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All 20 posts   Subject: I.V and I.M injection technique?   Please login to post   Down

(Hive Bee)
09-01-04 05:21
No 528776
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      I.V and I.M injection technique?     

Hey bees, I have been after trying ketamine for a while now, I hate needles with a passion, but I gather its the best way to use ketamine.

I am not sure though, what needles to use, or the tchnique for I.M injection, I.V I could manage, but I have never done an I.M injection before, could some kind bee perhaps advise as to the way it's done?


Kids, say NO to the DEA!
(Hive Addict)
09-01-04 05:25
No 528778
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      try and google, I'm sure there are different...     

try UTFSE and google, I'm sure there are different versions from different peoples

(Hive Bee)
09-01-04 06:07
No 528790
User Picture 
      if youn are familiar with IV , IM should be no ...     

... no problem; needless to say that you shoud have new needles,syringes and dermak antsiseptics at hand.
In the medicinal use the IM injection sides are:
deltoides (recommend for small amounts (max. 1ml)
fo large volume injection 2-4ml is the gluteus maxmus still the way to go but abit uncofomortable if you have to shoot by yourself. The best option is to inject in the vastus laterlais, 0,7* 30mm shoud be sufficient while you need a least 0,9*40mm for gluteus maximus injects. Even after proper antsiseptic threatment of the target area you shoud be awara that esspecially with homebrown inj. solutions impurities could lead to a abscess, so if you don´t  stick to pharmaceutical IV/IM solutions you shoulf st least do an A/B on year product, make sure that the pH is okay and better microfiltrate the whole shit for a maxmimum of safety.

I´ll try to load up a newbee IM description for general information but if the solution is clean you won´t most likely face unwantend side effects.

If you don´t find this general descpription i will give you a step by step instruction.
Do yo have access to fresh needles and several synringe sizes?

Uprise, uprise time for revolution open your eyes!


(soccer mom)
09-01-04 11:11
No 528833
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      Here we go again...     

Post 520189 (Jubrail: "Shooting up: any advice", General Discourse)

Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.
(Hive Bee)
09-01-04 14:15
No 528850
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      It's not the same Jade, because I know I want...     

It's not the same Jade, because I know I want to try this way, I'm just not too sure of the technique involved.

I have heard some good reports of I.V'ing ketamine, has anybee else tryed using K this way?

Kids, say NO to the DEA!
(Hive Addict)
09-01-04 16:40
No 528880
User Picture 
      Ketamine I.V     

UTFSE for "Ketamine I.V" and what ever else combinations.

you'll find shit like
Post 7646 (Thoth: "Re: Special K only special via I.V.?", General Discourse)
Post 84364 (mnm: "IM'in Ketamine", General Discourse)

Why can't you do this shit yourself? Is it because you are a vampire?

Do you have the K in what form??

If the problem is that you don't know how to use a syringe, then try

(Hive Bee)
09-01-04 20:06
No 528921
User Picture 
      Sorry, your right, I should have UTFSE, to bee     

Sorry, your right, I should have UTFSE, to bee honest, I just plain forgottongue (blonde moment heh)

I haven't actually got the K yet, I just know someone that can get it for me, knowing my friend, some pretty clean shit toolaugh

Kids, say NO to the DEA!
(Hive Addict)
09-01-04 21:05
No 528932
User Picture 
      Sorry, no bonus.     

I don't believe that shit for a second. You forgot to UTFSE even after I reminded you of it? How blonde are you?

(PVC-Analog Taste-Tester)
09-01-04 21:19
No 528935
User Picture 
      Try IM First..     

"I have heard some good reports of I.V'ing ketamine, has anybee else tryed using K this way?"

  I've IVed K-hydrochloride via my neck and arms at doses of about 150mg and it blew my mind. If you're a beginner at poking ketamine or any other PCP analogue, then I highly suggest not starting with IV. Start out with 150mg IM in any meaty part of your arms. That will let you know what you're getting yourself into. Use 1cc insulin syringes - A ten pack of BD brand pokes will only cost you a little over 3 bucks. I'm from the north-east of the states and no pharm techs have ever given me shit for requesting pokes. Peace!cool

Love My Country, Fear My Government
(Hive Bee)
09-01-04 21:30
No 528939
User Picture 
      To bee honest, I am not sure as I could ...     

To bee honest, I am not sure as I could stomach I.M, I might try, but I will probably stick (no pun intended) to I.V as its quicker.

I don't know why, but I am really squeamish about needles, blades I dont mind, but there is just something about needles, I used to go faint when I had to handle gas syringes at school in science and can only just tolerate them I.V now.

