombs I'm sure I would have acheived much better results then.

Fuck the creationists - MC Hawking
(Hive Bee)
08-31-04 14:04
No 528496
      Hope it's never too late (to learn)     

Having my first experience of MDxx well into my thirties was the catalyst in seeking a new direction (as far as career is concerned).
I now find that, because I concentrated on accounting and economics at school, the realisation that it doesn't provide the stimulation I get out of chemistry and biology now was positive and negative.  Having no interest in those subjects (including Mathematics) then leaves me in a position of having to learn the fundamentals.  This is essential to fill the void between those basic fundamentals and the more complex (and relevant) aspects of  organic chemistry and biological processes.
But as Unobtanium once said (perhaps not in these exact words), "exploring and researching to find the answers to one thing, invariably leads to discovering so many other things, not expected".
Thus, 'the hive' achieves this purpose in so many ways.  The most significant (for me) being the education of oneself and   what, essentially, you may want in life.

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