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All posts   Subject: Muscimol and Morphine Reverse Tolerance?   Please login to post  

(Hive Bee)
09-01-04 18:23
No 528898
      Muscimol and Morphine Reverse Tolerance?     

While on a little research for more Information on Muscimol SWIM stumbled about that article below, and as he's (at least theoretical by this time) interested in Muscimol and an old Opiat-fan at the same time he considered this as very interesting and thought it might be interesting for some bees too
(Sorry, wasn't possible for him to get the whole article as they want 25$ for it he does not have at the time). The Link is
Inhibition of Muscimol on Morphine-Induced Hyperactivity, Reverse Tolerance and Postsynaptic Dopamine Receptor Supersensitivity
In-Seup Yoon, Hack-Seang Kim, Jin-Tae Hong, Myung-Koo Lee, Ki-Wan Oh

Department of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, South Korea
Pharmacology 2002;65:204-209 (DOI: 10.1159/000064345)


This study was performed to investigate the effect of muscimol on morphine-induced hyperactivity, reverse tolerance and postsynaptic dopamine receptor supersensitivity in mice. A single administration of morphine induced hyperactivity as measured in mice, and the morphine-induced hyperactivity was inhibited dose-dependently by the administration of the GABAA agonist, muscimol (0.3, 0.5 and 1.0 mg kg-1 i.p.). However, daily repeated administration of morphine caused the development of reverse tolerance against morphine hyperactivity (10 mg kg-1 s.c.). The administration of muscimol inhibited the development of reverse tolerance against morphine hyperactivity (10 mg kg-1 s.c.) in mice that had received chronic administration of morphine. Postsynaptic dopamine receptor supersensitivity, as shown by the enhanced ambulatory activity after administration of apomorphine (2 mg kg-1 s.c.), also developed in reverse-tolerant mice. Muscimol also inhibited the development of postsynaptic dopamine receptor supersensitivity induced by the chronic administration of morphine. These results suggest that the hyperactivity, reverse tolerance and postsynaptic dopamine receptor supersensitivity induced by morphine can be inhibited via the activation of GABAA receptors.

Copyright © 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel

edited the titel, was obsessed by the ghost of boris vian while posting first ...

- Beware of the Morphail Effect! -

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