Kids, say NO to the DEA!
(Hive Bee)
09-02-04 13:46
No 529133
      Not about stabbing     

...but large doses of ketamine taken orally can be much more intense and a profound expierence than the insufflated effects(I can't compare with IM/V). Something worth giving a try if swiy makes the score. Also great on a head full of acid.

Listen all you motherfuckers, that's the name of the game.
(Hive Bee)
09-02-04 15:45
No 529160
User Picture 


what do you mean with "stomach IM"?
the only safe locations for IM inj. are shoulders,legs and your

Uprise, uprise time for revolution open your eyes!


(Hive Bee)
09-02-04 17:17
No 529171
User Picture 
      I didn't mean injecting in the stomach, more...     

I didn't mean injecting in the stomach, more that I was not sure as my stomach wouldn't turn queasy at the mere sight of a needle about to bee stuck I.M, I have had a phobia of needles since I was a kid, I can just about stand them now,  maybee after a joint or two I might bee able to take it without freaking out.

Non omnis moriar, tenebris й clarior
(Hive Addict)
09-02-04 19:42
No 529188
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      John Lilly's Abdomen     

I'm not saying it was safe but the late Dr. John Lilly, who was a kethead in the extreme sense, used to routinjely report injecting himself in the abdomen with ketamine.

He was an MD in addition to a honkin' load of other high level academic abbreviations but that still does not really mean that doing that is a safe or recomended thing.

Now that I think of it he did whole lot of really stupid things with drugs. Like shoot up with a huge load of medical grade PCP just before going cycling along the Pacific Coast Highway. He got into a massive wreck that nearly killed him.

Without the existence of idiots geniuses would simply vaporize into thin air
(Hive Bee)
09-06-04 19:54
No 529938
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      IM/IV injection     

If you're squeamish about needles, how the fuck is IV going to be easier than IM?
With IV, you have to watch the needle going into the vein, whereas with IM, once you've cleaned the inj site with alcohol, you can put the needle in without looking (I've used ketamine IM'ed into my arse cheeks - buttocks - several times as I don't have to watch the needle going in - I have a bit of a needle phobia - but the thought of IV'ing anything makes my stomach turn - I can't watch anyone else inj IV either - same results on stomach).

Also, IV ketamine is the way to go if you want to use it as an anaesthetic (with a very rapid onset - at least it was for my cats). For a sub anaesthetic "mind expanding" dose, IM seems to be best. It also gives you time to get the needle out and put it away before the drug dissolves reality.

Please be careful

That is right, the Mascara Snake: Fast and bulbous
09-07-04 17:53
No 530133

IV can be pretty fucking rough.  IM is wonderful and easy to do.  Stick needle in side of ass, pull back ever so little, if there is blood remove (this has never happened to swim).  If all is good inject it quickly and remove needle.  Sit down and begin drinking whiskey.

Rainbows & Butterflies Forever :)
(Hive Bee)
09-07-04 18:53
No 530143
User Picture 
      I don't drink, but I imagine on K, its going...     

I don't drink, but I imagine on K, its going to be pretty hard to drink anything, let alone a foul concoction of fermented crap laugh

I just really don't like the idea of sticking a needle into my muscle, especially into my arse LOL

Non omnis moriar, tenebris й clarior
(Hive Addict)
09-07-04 21:46
No 530180
User Picture 

Alcohol and K are a very bad combination as are K and GHB.

caveat emptor
(Hive Bee)
09-07-04 22:57
No 530196
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      As I said, I do not drink at all, or at least,     

As I said, I do not drink at all, or at least, very rarely, I might have a beer very occasionally, maybe once every few months or so, IMHO ethanol is best left as a solvent and chemical reagent if so neededsmile

Not fit for human consumption at all.

Non omnis moriar, tenebris й clarior
(Hive Addict)
09-07-04 23:14
No 530203
User Picture 
      some more unsolicited advice....     

I think you know enough about this drug not to do it out in public. Settle in, get some good thought provoking music and/or combine with a soothing mediation tape/cd. Meditation in background.
  Keep candles to a minimum and well out of reach.
  Your mindset is so important. Be calm and balanced.
  When the rush hits, go with it, don't fight it for control. Only by going with the flow can you learn to control the trip.
   Keep in the back of your mind that it only lasts for a short time and will come to an end. As it can be overwhelming for some if you are not prepared. It's not like LSD or shrooms - if the dose is high enough it can induce a complete separation from reality. You might even believe you are dead. It's just part of the ketamine experience.
  Keep water around as I always get dehydrated with K. If you wear contacts, take them out and wear your glasses if that's possible. My eyes always get dried out.
  of course this is all my own experience - yours may be different.
  Good luck.

caveat emptor

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